Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1127: Rose Ban Song (37)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The man rushed out of the base under the cover of the blood.

"Don't you want a holy weapon? What do you run so fast?"

A clear voice suddenly sounded from behind, before the man had time to relax, he turned back suddenly, and the blood race behind was disappearing quickly.

The woman walked out of the passage with a light smile on her face, and her leisurely expression was extremely contrary to the situation at this time.

The man acted decisively and took Tongye from the hands of the neighbors as a weight.

"Fu Yu, stand still!"

Ming Shu stepped in, and glanced at the dizzy Tong Ye, then smiled slowly: "Why, want to threaten me with him?"

The man didn't answer Mingshu's words, but instead said: "I'm surprised that you can find here."

"Oh, that's nothing." Ming Shu reminded intimately, and took two more steps forward: "You will be more surprised later."

The man frowned slightly: "If you don't want him to die, just stand still."

Mingshu thought for a while, then stopped, took out a box of rations from his pocket, and inserted a straw.

the man:"……"

Stop you, don't let you eat! !

You step on horses and eat with energy, how big is your heart! !

"How did you find this place?" He recognized this place, which ordinary people could not find.

Ming Shu's deep and deep face: "It's artificial... the holy weapon is easy to use"

Man: "..." It's a ghost!

Sacred...Is there no trace of news?

He didn't expect that the tracking would be in their hands. This was a mistake of his.

A glimmer of light flashed through the man's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Fu Yu, if you want to keep Tongye alive, hand over the blood bell!"

"Then you killed him."

When Tongye woke up, he heard this sentence, and he glanced at Mingshu in a grudge.

Relatives? !


Where is he?

He remembered, wasn't he **** by Hogan? Who is this man?

"I know that you and Tongye are friends. You won't watch him die, Fu Yu. I will say it again and exchange him with blood bells."

Ming Shuzheng's Eight Classics nodded: "Well, I will buy the best coffin and build the best tomb to remember him."

the man:"……"

The man pulled Tong Ye forward and pinched his neck.

Tongye, who just took a breath and hadn't figured out the situation yet: "..."

"Fu Yu gives you the last chance!" The man's fingers pressed hard: "I will really kill him."

Mingshu raised his hand to make a please gesture and smiled: "Start your performance."

the man:"……"

Tongye: "..."

He certainly does not believe that Mingshu will not save himself, but at this time, can he be serious, he is now being taken hostage! !

Tongye is the bargaining chip, where do men dare to kill.

His threat is not effective, and he cannot really kill Tongye.

and so……

Run first.

The man held Kirito, turned and ran.

Mingshu: "..."

"Hello, what did you run, didn't you say it was for me?!"

The man's eyebrows jumped. Was this feather feather a neuropathy?


The blood race running at the front suddenly screamed and was bounced back from the front and smashed beside the man.

The man paused suddenly, looking forward.

The front is empty and there is nothing.

Rustle ——

The wind moved the plants, rubbing and making a rustling sound, which was very harsh in their ears at this time, like a burst of noise in their minds.

The man looked back, the neuropathy did not chase, she still squat...

"Look at it in the past." The man instructed the blood race beside him.

The blood clan passed carefully, and after walking for about ten meters, they could not go forward. The blood clan reached out and touched it, as if there was a transparent film.

When you encounter it, it will spread like waves and spread around.

What is this?

The blood race can expand the realm, but the realm can't be touched, this thing... can be touched, can also be seen.

The man ordered: "Rush out!"



After Mingshu drank two boxes of rations, the man returned with a hold of Tongye.

"Don't let you all run away." Ming Shu raised his head and smiled.

The man's face was gloomy, and compared to the calm leader just now, it was obviously a bit collapsed.

"What is this?" The man could see her standing outside the area, and in front of him was the almost translucent barrier.

He is now completely locked in this thing.

The harder it is, the greater the rebound force of this thing.

Teleport can't leave.

"I told you that you don't understand, I won't say it."


Mingshu got up and stepped in, and the man stepped back alertly.

"Don't be afraid, it can only trap people, not attack people. Of course, if you attack it, it will be returned to you in full, so it is best not to touch it."

Man: "..." your explanation does not reassure him.

Ming Shu smiled: "Then we...speak reasoning?"

the man:"……"

Reasonable what you do with your sleeves!

The man subconsciously grasped Tong Ye, his alertness rose to the highest level.

He really looked down on this feather.

If it was planted today...

Tongye: "..."

Hurry up, little ancestor! !

The figure of Ming Shu suddenly disappeared, and the man and the rest of the blood race immediately looked around, looking for Ming Shu's trace with vigilance.


The man turned around quickly, but a special silver gun hit his head. That kind of gun would be used by blood hunters...


The man does not know how to express his mood at this time.

Didn't she just go directly? Why use a gun! !

As a leader, a civilized spiritual leader, he wanted to swear at this time.

Ming Shu smiled and asked, "You said my gun is faster, or are you suffocating him faster? Or do you compare?"

The man thought for a moment, slowly let go of his hand, without restraint, and Tong Ye immediately hid behind Mingshu, breathing a sigh of relief.

The man dropped his hands, his expression was slightly weird, and he gradually became mad: "Do you think this is over?"

"of course not."


The man looked at Mingshu strangely, this is his line! What lines do you grab! !

Mingshu calmly touched it in his pocket, and found a box of rations... a pile of messy things, and for a while, a **** bell.

Very ordinary bells, which are like blood in color, can overflow brightly at any time.

Mingshu shook the blood bell, and there was no sound: "Do you want this?"

When a man sees a blood bell, his expression is frozen.

Mingshu clenched the blood bell slowly and said slowly: "For the peace of the world, for the peace of the blood race...I decided..."

Obviously force.

"I have decided……"

Continue to work hard.

It won't break...

This is a bit awkward.

The man stared at her closely, not knowing what she decided to do.

Mingshu coughed: "Wait."

She handed the gun to Tongye and found a hammer out of thin air.

She put the blood bell on the ground and smashed it with a hammer.



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