Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1131: Rose Ban Song (41)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Cecil went to see the man. They spent an hour alone, not knowing what they said. When Cecil came out, it seemed that the whole world had collapsed.

Liu Wanyue carefully handed Cecil a tissue.

Cecil's tears were suddenly out of control, and Cecil cried for nearly ten minutes.

She suddenly stopped, wiped the tears on her face, and bowed to Mingshu: "Thank you."

Mingshu closed his chest and looked at her: "Someone will pay the price for you."

Ying Xiu wanted to stop Mingshu from being too late.

He looked at Cecil, and Cecil was looking at him. Cecil opened his lips, but the language was too pale, and she couldn't immediately give him any promise.

Cecil can only hold his hand tight.

Yingxiu felt a little loose, and reached out to wipe the tears on Cecil's face.

"He...want to use the blood of the Holy Grail to cleanse the blood family and convert the blood family into ordinary human beings. I don’t know if this method is his conjecture, or what is the basis. But there is an altar, which needs to be opened with the holy weapon, this is what His purpose."

Cecilton paused: "This is what I know, I hope it helps you."

Chu Yue asked: "Do you know how to stop Su Mian from awakening?"

"What is Su Mian?"

"The Holy Grail."

"The Holy Grail?" Cecil shook his head: "If you say Su Mian is a person, then he is just a container for blood."

Cecil bit his lower lip as if he had made up his mind: "The Holy Grail was also a holy vessel a long time ago. Blood is produced from the Holy Grail. It is said that it can be filled with the purest cup of blood in 500 years. The blood tribe can change after drinking it. Blood veins increase strength. But then it was broken, but it was not completely broken, and still produced blood, but such blood cannot be used directly. The blood called Su Mian's body...just what they gave to this container."

Chu Yue frowned slightly: "You mean, someone changed the blood into Su Mian's body?"

There are many ways to say about the Holy Grail, and the Salvation Church should be the one closest to the truth.

"Well." Cecil nodded. "It's blood that awakens, it has nothing to do with the container, but...if the bloodline awakens, this container will...break."

This fragmentation may just be a metaphor.

Cecil Yomo was aware of: "If you want to save him, you can drain all his blood, but this is very difficult, because the container will only choose humans. When the blood is exchanged, the power of the Holy Grail will protect humans, But once humans have exhausted the blood of the Holy Grail..."

He didn’t open his mouth and suddenly asked, "What about the first one?"

"First embrace...should be fine." Cecil was not very sure.

She knew all these things before she followed him.


Ming Shu opened the door and Su Mian emerged from the back of the door: "Where did you go and have you been back for so long?"


"Have you been away for four hours?" She could not wait to walk in the blood bank instead of walking? What a joke, when he was cheating!

"Bloods are in good health."

"Is it." Su Mian suddenly hugged Mingshu and threw her directly on the sofa. The whole person pressed over: "Let me try, how good your physical strength is."

Su Mian felt that Ming Shu was exceptionally quiet today.

I used to cooperate with each other in the past, but I have no cooperation today.

"What happened?" Su Mian stopped and looked up at her, "I really don't think I have any health problems. You see, I went to a medical examination. This is a medical examination report. It's great."

Su Mian showed Mingshu the medical report on the table.

Mingshu reached out and hugged him: "Be quiet for a while."

Su Mian froze for a moment, reaching for Mingshu.


Su Mian didn't know when she fell asleep. When he woke up, he was already in bed. Su Mian pulled the quilt down and stepped on the ground, as if stepping on cotton.

He shook himself and hit the bedside table next to him.


The lamp on the bedside table was hit on the ground and shattered the fragments.

Su Mian's knees and palms were almost kneeling on the fragments.

Mingshu almost teleported from the outside and reached up to support him: "How did it happen?"

Su Mian's palm shook, and he stared blankly at his bleeding hand.

What happened just now?

"Su Mian? Look at me."

Su Mian's focus slowly fixed on Ming Shu, he seemed to see a trace of tension in her face.

Su Mian rubbed her lips: "Are you... drinking my blood while I was asleep?"

"Yeah." Mingshu unfolded his palm, carefully pulled out the glass stuck in it, and then leaned over and licked the wound a few times.

Su Mian watched the blood in her palms be cleaned by her mouth, and she couldn't tell whether it was beautiful or something else, so hot that he wanted to moan.

Determining that the wound had stopped bleeding, Mingshu rolled up his loose trousers and pushed it to his knee, which was just scratched, not serious.

Su Mian blocked Mingshu: "Just... just handle it, don't need..."

Mingshu pulled his hand away and let him lie on the bed, Su Mian's cold tongue swept through the stinging wound, and it seemed to be painless for a while.

Dealing with his wounds, Mingshu also dealt with the debris on the ground.

Because the blood of Su Mian was stained on it, after Ming Shu was installed, he threw it directly in the corner where debris was placed. It is better not to throw this kind of thing out.

After doing this, she climbed into bed: "Does it hurt?"

"You don't hurt anymore."

Mingshu sipped his face.

Su Mian haunted her for a while: "Wife-in-law, I want to repeat."

Repeat? what? Can you eat it?

It took a while for Mingshu to respond, Su Mian was in her third year of high school, and she was in high school.

...Although she has only a handful of classes.

Su Miandao: "So I can graduate with you and go to college together."

the University? No no no... I never thought about going to college!

"What do you think?"

"Um... whatever you want."

"That's the deal."

"..." I don't want to go to school.

What's so good about learning! !

"Su Mian."

"Um..." Su Mian quietly retracted her hand that ignited on Mingshu: "Wife-in-law?"

"Don't you want to be a blood race?"

"Don't you let it go."

"I agree now. Do you still want to be a blood race?"

Su Mian didn't agree immediately, but asked slowly, "What do you drink later?"

this problem……

I actually prefer snacks.

Ming Shu said before Su Mian refused: "I give you my first support, and you will be my partner in the future."

Su Mian heard the words of his partner really shaken, but thinking of drinking other people's blood after Ming Shu, he resigned.

"still is……"

Mingshu threw Su Mian and blocked the words behind him.

"Are you going to reject me?"

Su Mian grieved: "I... don't want you to drink other people's blood."

"I promise you, drink artificial blood as much as possible in the future." Anyway, human blood pollution is so severe now, drink too much to hurt the body, it should be health.

Su Miansi said for a moment: "You didn't disagree before, why do you agree now?" It always feels strange.

"I don't want to protect you."


You don’t want to protect me who you want to protect!

Is that Liu Crescent Moon! !

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