Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1114: Rose Ban Song (24)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The people of the Salvation Society did appear in Jinbuhuan, but that was all over a year ago.

The blood clan accidentally clashed with the blood clan who did not change gold. When he fought, the tattoo was revealed.

But since then, no one has ever seen the blood of the Salvation Society.

Mingshu asked him: "What did that blood tribe do?"

Jason pondered for a moment: "I heard that I was here to inquire about the holy weapon."

The specific situation has not been inquired. The blood race of Jin Buchang comes and goes, and no one knows who it is.

What's more, this matter has been in the past year, and even Jason couldn't find out.

Tong Ye and the blood clan standing next to him paid, and Jason didn't stop it. This is what he deserved.

Not changing from Kim, Tongye twitter asked how she knew Jason.

"I met before." Mingshu responded casually.

"I do not know how?"

"You don't know much."

Tongye: "..."

Tongye decided not to worry about her: "Fortunately, today is not without any gains, at least know the existence of the Salvation Society, find the saint...It should be them, what do they want to do?"

Tongye thought while touching his chin.

Salvation... He had never heard of it before.

To listen to Jason, only a very small part of the blood family knows their existence.

"Two adults."

Tongye turned back, and a blood clan in a black robe hurried over.

The blood clan bent slightly: "This is your thing, forget to take it away."

It was the tattoo that I copied earlier.

Mingshu took over, this thing was copied, there are still a lot of Tongye, you need to send it back deliberately...

Ming Shu narrowed his eyes slightly and put away the paper.

Tongye didn't notice Mingshu's anomaly, but Su Mian saw it.

On the paper that was originally only painted, the words were written-be careful.

Is it to remind her to be careful?

What are you careful about?

"Look separately, maybe there are clues." Tong Ye said: "There are a lot of blood groups gathered here, and I will always find out a little. I don't believe it. What a salvation society is really so clean."

Tongye thinks that everything has come, and he can't come here in vain.

Mingshu does not matter.

Tongye went to the other side, Mingshu took Su Mian casually.

On the road, the courageous blood clan wanted to move Su Mian's foot, and was beaten on the spot by Mingshu, crying and crying, and the blood clan around her didn't dare to step forward when she saw that she was not good.

Jin Buxuan covers a large area, and there is no repetition of Ming and Shu chaos.

"What are those people doing?" Su Mian suddenly dragged Ming Shu and pointed to the passage next to it.

Many blood races go in one direction.

Mingshu glanced over there: "I don't know." Mingshu is not interested in what these blood races do.

At that time, it might as well go back to pampering snacks.

"There are good goods today, they are all bidding."

The voice came from Su Mian. The man was wearing a black robe, and Dang Erlang stood at the edge. His hood was slightly pulled away, and he could see the unshaven chin.

Mingshu glanced at him, without answering, and pulled Su Mian away.

Take the initiative to talk, either to make money or to make money.

The person who talked suddenly picked up the black piano case next to him and chased up: "You don't want to see it? This kind of living person bids only once a month."

Su Mian heard the living people bid for four words.

Bidding for humans?

"Not interested." Mingshu took Su Mian and walked in the other direction.

It’s strange that Kim doesn’t change places like this.

The man followed them until there were no bloodlines nearby, and suddenly stepped forward, lowering his voice: "Are you looking for the Salvation Society?"

Mingshu was looking at the blood clan in front of him. There was a small purple stick in his mouth. There was a slightly pungent smell when he approached.

Mingshu suspiciously: "How do you know?"

The man nodded his ear: "I heard it accidentally."

Mingshu's eyes fell on his black piano case, and after a moment he pointed his mouth: "What do you want?"

The man said: "Let's make a deal. I will tell you some basic information about the Salvation Society. You will take me to the auction."

"Are you a human being, what do you do at the auction site, do destruction, or save people?"

The strange smell on him covered up the human breath, it was okay to hide some fools, and it was okay to hide her.

The man froze for a moment and returned to nature: "This is just a transaction. You know what you want to know. I get what I want."


The auction site is in the middle of Jinbuchang, and you need to verify your identity when you enter here.

The auction venue is very different from the outside. The environment here is comfortable, even the air is very fresh.

The blood races that come here are not only the blood races that don't change gold, but many other blood races will also come to participate.

After all here...

You can buy humans.

A human being who can live as a food as long as he keeps it well.

When verifying their identities, they will be taken to a separate hut.

The man was obviously a little nervous, but he easily got the license plate when he saw Mingshu, and he was slightly relieved.

Mingshu followed the number plate and found a seat.

There is no difference in the level of the auction venues here. In the order they come in, you can get as many numbers as you like.

Maybe a big guy is sitting next to you.

Mingshu they have sat in the middle position, and most of them are empty.

Mingshu hugged Su Mian and brought him closer to him, avoiding contact with the blood races beside him.

Su Mian is also not accustomed to the sight glances around him, the feeling of oppression is extremely uncomfortable, like a commodity that is looked at by others.

Mingshu's eyes lightly swept around, this feeling disappeared.

Come in, the man does not squeeze the content of the fulfillment transaction: "You want to know what the salvation will be?"

Mingshu looked at the stage covered by the black cloth in front: "Where can I find them."

"The Salvation Society does not have a fixed point of contact. If you want to find them, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome," the man said.

"Then how do they usually contact? Do you depend on your mind?"

"The Salvation Society system is perfect, and each member has rules on who to contact."

In a matter of seconds, "MLM."

"...You can also understand it like this. The offline can only contact the online, and the online can't be contacted at all. This is also to prevent the salvation from being discovered and accidents."

Mingshu turned his head to look at him: "You know quite well about salvation, then you definitely have a way?"

The man was silent for a moment: "Yes, yes, but this is beyond the basic information of the Salvation Society, you ask something else."

"I just want to know this."

In fact, she didn't want to know much. Anyway, if she had to do something, she would always hit the door, so why bother to find it.

The main reason is that Tongye is working hard to check.

The tone of the man suddenly sharpened: "What do you want them to do?"

Ming Shu: "What does this have to do with you?"

"The bloodlines of the Salvation Society are all lunatics." The man said: "Do you want to join them?"

Jason said that the blood of the Salvation Society is a lunatic, and this person also said that the Salvation Society is a lunatic...



Seeking monthly tickets 嘤嘤嘤!

Seven thousand is ahead! Break through seven thousand!

Victory belongs to you!

Come on!

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