Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1049: A return to the wind (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Chu Han thought that Mingshu would be angry when she came back to see a mess. Who knew she was just calmly asking people to clean up, there was no sign of anger.

Is this temperament a bit good?

At first, he was not so good-tempered.

It was numbness behind him, and he was used to it.

The teenager hugged the pillow, and his dark eyes stared straight at him: "Are you still going?"

What are you doing!

I want to hook up with my old wife! !

Chu Han: "..."

Seeing that Mingshu was cleaning up the kitchen, Chu Han lowered his voice and asked Chu back: "Are you proposing?"

"none of your business."

"Have you quarreled?"

"Where do you see that we are arguing?"

Chu Han looked around.

Everywhere is like...

Chu replied: "Are you angry with her?"

Chu Han couldn't hear the little pride in that tone.

Chu Han: "..."

Not really.

Not to mention being angry, she didn't even frown, even their parents, I'm afraid they couldn't condone him to this point.

But she has always had a good temper, and she smiles when she sees everyone...

Is it possible that she has a good temper?

"If you're settled, let me know, fortunately people are girls, wedding gifts are not indispensable, and weddings must also be held... I will communicate with my parents..."

Chu Hui was silent for a moment, without refuting Chu Han.

Chu Han got up: "Then I will go first."

Chu Hui rarely took the initiative to stand up, as if intending to send him, Chu Han looked at him.

"Look, I just want to go out."

Mingshu stood over the kitchen and looked over at the table. The teenager's expression condensed: "I send my brother out."

Mingshu then kept his head down and continued what he was doing.

Chu Han looked at the two strangely, said hello to Mingshu, and was sent away by Chu.

Chu came back after a few meetings, it was estimated that it was only delivered to the elevator door.


Chu Hui didn't look up: "I can do it, the daughter-in-law is not the best."

Last night when I beat Lao Tzu, you weren't quite capable! !

Thinking of this, Chu Hui felt depressed for a while.

She actually succeeded!

Dear daughter-in-law?

MMP... Hold back, don't swear.

Ming-Shu is a bit illusory, so he hasn't let this topic go.

She came over from the kitchen and reached out to hook Chu back to her neck.

Chu Hui was alert.

"Don't hit you." Ming Shu laughed, squeezed the palm of his hand, and whispered: "Come, let me see, hit so many things, does your hand hurt?"

Chu Hui looked at the inspection that Mingshu pinched his hands tossing and turning, and he was still in a mad mood just now.

Mingshu dropped a kiss in his palm.

The warm and soft touch makes Chu tremble.

The woman raised her eyes and chuckled.

Afterglow of the sunset came in from the window, overlapping the two figures together.

Chu Hui quietly looked at the woman in front of her, focused and serious.

As if she was the only color in this world, blooming only for him.

She is around.

that's nice.


Mingshu got up the next morning and found the ring on his finger.

She looked at the morning light for a moment and saw the engraved letters in the internal test.

Not her abbreviation, but Chu Hui's abbreviation.

Mingshu looked sideways at the teenager who was sleeping soundly, with a smile between her eyebrows. She leaned over and kissed the teenager's eyebrows, and she was a little puzzled to slam his lips.

The young man started to respond in a daze and instinctively entangled her.

Mingshu soon regretted provoking him-she was hungry.

So when he cut the person to half, Mingshu ran away.

Chu Hui sat on the bed with a brutal expression on his face, and looked back at Xiao Chu who was standing upright.


I want to hack her! !

The knife! !

Chu Hui sat in bed stiffly until the restlessness of his body calmed down, and slowly got out of bed to wash. The porridge was prepared on the dining table, just a bowl, not much.

Mingshu also stared at him.

Chu Hui hugged the bowl: "Wife-in-law, I'm going to have no energy if I don't eat enough."

"It's okay, I just have it."

"..." Your uncle! You abused your boyfriend so much! !

Chu Hui's eyes fell on Mingshu's finger. She didn't take it down and said nothing. Is that the default?

Chu returned to the bottom of his heart, but looked at Mingshu, and then quickly bowed his head to drink porridge.

He was really afraid that she would starve to death one day.

Ming Shu disappointed carrying the gold ingot and left.

"Recently, the police received a report that there was a domestic violence in a community, and the police immediately rushed to the address of the incident... It is reported that the man is a well-known online writer..."

The TV shows the police taking the man away.

Despite the code, Mingshu recognized at a glance that it was Yangtze River.

Lin Yuxin was the victim of domestic violence.

Lin Yuxin was so thin that he was sent to an ambulance.

I heard that Lin Yuxin was mentally abnormal. He was later transferred to a mental hospital, and He Qi was also sentenced.

Mingshu turned the ring on his finger until the news was over.

Chu Hui had a contract to talk about, and Mingshu sent him to the place and took a look inside: "What identity are you talking about?"

Silverfish should theoretically be a woman.


Mingshu thumbs up: "Great."

Chu Hui leaned back to kiss her: "Thank you daughter-in-law for compliments, I will work hard. Will you pick me up later?"

"No, you don't know how to go back."

"Wife-in-law, don't worry, I'm walking alone? What happened to someone who bullied me like last time?"

"Then you hit her. I have money, don't be afraid, it's no problem to get you out." Naomanshu packed the ticket.


Chu got angry and got out of the car. Mingshu watched him go in. He smiled and drove away in the car. After looking at the time, he thought about it and thought he should go to the store.

When Weiran returned, she asked someone to take care of it, but she would report as long as she was fine.

After all, she came to open a store, it is convenient for her to eat.

Wei Ran's business is very good, but at this time, the meal has passed and only two tables remain.

"Sister Wei." The store manager said hello: "Want to eat?"

"Well, just do something, hurry."

"Okay." The store manager went in and ordered the kitchen.

Mingshu chose a place to sit down.

The next table is a few girls, probably for dinner, drinking a lot of wine.

The store manager quickly sent the food out, and Mingshu slowly and steadily ate the food.

She got up and left, passing the table by a few girls, and one of the dizzy girls suddenly sounded in her ear and asked, "Why is this shop called Weiranhuifeng?"

The girl next to him said, "I don't know, it's a bit strange... But the author I like is called Wei Ran! Just give it the name, I have to come!"

"The name is nice, and the food is delicious..."

Mingshu glanced at the girl sideways and stepped away.

While waiting for several people to check out, they were told to waive the bills. Several people supported me, and I helped you, and the group crashed.

Why exempt order?

However, he was so drunk that few people didn't get too involved.

They must have met the angel today.



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