Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1091: Rose Ban Song (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#血族头条: Fu Yu sees righteousness if he doesn't agree

"Take a picture of your clothes."

"it's not good……"

"What are you afraid of, we have photos of her, are you still afraid of her speaking out?"

The girl's wicked voice floated into Mingshu's ears, her body tilted a bit, and the sense of weightlessness struck, she fell directly into a group of colorful flowers.

The thorn stuck in her, it was called a pain.

What's wrong with this body, it's okay to run to the tree and stay.

"what sound?"

"Something seems to have fallen..."

"Go and see."

Mingshu heard the sounds just now coming towards this side, and she squeezed her throat to learn how to meow.

Just kidding, she doesn't know anything now, she doesn't know what to eat, just how hard it is on the front.

This is not for her. If you can do it, don’t do it.

Saving is a virtue.

"It's a cat, startled me, and I said how could someone come here. Okay, don't delay the time, hurry up and take a picture, here is spooky, weird..."

The girls over there relaxed and turned back.

Through the gap between branches and branches, Mingshu saw a girl over there on the ground, covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming, and a girl holding a mobile phone without knowing whether it was recording or taking pictures.

The girl's face was desperate and her clothes were stripped off, revealing a fair body.

It wasn't until the last girl that there was nothing left in the group that the girls smiled and put away their phones.

They were condescending to watch the girl who tried to cover her body, threatening: "Dare to go out and talk nonsense, but I don't know how many people will see this thing."

"Knowing that you are afraid, get out of Shengning quickly. I feel disgusting when you have a classmate like you."

"That's it, it's disgusting to see her every day."

"Go away."


A girl picked up the clothes on the floor and threw them hard towards the back.

Ming Shu looked at the past, startled, and behind it was a graveyard.

But the weird thing is that the graveyard is full of flowers, and the tombstones are surrounded by flower branches, and the green shade is heavy, which is really a bit eerie.

This flower...

It should be a rose flower.

The laughter of the girls went away, and the bullied girl cried in a low voice like a kitten.

Mingshu didn't go out, she took out the little beast and accepted the plot first.


The false heroine is called Reza, a descendant of the blood prince. Because she likes the male owner, she has been chasing behind the male owner and tried all means to drive away the opposite **** around the male owner.

Although the man doesn’t like her, he doesn’t like others either.

Reisha thought that the male host would not like anyone, so she drove the opposite **** around him dutifully.

Even if she couldn't get him, others wouldn't want to.

But when the male encounters Cinderella, he starts a love story of three thousand feet.

Reisha found out that the former man's inhumanity and who he didn't want to be with were all excuses.

He just doesn't like himself.

Out of jealousy, Reza tried every means to frame the mistress and destroy their feelings, but in the end, they only contributed to their firm feelings. Finally, the pseudo-hostess madly killed the hostess and was stopped by the male host who dared to come.

The pseudo-hostess committed suicide attack, and finally the hostess and hostess were all right, she hung up.

Then the false heroine was reborn.

Reborn to the time when the hostess was very young.

The false hostess knew why the hostess liked the hostess, because the hostess had saved the hostess when she was a child. The hostess only remembered the name of the hostess. When he went to find him again, the hostess had already moved away.

So the false hostess tried to tamper with the memory of the hostess's parents and exchanged her and hostess' identities.

She wanted to kill the mistress, who knew there was something strange in the mistress, which made her unsuccessful.

So the false hostess lost her memory and threw it in a shantytown.

Afterwards, the pseudo-hostess bears the name of the hostess. She strictly meets the historical trajectory, meets and meets the male host, and eventually stays with the male host.

The original name is Fu Yu.

Her reputation is not very good, but her status in the blood family is not low. There is no reason, because she is crazy, and she is free to do things, please help you when you are happy, and step on you when you are unhappy.

No one will be given a mad face, so if not necessary, no one would provoke her.

I met the false hostess when the false hostess and the male host were just together.

The original owner recognized the false hostess and called her. The false hostess had just been with the male host. At this time, if the male host knew that she was actually a blood race, everything would be in vain.

Later, the original owner might have seen that the false hostess wanted to cover up, and called her a few times.

The male host was a bit puzzled at the time, and the pseudo female host was perfunctory.

Later, the original owner discovered that the chance was a coincidence. She still went to the same school to study. The pseudo-hostess worried about what happened to the mistress. The pseudo-hostess instructed people to bully the mistress and tried to get her out of school.

The original owner once helped the hostess.

Afterwards, there were several minor conflicts. The original owner didn't care about it. She didn't bother to deal with these broken things, but she felt awkward and mischievous about the mistress. It was fun to watch her panic.

But there were ghosts in the false heroine's heart, and when she came down several times, she realized that the original owner was deliberately targeting her, and she had the idea to get rid of her.

But she also knew that Fu Yu was not easy to deal with.

Unless the prince of the blood family personally shot...

So the false heroine found her father and made up a plot where she was bullied by the original owner.

The original owner was inexplicably hunted down, and it happened that a prince died at this time, somehow this crime was also pushed onto the original owner.

The original owner was killed by several parties, and by chance, it was learned that all this was being manipulated by the false heroine in the back, and the original owner blackened on the road of villain BOSS.

Finally died in the siege of several princes.

[Fu Yu's wish is to find out why he was chased. 】

Uh huh?

Isn’t it just being chased by the pseudo heroine?

Doesn't the original owner know why his hypocrisy wanted to kill himself?

Harmony did not answer Mingshu.

Mingshu rolled his eyes.

At this point in time, it was the pseudo-hostess who discovered that the hostess was also in the school and was looking for someone to bully the hostess and drive her out of school.

And the original owner...

Also had a rival play with the pseudo heroine.

Not at the point of enmity...

It seems that I have to work hard.

When Mingshu looked outside, the girl had not cried. At this time, she was looking around. The surroundings were very quiet, and she seemed to have no insects.

The girl bit her pale lips and covered her body to get up and walked into the graveyard.

Her clothes were thrown in, and she didn't want to leave here without taking them back.

Seeing that it was getting dark, she had to go in even if she was afraid.

She heard that this is the ten most terrifying place in school...

The group of people who bullied her were also very scared, but they chose this place just to scare her.

The rose flower has thorns, and as soon as the girl enters, small blood marks are drawn on her body.

Blood races are naturally sensitive to blood.

Mingshu swallowed.

Oh my!

I want to knock her down in the past.

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