Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1130: Rose Ban Song (40)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Liu Wanyue was terrified, and Chu Yue picked her up and looked at the disgraced little girl... in a complicated mood.

He found someone for a long time and was turned into the graveyard by her to do such a thing! !

"What are you digging?"

Chu Yue knew that Mingshu had been a little strange because of Su Mian recently, but now he came to dig a grave... this is more than strange.

"Chu Yue, it's just right, come and help me dig a bit, I'll take a break."

Chu Yue watched Mingshu pull Liu Wanyue over and tucked the shovel into himself.

What he wants to hold is Liu Wanyue, who wants your shovel! !

Chu Yue looked at Liu Wanyue, who was tired enough, tolerated, and jumped into the pit: "What did you find? What is there?"

He also knew about the Holy Grail.

When I first knew it, it was quite unexpected. After all, the Holy Grail has only appeared three times in the blood of nearly two thousand years of history. It can be seen how low this probability is.

The key is to fail to awaken three times...

"Su Mian said that this made him uncomfortable, so I'll dig in." Mingshu shrugged: "I didn't dig, how can I know what's here."

Chu Yue: "..." Why are you so irresponsible? He wants to say that the police station makes him uncomfortable. Are you going to the police station to dig?

Chu Yue dug down for a while, and still got nothing.

But Mingshu insisted on continuing to dig. The little beast said it was here, and it must be here. They just dug deep enough.


When the shovel hit something, Chu Yue knocked it around with his shovel, brushing away the dirt on the surface, and a layer of black stone exposed.

Mingshu looked over and said: "It should be this, dig out to see what the **** is."

Chu Yue tried to knock around, they dug out the same piece, proving that this thing is very big.

He looked up at the pit almost three meters deep...

So in the end, Tongye was also called to dig graves...No, dig pits.

Tongye stood on a big pit three meters deep: "Little Zu Zong, why do you still have the hobby of digging other people's graves?"

"You talk too much."

Tongye gags two words and throws into the digging team.

But the more it was dug, the bigger it was, as if there was no border, and it stretched around.

Tongye glanced at Liu Wanyue, who was sitting next to him, "Why didn't she dig?"

"Can you compare with snacks?"

"Can you compare with her?"

Mingshu and Chu Yue spoke in unison.

Tongye feels that he has been injured by 10,000 points, isn't it just bullying him not a woman?

"Why don't we ask people to dig?" They don't lack money.

"Do you want to make a headline tomorrow and write that Shengning School Grass is in the graveyard..."

"Stop and stop, I dig, I dig." Tong Ye muttered: "Why didn't you see the coffin in this graveyard? Cheng Jing ran away?"

Liu Wanyue: "..."

Why is the thinking of the blood family so strange?

"If there is anything below this, the graveyard should be to cover up this place. Such a dense tombstone will not be a big tomb at a glance, nor will it be the target of tomb robbers."


After digging for two days in a row, fortunately no students came here. No one found that there were a few people digging graves.

They cleared a circular table with a diameter of nearly six meters.

The table was black and exuded blood, which is the color that settled down after the blood was poured.

The entire table was poured out of blood.

"Fu Yu, look at this." Tong Ye pointed to the edge of the table: "Isn't it like the shape of a blood bell?"

Mingshu turned to other directions. The table was engraved with a pentagram, and the five corners corresponded to five holy objects.

And engraved in the middle is a pattern of roses and vines winding bats.

Salvation will set the base in Shengning, maybe not chosen at random...they are guarding this.

Is it used to awaken Su Mian?

The role of the table is temporarily unclear, but it must be related to Su Mian.

Tongye asked Mingshu: "I dug it out, what's next?"

"I don't know." Mingshu looked at Liu Wanyue, his eyes shining: "Small snack..."

Chu Yue caught Liu Wanyue in his arms for the first time: "I will go back and check the information for you, and then review the Salvation Society."

After talking, Chu Yue disappeared with Liu Wanyue.

Ming Shu: "..." beast! Elope with my snack!

"Speaking of it, why is Su Mian not here?" Tong Ye only reacted: "We are exhausted here, what about others?"

"Can you compare with him?"

Tongye: "..."

Even Liu Wanyue, she is a woman, but Su Mian is a man, how can it not be compared? How can't it!

"You must not tell him about this."

Tongye was not convinced: "Why? You helped him do so much, why not tell him?"

Ming Shu smiled: "There is no reason, just don't tell him."

Tongye: "..."

Was Su Mian's last life saved the galaxy?


Mingshu opened the table to Jason, and Jason also said he didn't know what it was for.

There was no news from Chu Yue, but Yingxiu took the initiative to contact her and asked her to meet.

It should be said that it was not Yingxiu who had asked her, but Cecil had asked her.

Cecil is still the graceful and decent girl, but there is so much weary and sadness in his expression.

Cecil hung her head, and Mingshu sat for a while, before she said: "You let me see him, please... let me see him."

Yingxiu sat next to him expressionlessly, hearing Cecil's words, he panic-dried off a whole cup of coffee.

Ming Shu said: "He is not with me, you should go to Chu Yue."

"Mr. Chu wouldn't let me see him..." Cecil said: "I beg you to take me to see him one by one. On the other hand, I can just talk to him without talking to him."

"There are better people around you."

Cecil looked at Yingxiu. Yingxiu's cold expression fell on Cecil's body with nostalgia. Cecil squeezed his hands together and said awkwardly: "I know, I just want to... ...He made a break."

Cecil's feelings for that person may not be understood by herself.

But she couldn't give up.

Mingshu didn't want to take care of this matter, and she had no clue about it, so she refused.

"Fu Yu." Ying Xiu chased her out: "How can you take her?"

"He is your rival, how can you let her see you?" The rival should be strangled in the cradle!

Yingxiu's lips flapped: "I don't want her to be sad."

Yingxiu suddenly knelt down to Mingshu: "You take her, I can do anything for you."

Mingshu looked at Yingxiu for a long time without saying anything. The people around him pointed to Yingxiu, and he didn't feel it.

Qi Yu’s likes are overbearing and domineering. He does not allow anyone to sabotage. He can accept her dislikes, but he will not accept them. The people around her are not him.

Probably belongs to that kind, can not get your heart, but also want to occupy your entire life.

Mingshu has no doubt that if she resists dealing with him, he will surely do something frustrating.

But Yingxiu...

He has been enduring, always letting, always giving...

Humble to dusty likes.

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