Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1090: The leader is on the top (end)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu raised the fire, and the house gradually warmed up.

There was a cold wind blowing outside. If the orcs had built a wooden house before Mingshu, it was estimated that this wind would blow the house away.

Mingshu took the quilt out and knocked on the wooden door next door.

The warmth showed a red face.

Mingshu stuffed the quilt in the past: "Don't freeze to death, you have to make breakfast for me tomorrow."

The kitchen lady must take good care of her.

The warm quilt made warm whole people want to wrap it up.

"Woo, woo, you are so good leader."

Ming Shu poked her head: "Go in."

Mingshu returned to the room, Yun Huang was sitting on the bed with his knees, he was not afraid of cold, still wearing thin clothes, shrunk into a ball, looked a little pitiful.

Mingshu closed the door and climbed into the bed to spread his hands and feet.

Yunhuang hugged Mingshu and took a hug to lie down.

Mingshu couldn't help but tremble, and goose bumps on his arms all rose.

Comfortable in summer, winter...

That's terrible.

Yun Huang seemed to be aware of the difference between Ming and Shu, let go of Ming Shu, and distanced her.

"Is it cold?"

The previous official was very cold when I met him, and no one could bear it.

Mingshu took the man back, and his chest was cold for a while, and he adapted to it for a while before saying: "It's not cold."

Yun Huang looked at her with a flash of fire: "You lie."

Yunhuang struggled to get up.

"Don't move." Ming Shu pinched his waist: "The hug will be warm."

"I can..."

"What can I do?" Mingshu said angrily: "If you turmoil, I will throw you out, and you are not afraid of cold anyway."

Yunhuang: "..."

Yun Huang said weakly: "You will be sick."

Mingshu retorted: "I'm in good health, nothing less curse me."

Yunhuang: "..."

Yun Huang is nowhere near Mingshu, and can only rely on her to minimize physical contact so that she will not be so cold.


Before going to bed at night, Yunhuang will sit in front of the fire. Although he can't dispel the coldness in his body, he can also get a little heat.

"Crazy you."

Yun Huang was awakened by Ming Shu's voice, and he turned around, and Ming Shu came in with the cold wind, and pulled him up.

Yun Huang blinked and looked at her in confusion, as if she didn't know what she had done wrong.

Mingshu pulled his wrist, maybe the fire was too close, his skin was already red, but not serious.

Yun Huang's body is no different from a normal person except that he has no heartbeat and temperature.

"I, I didn't pay attention..." Yun Huang explained a little flustered.

Mingshu wanted to scold him a few words, and once she looked up at Yunhuang's eyes, she could only swallow it back.

She lowered her head and kissed the reddish skin: "I have told you many times, I don't need to roast the fire every day, and it's useless to roast."

His body was not exposed to any temperature at all.

Even if she held her all night, it was cold.

"I'm sorry."

Suddenly Mingshu couldn't go up and down.

Neither is scolding, nor is it.

She tucked the person into the quilt, packed it and climbed into bed.

Yun Huang froze and did not move, and Mingshu lay there for a moment before he dragged him over and hugged him.

Yun Huang's voice was low: "Am I very useless..."

The cold wind outside screamed so hard that he almost drowned his voice.

Mingshu feared that what he said would hit him, and he didn't even say it, and directly pressed his kiss.

Ming Shu looked at the person under him: "Want to be more comfortable?"

Yun Huang looked at Mingshu blankly.

Mingshu's hand stretched out on him.

Yun Huang's eyelashes were trembling. When Mingshu held him, his body was slightly stiff, and his eyelashes were shaking even more, like a pitiful and helpless little pity.

Mingshu followed his chin and kissed the collarbone all the way.

She rarely takes the initiative to do such things.

Almost every time Qi Yu haunts her, but she will still keep her sane enough not to indulge herself too much.

As she said before, she did not like this uncontrollable feeling, it was a fatal weakness.

But sometimes relax...

Not bad.

Yunhuang felt not quite right before, he looked at Mingshu confusedly: "You..."

Before the words were finished, Mingshu blocked his lips, Yun Huang blinked confusedly, and his body suddenly seemed to be warm and warm.


After two demonstrations, Mingshu stopped moving, and Yunhuang was a little uncomfortable.

"Move yourself." Mingshu hugged him, flipped around, the two exchanged positions, she was below, he was above.

Yun Huang held his arm and froze there.

The two glared so big.

The cold wind blew more severely. The heat that had just been tossed was almost gone now, and Mingshu felt a little cold.

"Okay, next time." Mingshu gave up.

Mingshu was about to push him away, Yun Huang suddenly pressed her arm, her dark eyes stared at her, tried to move, and asked seriously: "Is it... is it?"


Yun Huang nodded his head, "I know."

"You know... Um..."

Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief: "Baby, let's not be so hard, let me adapt."

Yun Huang suddenly panicked: "I... am I doing something wrong?"


You have to finish kneeling with your head raised.


This evening's experience was not specific, and it was terrible. It was a friendly exchange of teaching from person to person.

More exhausting than normal processes.

On the other hand, Yunhuang, who does not need to sleep and does not need rest, is blushing and full of energy...

"Chief, you are not in a good spirit." When I warmed up in the morning, I saw Mingshu lying on the kitchen table: "Sick?"

"Make breakfast, so nonsense."


Warm Fart's Fart's start is busy, wait until it's about the same, first give Ming Shu some steamed'sweet potatoes'.

"Did you sleep last night?" Warm still couldn't help caring about the body of his'Gold Master'.

"You try to take classes one night."

"Class? What class?" The warmth was covered with mist.

"Research on the Origin of Life."


Is this course required here?

Warmth didn't react until he saw Yunhuang in a trance.

So the leader gave her love this morning?

Winter animals... No, the orcs have little activity, everyone shrinks into their own tribe.

Until winter passes and spring enters, it is mating... not a good season for love.

The orcs of the Peacock tribe are in a concentrated period of estrus. During that time, Ming Shu was desperately sad in order to find them.

Why are female orcs so hard to find! Why is Luo Yan not a sister paper! He caught him back when she was a sister.

Luo Yan, who is still wandering outside the valley: "..." It's not all spring, why is it so cold?

Mingshu is also an orc, and he must abide by the laws of nature. He wants to kiss Yunhuang every day.

She was even more worried.

How come there are so many people who want to separate me from snacks! !

Life is hard.

One day, the Harmony suddenly popped out.

[Host, do I need to redeem my life? 】

Is this the end of her life?

Mingshu almost forgot, the system store also has this function.

"How many?"

[10,000 halo a month. 】

Pearl Ha ha: "Why don't you go grab it?"

[In progress. 】

Mingshu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Your courage is getting bigger and bigger."

[All are credit to the host. ] Harmony is very humble.

Mingshu: "..."

Harmony is getting more and more popular.

10,000 halo a month, where do I have so many halo...

Mingshu thought for a moment: "No."

This restaurant is not delicious at all. I am going to the next one.

【Ok. 】


Mingshu stayed with Yunhuang in the last few days.

Mingshu was burnt to death, although she left when the fire burned...

Harmony made her die perfunctoryly not once or twice.

Name: Ming Shu

Hatred value: 1160000

Aura value: 60000

Branch task: complete

Hidden task: complete

Mingshu looked at the reduced aura value silently.

It's not as good as what you earn.

I believe she will soon become a negative asset.

"Can you turn me into a boy?"

[Host what are you thinking? 】

"I plan to grab the rice bowl of the male host and let the female host love me until I die." I believe I can!

[Look at the goblin fight? ] The host needs to be calm.


The 31st plane is over.

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