Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1115: Rose Ban Song (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

-Most of them are lunatics.

"Why should I join them?"

"Then you have hatred against them?"

"No, but they want to kill me, so I want to reason with them." Ming Shu paused: "Now it is a society ruled by law, and MLM will be arrested."

"..." The blood race also knows to obey the law and observe the law?

The man seemed to be thinking, until the auction venue was full, the lights on both sides went out, and the stage lights turned on, he lowered his voice: "I can only tell you a contact point, but if I can find them, I can only watch your luck. There is a well in Lane 190. Go down from the well."

Lane Lane...

It is alley lane again.

How many blood races are there!

"Welcome everyone to come here, today I will preside over for you."

The black cloth on the stage slowly pulled away, and a woman in exposed clothes came out with the spotlight.

The host is a blood family, she has no characteristics of converging blood family.

After the simple opening remarks, the woman directly cut into the topic: "Everyone knows the rules, and I will not talk too much."

The woman lifted a handful of hair in front of her, and threw an eyebrow at the audience in various styles: "Then we will start today's auction."

The woman clapped her hands and the stage went dark with a snap.

The first cage rose from under the stage.

Su Mian was slightly surprised: "Blood?"

Don’t you mean bidding for humans? Why bid for blood races?

"Blood races who made mistakes or were caught with hatred will also be sent here." Ming Shu explained to Su Mian: "So, don't think about the blood race again."

Mingshu did not forget to scare Su Mian at all times: "There are also blood races that do this, and grab the blood-looking races everywhere. You are the first choice. If you put it here, you can definitely sell a high price."

"You will let someone sell me?"

Ming Shu seemed to think of something: "We can actually play fairy jumps... It seems that earning rations very quickly."

Su Mian: "..."

Man watching: "..."

The boy is obviously a human being. He has no relationship with this blood family like the other blood and human beings.

This boy... was protected by her all the way, and the communication was very normal, with no strange words.

The man's attention was quickly attracted to the stage, but the strange conversation occasionally coming next to him forced him to look sideways.

He has seen a lot of blood and humans, but he has never seen such a relationship.

The blood family's indulgence and indulgence towards the boy, even he can see it.

Mingshu saw yawning, leaned on Su Mian, and found a box of milk to drink.

Almost when she started drinking, there were a lot of eyes around.

At this time, someone is eating... sick! !

The auction is fast, there are blood races in front, there are men and women, as Ming Shu said, they are all very beautiful blood races.

He was kept in a cage, and his limbs were tied with iron chains, which were like goods for the selection of the blood below.

Some blood races will scold in anger, but some shrink silently in the corner.

Behind the blood race are humans.

Compared to blood races, humans are treated slightly better, but only in cages, probably because humans are too weak.

A cage is an obstacle they cannot cross.

After the human race is placed in the blood race, it proves that the human value is higher than the blood race.

The blood race in the auditorium also proved this very vividly.

Su Mian glanced at the blood race around him, frowning slightly.

The human on the stage is a boy, not very young, just like a teenager. He looks white and clean, but he only wears a big T-shirt and shrinks humiliatingly in the corner of the cage.

Su Mian squeezed Ming Shu's hand hard.

"Angry?" Mingshu noticed Su Mian's changes: "Also, after all, it is your kind, and we want to buy and sell your kind."

Su Mian didn't say anything, just bowed her head and dropped a kiss on Mingshu's forehead. It seemed to tell her that he was not angry.

Mingshu did not speak, watching the crazy bidding of the blood race.

The blood race buys it back for food, and naturally does not care about gender.

The more beautiful the humans are, the higher the price. The man looked at him restlessly, and his faint anger was suppressed by him.

These bloodlines...


"Okay, then next is today's highlight." The host deliberately dragged a long tone: "Today we have prepared a surprise for everyone."

The blood below roared: "What a surprise?"

"Hurry up and take a look."

"Stop ink..."

"Every time it is said to be a surprise, the result is not the same. Don't lie to us this time."

The host signaled everyone to be quiet: "This surprise will definitely make everyone satisfied."

The host clapped his hands and the lights on the stage went out at the same time.

The blood races also calmed down, waiting for the so-called surprise.

After a few seconds, two beams of light fell and hit two cages covered with black cloth.


"Why is it still covered, let's uncover it."

The host smiled and extended his index finger and shook: "Don't worry, everyone, this time I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Let's look at something else..."

Someone took the stage and handed the host a test tube.

The test tube is obviously filled with blood.

The host opened the test tube and walked around the stage with the test tube.

The blood tribe under the stage was unknown at first, but when they smelled the sweet smell from the test tube, they began to boil again.

"My goodness, it's so sweet."

"I've never smelled such a good smell, if I could have a sip..."

Mingshu sat down slightly.

"Dare to be so bold."

Su Mian looked at Mingshu, and Mingshu bit the straw, and seemed to finish the last drink in one breath.

The host confirmed that these people already knew the final value and walked over to reveal the shady scene.

Suddenly, the girl in the cage reached out to block the light.

The deafening, crazy voice made the girl's face turn white, her hands clasped her chest, and she shivered shivering in the corner.

It seems that in order to stimulate the blood, the big screen behind gave a close-up to the girl.

"It's her..." Su Mian remembers, the girl named Liu Wanyue.

No wonder she is so brave.

"Why does she have the blood of a blood family?"

"This is the master..."

The discussion of the blood race naturally spread to the host.

"You don't have to worry, she doesn't have a master. You can tell that there is more than one breath in her."

Mingshu stared at Liu Wanyue. Her breath was mixed, not only her, but also of other blood races.

The imprint of the blood family is like a trademark, proving that this is yours and has no other function.

The blood clan that knows something interesting will not be confused if it is recognized.

High-level blood tribes can overwrite the marks left by low-level blood tribes.

Such a mess, it should be that the other party wants to wash off the mark on her body, but it is unsuccessful, and can only be covered by this method.

How did Chu Yue protect the snacks! !

The hero is really unreliable!

"Such a delicious human being should be remembered?"

The host blew in a chaos above him to dispel the worries of the blood race.

The blood tribes looked at each other for a while, and the sweet smell calmed their concerns.

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