Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1128: Rose Ban Song (38)

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When the man stopped it, it was too late, and the blood bell shattered into scum.

That's a holy weapon...

Where did he know that her decision was to destroy the holy weapon! !

The man rushed towards Mingshu, Tong Ye shot subconsciously, the first shot hit the man's shoulder, the man staggered, but it had no effect.

The man may also find himself being played by Mingshu, and the bullet in the gun can only cause him little harm.

Tongye's eyes widened slightly...

Tong Ye suddenly felt a tight back of the neck, his body tilted to the side, fell to the ground, and the bones rolled to the side.

However, he watched Mingshu flash out from the inside.

When the man threw over, he was directly bounced. The range seemed to be narrower than before. The man hit the opposite side, was bounced back, and then was ejected...

Like a bouncing ball confined in a narrow space.

"No... don't fight?

"What do I fight with him, the ration is so expensive."

Tongye looked at the hammer in Mingshu's hand, the hammer that could break the holy weapon... could it be an ordinary hammer?

Tongye looked at the gun in his hand: "You have no power at all."

"I will scare him, and anyone who knows he will believe it." Mingshu said a serious nonsense: "It may be that I drink less blood and my brain is stupid."

"..." Drinking blood has nothing to do with the brain. I don't understand the brain circuit of the little ancestor.

Tong Ye slowed down and got up from the ground: "You really destroyed the blood bell?"

Mingshu pointed to the man who was lying on the ground picking up scum: "You don't look well?"

"That's a holy weapon." It's not an ordinary bell. If you destroy it, destroy it. If the blood clan knows it, it is estimated that she will be put on the throne of the blood clan blacklist.

Mingshu blinked: "Oh, it can destroy the holy weapon, then I am awesome."


Why is it so annoying to chat with her?

Tongye remembered the most important question: "Who are they?"

Ming Shu glanced at him: "Don't you know who you kidnapped?"



"..." I chose to faint.


When Chu Yue killed him, he saw that the man was lying on the ground, his expression was unbearable for a while, he laughed for a while, and the top ten representatives of mental patients.

The rest of the blood races stood on the side with strange expressions, daring not to step forward and dare not leave.

"What did you do to him?" Chu Yue looked at the two sitting on the ground, holding the rations and drinking vigorously.

"Nothing." Mingshu shrugged innocently.

"Nothing...what is he doing?" It looks like it does everything!

"Pick up the blood bell fragments."

"What did you pick up?" Chu Yue felt that he had listened.

"You should also see a doctor." Ming Shu sincerely suggested: "Hearing is very important, don't shy away from doctors."


Tong Ye gave Chu Yue a sympathetic glance. Compared with his own eyes, Chu Yue's psychological shadow would be greater for a while.

Someone, like him, really had a lot of balance in his heart.

When you are unsatisfactory, if you look worse than yourself, you will find that there is no big deal.

Ming Shu asked: "What about Su Mian and snacks?"

Chu Yue pointed to the back.

Su Mian and Liu Wanyue came out one step behind, and they could see that Su Mian was disgusted with Liu Wanyue from the inside out. The distance between the two was very wide, but the colorful dumplings on Su Mian's shoulders were more striking.

The small animal jumped directly from Su Mian's shoulder, rolled to the feet of Ming Shu, grabbing her clothes, and crawled into Ming Shu's palm.

Shit shit, Man Han is all seats! ! Man Han all seats! ! Man Han all seats! !

I know, I know.

Mingshu perfunctoryly put the little animal into his pocket and stood up from the ground.

"Su Mian."

The name Su Mian is not Mingshu.

It's a man lying on the ground picking up the fragments of blood bells.

Ming Shu walked to Su Mian: "Do you know?"

Su Mian shook her head and looked at the man with a light eyes. He had never seen this man...

"Hehe..." The man smiled yin and yang strangely: "Su Mian, do you know why you subconsciously want to become a blood race?"

Su Mian frowned, where did he know.

The man sat on the ground, and the eyes of the prey stared at Mingshu. He said every word, vicious and crazy: "He will be your nightmare."

"What do you mean?"

The man laughed twice, the eyes of the shadowy birds were very cautious, but he just kept silent.

It seemed that she was telling her the news only in revenge.

Mingshu rushed inside, grabbing the man: "What do you mean by that?"

The man looked crazy: "Guess, aren't you great? Guess, hahaha..."

The man laughed out of breath, and Mingshu beat him, and he didn't react.

"It's you... It's you who pushed him into that abyss personally, hahaha, it's you. Fuyu, you ruined my meticulous layout for so many years, this is retribution!"

The man complained of the cold, cold eyes like a snake, staring at Mingshu.

Because the holy weapon was destroyed, it was easy for him to plan things for so many years and destroy them once.

He thought about a lot of accidents, but he didn’t think that the sacrament would be destroyed, because nobody would do it at all...

He is not reconciled.

"Fu Yu!" Chu Yue shouted: "Don't kill him."

Mingshu fist missed by two points and did not hit the man's deadly position.


But the man still screamed.

Mingshu pressed his palm to his chest, "Tell me, what happened to Su Mian?"

"Even if you kill me, I will, no, will, sue, sue, you."

The blood races of the Salvation Society are all ready to go to death, and even if the man collapses with pain, he still does not relax.

The man held his breath: "You just watch... watch him... watch him destroy..."

Mingshu punched him in the face.

"You destroy first!"


The man was taken away by the blood clan called by Chu Yue, and Chu Yue did the aftermath.

Chu Yue is also a bit ignorant, is this done? Although it seems that Su Mian was a little surprised, the Salvation Society should be over.

Mingshu returned to the base, they played fast, many things did not have time to destroy, and there was Reza who was taken away.

"Fu Yu!"

Reza called Mingshu.

Mingshu passed straight in front of her and ignored her at all.

"Fu Yu, you stop!"

Reza pounced on the glass, and no matter what she called, the people in front went further and further.

That disregard distorted Reza's expression.

Why is she so tall?

[Risha’s hatred is full. 】

Ming Shu returned to a messy hall, and the Harmony's prompt sounded, but she had no energy to ignore it now.

"All these things are put down."

The blood race collecting things froze.

Chu Yue, who came, waved and waved them down.

There are many materials that the Salvation Society did not have time to destroy, including detailed information on the five holy objects, but Mingshu did not find anything about Su Mian.

She now understands one sentence-

Pretend to be cool, and target the crematorium.

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