Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1102: Rose Ban Song (12)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Your?" Maybe it was because Su Mian was different for her. Su Mian's blood also felt very delicious.

Su Mian nodded: "You need blood, I can give you."

It’s just a little blood!

Eat back and make up.

"You just want to be a blood family? What's so good?" She didn't think the blood family was any better, and she didn't have to change her taste.

Su Mian's eyes darkened: "I tell you, will you promise me?"

Ming Shu grinned: "Look at the mood."

Su Mian: "..."

Ming Shu made it clear that he didn't want to promise him, and Su Mian wouldn't ask for a boring reason.

The next two did not communicate and left the ruined factory one after the other.

Standing on the bumpy road outside, Su Mian suddenly asked: "Aren't you worried about who is going to kill you?"

She did not show any doubt or worry from the beginning to the end of the blood race that attacked her.

I don't care at all...

"If there are too many enemies, you don't have to worry about it, because..." Mingshu pulled his hood and deliberately dragged a long voice: "Everyone wants to kill you."


How many people did she offend?


The sunshine was too strong, and Mingshu stopped going to class, and found a cafe to sit.

Su Mian followed him all the way, fulfilling what he laid down.

He didn't speak, sitting arrogantly across from the game.

Su Mian...

It looks a little arrogant, full of sharpness, and belongs to the kind of person who stands in the crowd and can see it at a glance.

But after observation, he has a good temper and does not often get angry, but he does not like to treat people, or...too lazy to treat people.

In the second stage of secondary disease-Er et al. are not worthy of talking to me.

The two played with each other until the sun went down, and Tongye drove a Saobao car to pick her up.

"Huh." Tong Ye looked at Su Mian and asked Ming Shu curiously: "How are you with him?"

Su Mian was not an unknown person at school.

However, he is a senior three student, except for classes, he rarely sees him, does not participate in club activities, nor participate in any group activities.

Compared with Chu Yue who is full of school legends, Su Mian is more low-key.

"He recommended a pillow."

"Huh?" Tong Ye Youmo misunderstood this sentence: "It's good, hahaha that can be a hot bed, and some people recommend you pillows for yourself. It's very bold."

Fu Yu's appearance didn't have to say that there weren't a few of them in the school, even if it was put in the entertainment circle that brings together the country's top value, it is also very good.

But in view of her behavior, there is no one who dares to chase her.

Ming Shu corrected: "He wants to become a blood race."

Tong Ye's laughter came to an abrupt end, and weirdly took Yu Guang to watch Su Mian.

A small number of humans will discover the secret of the blood clan. Su Mian knows the blood clan, and Tongye is not surprised.

Su Mian also looked at him in the same way, but he didn't expect that he would be a blood race.

Tong Yesi didn't hide his surprise: "Is he crazy?"

"Maybe." Ming Shu nodded. "Shall we send him to see his brain?"

"Student Fu Yu, I'm still there." Is it really possible to discuss this in front of him?

Tongye's eyeballs turned around twice, and suddenly he urged with a smile: "Aren't you not going to find a partner, it is better to adopt him as a descendant."

Ming Shu glanced at Su Mian, twitching the corner of his mouth: "This big son can't stand it."

"..." Can you two respect someone! Who wants to be your son! !

Su Mian's anger is constantly backlogging.

"Will he follow me?" Tong Yela drove the door to let Mingshu get in the car. When Su Mian came out, he couldn't help asking.

Mingshu was lying on the window, looking at Su Mian: "You are not suitable to participate in the next event, please go back and write your homework."

Bear children are so skinny, it must be too little homework.

Su Mian's tone was firm: "I want to follow you anyway."

Tongye looked at Mingshu.

Ming Shu silenced for a few seconds: "Just let him."

"Not very good..." Tongye hesitated.

"It's okay." Mingshu said casually: "The person I brought, nobody dared to move."

Su Mian stood a little farther and only heard a few vague words.

He feels a little strange now...

But he couldn't describe the feeling.

If he was originally for blood, then now, he feels that he just wants to stay with her for a while.

Won't he really have a problem?

Tong Ye thought that Ming Shu made sense, so Su Mian got in the car.

Su Mian sat in the back, watching Tong Ye and Ming Shu communicating, and his heart rose uncomfortably.

What's wrong with him?

Su Mian pinched himself and shook off the strange thoughts in his mind.

Tongye's car was parked outside the angel song. At this time when the lantern was at the beginning, the angel song seemed like a beauty waking up from a deep sleep.

Su Mian had come to an angel song, but he never knew there was no other sky under the angel song.

"Master Tongye, Master Fuyu, this..." The waiter looked at Su Mian without saying a word.

The following humans are almost forbidden to set foot, of course, some special humans-such as humans in captivity of a big brother, can also go on.

"The person I brought." Tong Ye said: "It's fine."

The waiter nodded: "Then please ask Mr. Tongye to be optimistic about this gentleman. What happened, we are not responsible."

Confirmed, the waiter opened the door in front of him.

The picture of the group of demons dancing in front of Su Mian was opened, almost at the same time when the door was pushed open, many blood races smelled the stranger's breath and watched with excitement.

Su Mian's wrist was cold, and he looked at the person beside him, who with a careless smile stepped into the place he wanted to enter.

Just now he saw that he was still excited, when Mingshu pulled him, he looked away from him and stopped paying attention to him.

There is a master.

Still Fuyu, they are not crazy.

Su Mian lowered her eyes, followed by the flashing lights, and saw her fingers, slender and white, much whiter than normal.

Coldly touching his skin, Su Mian felt the slight tremor of the skin, spreading to his arms and even his whole body.

There was still an obscure look around him. The kind of gaze that made him very uncomfortable was the gaze of looking at his prey.

Fortunately, they quickly entered a deck, and those eyes were blocked by the deck.

Su Mian was pushed inside by Ming Shu, and Tong Ye and her blocked both sides, and no one could come.

Mingshu left after sitting for a while, Tongye sat in the position, holding his chin to watch the crowd.

"Senior Senior Su."

Tong Ye suddenly made a noise.

Su Mian looked at Tongye. This person looked similar to an ordinary boy, but he and her were of the same blood.

He didn't expect that he had been looking for the blood clan for so long, and he was already by his side, and there were more than one.

Tong Ye smiled: "No matter what your purpose is when you approach Fu Yu, I advise you to stop as soon as possible. She is not something you can provoke."

"I just want to be a blood family."

"Really." Tong Ye blinked: "I can help you."

This is what he seeks.

Reason told him that he should agree.

But in fact--

"No need."

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