Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1103: Rose Ban Song (13)

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The atmosphere of the two is a little weird, but no one spoke.

Until the noise came from a distance, Tong Ye seemed to see something, and got up and left.

Su Mian was sitting alone in the deck. There was a lot of noise there, but many blood races surrounded him, and he could not see what was happening.

"What is your relationship with Fu Yu?"

A man suddenly appeared next to him, staring at him with bad intentions.

Su Mian did not say anything, try to treat this blood group with the usual attitude.

Seeing this, the blood race is bolder, and the tone is even weirder: "There is no mark of Fu Yu on your body, she brought it in with you?"



The blood race was suddenly dragged away, and Tongye appeared behind: "What about death?"

The blood tribe's head shrank, begging for mercy: "Adult, I just say hello to this gentleman, I don't mean anything else."

Tongye pressed his head: "Let me be more careful next time."

"Dare not dare..."

Tong Ye kicked him and looked at Su Mian: "Come with me."

Su Mian got up calmly and followed Tong Ye through the crowd.

They arrived at the hustle and bustle center, where there was a table where Ming Shu was sitting on one side, and the other four were sitting.

Tong Ye hands Su Mian to Mingshu, who inexplicably sits next to Mingshu.

A man opposite stared at Su Mianxiao: "Fu Yu, is this man a bet? Is it such a big game?"


Su Mian is bad for the whole person.

Is she crazy? !

"You think too much, he is not a bet." Ming Shu said.

The man looked disappointedly at the frowning Su Mian, regretting: "That's a pity, what is your bet?"

Mingshu is very heroic: "A fatal one."

Both the man and the other two blood races are stunned. This bet is bigger than that of the human.

"What are you doing?" Su Mian asked her in a low voice, her tone a little urgent.

Why are you gambling for good?

"Make snacks." Ming Shu first answered Su Mian, then looked at the man opposite: "You lost, one person provided me with milk for a month."

Milk = blood

Is it easy for me to eat? !

This is obviously an unequal bet, but the three blood tribes stared at each other and said in unison: "Okay!"

"Since several adults have no objections, please sign your name and the gambling contract will take effect."

Su Mian realized that there was a waiter standing next to him, and he had to sign a contract. So formal?

The blood race seemed to be a little different from what he thought...

This is the service provided by Angel Song. If necessary, the Blood Race can find Angel Song as a third-party witness. After the winning or losing is determined, if the lost Blood Race is not executed, the Angel Song will be enforced.

Su Mian thought they were the same as ordinary people's gambling, but when he followed Mingshu to another underground stadium, he realized that this was not normal gambling at all.

This stepping horse is a fight.

Three to one.

Su Mian watched Mingshu go up, he wanted to say something, but his throat was dry, he couldn't say a word.

"This is the world of blood races." Tong Ye didn't know when to stand next to him, ringing his chest: "Bloody, violence, life is not valuable. Of course, Fu Yu's life is very valuable."

Su Mian was suddenly annoyed: "Aren't you worried?"

Tong Ye is confident: "Fu Yu is very powerful, these three blood races are not her opponents."

The fire in Su Mian's heart was even heavier: "What if!"

What if there is any accident?

Tong Ye suddenly approached him: "Do you like Fu Yu?"

Affirmative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

Su Mian froze for a moment, and then denied: "What nonsense, how could I like her."

Heartbeat is very fast.

He denied the inexplicable guilty...


what happened!

Tongye was curious: "What are you doing so nervous?"

"Who's nervous!"

What was he nervous about, what was so nervous, she was dead, it wasn’t that there were other bloodlines...

Thinking of this, Su Mian felt bored for a while, she would not die.

Su Mian and Tong Ye had spoken for a while, and Mingshu had solved the three blood races above.

Because the end was too fast, the audience did not respond.


Mingshu's steps came down.

A boy turned over and jumped on the stage, and sent out an indifferent invitation: "Fu Yu, I'll fight you."

"Ah, it's Ludwig!!"

"The youngest prince, ah, I saw Ludwig!"

"Quickly send a circle of friends!!"

"Picture and photo!!!"

The audience who had just been awkward just saw Chu Yue the first time, and began to scream. The scene was comparable to the scene of the big star fan meeting.

"That's Chu Yue?" Although what he saw at school was different, Su Mian felt that he should be right: "He is also a blood race?"


"..." No, he has to be slow.

Why in a short period of time, suddenly felt that the whole world is blood.

Are bloodlines so worthless?

Isn't the blood family all hidden?

Why are they all popping up! !

Su Mian didn't find his voice until a while later: "Your blood can still send a circle of friends?"

Tongye supported his chin: "Humanity is making progress, of course we cannot be left behind."

"Will not be seen by others?"

"The pirated copies they use can only be seen by the blood."



Mingshu looked at Chu Yue and asked with great interest: "Are you here to get Guansha back?"

Chu Yue said: "I just want to ask you something."

In view of this woman is not easy to deal with, he chose to use this method.

Mingshu thought for a moment, the male host has begun to doubt Guan Sha? At this time, the relationship between Guan Sha and the male host is not particularly strong, and suspicion is not impossible.

It’s good that the male host does not fight against himself, after all, it is completely different to deal with the aura and the aura.


Everything is based on the principle that Guan Sha is not open!

"Then don't have to be so troublesome, provide me with food, everything is easy to say."

Resolutely do not fight things that can be solved with rations.

Chu Yue: "..."

The following audience thought they would fight, but the two said a few words and went on at the same time.

Audience: "..." All the pants are off, just show us this?

Chu Yue asked the waiter to open a private room, Mingshu and he went first, and Tongye then brought Su Mian in.

Seeing Su Mian, Chu Yue's eyes narrowed, but Su Mian didn't even look at him. He walked straight to Mingshu and sat next to her, holding her hand.

It seems to be showing their status.

Tongye Chong Mingshu squeezed his eyebrows.

Mingshu pumped twice, but didn't pull it out. Su Mian grasped tightly, and he smiled arrogantly.

"Why is he here?" Chu Yue said a little badly.

This is a person!

Mingshu gave up struggling: "Is this the point?"

Chu Yue was choked, stared at Su Mian for a few seconds, and waved the waiter next to him out.

"You said Guansha was Reisha Durant, what evidence do you have?"

Ming Shu smiled: "I just told you the news. Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me, so I don't need to provide you with evidence."

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