Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1132: Rose Ban Song (End)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

At first, it was not as simple as imagined, just biting a bite and it was done.

The blood clan that had just been embraced was so fragile that he could be pinched to death with one finger, and Mingshu took care of Su Mian, which was almost crazy.

For a moment, she strangled Su Mian, see you next plane.

Su Mian may have noticed Mingshu's murderous spirit, dared not pretend to be good all day long.

Mingshu carried the glass and sat by the bed: "Drink."


"Otherwise what do you want to drink?" Mingshu took a deep breath and pressed his impulse as much as possible: "Want me to feed you?"

Su Mian thought about it and nodded slightly.


Who is not a small public act!

Of course we have to feed!

Ming Shu took a deep breath and smiled, don't be afraid of him, he is very vulnerable now...

When MMP is fragile, it doesn't matter. Shouldn't he wait until he's awesome?

So Naoshu smiled and put the cup in his hand: "Drink it yourself."

Su Mian: "..." It's good to feed me? con man!

Su Mian held the cup and looked entangled: "This blood... is human blood?"

"Pig blood, pig blood is cheap."


The knife! !

Laozi's knife! !

Blood is of course not pig blood, nor human blood, but artificial blood.

Su Mian took a few deep breaths and took a sip with his eyes closed. It was a bit different from what he had imagined. It didn't seem to be unpleasant to drink, but when he thought that it was blood, he was sick.

Mingshu wisely handed over the trash.

The blood race after the first embrace needs a long time to adapt.

Whether it is eating or living habits.

The blood released from Su Mian's body was taken away by Chu Yue. The Holy Grail of the Salvation Society didn't know where it was. The other party said nothing. He listened to the instructions and protected Su Mian by using the first method of support. The man just smiled. Sound, and then went crazy.

According to Chu Yue, the blood race will try this matter.

Most men will be sentenced to death.

The Salvation Society is being attacked one after another. This time it is to completely destroy the Salvation Society. Such an anti-blood organization should not exist.

It is not their fault to be a blood family.

It’s not God’s fault.

They are a species, placed in the human world, that are rare animals...not rare species.

"You said, what blood of the Holy Grail can really make the blood race into humans?" Tong Ye was very curious about this matter.

"You take a sip." Mingshu encouraged him.

"Forget..." Tong Ye rubbed his arm: "I want to live a few more years."

What holy blood is horrible.

"Grandma," Tong Ye lowered his voice: "Are you really with Su Mian?"

"Otherwise?" Mingshu spread his hand: "Do you think I can throw him away now?"

Tongye sighed: "Say to be single dogs together, but you secretly have an object. Hey, the friendship boat is turned over."

"You rush to find a big wheel of love, don't shake it before me."

"Don't you be so dear to friends?"

"I'm for your physical and mental health."

Tongye was pushed out of the door by Mingshu, and Tongye grabbed the door: "Yes, Cecil and Yingxiu left. Can you say they can be together?"

"I know I don't know." It's hard to say about feelings, and it's not impossible to say that it changes.

"Don't push me, I know to go." Tong Ye said: "Tomorrow Angel Song is waiting for you, there are new products."

Mingshu: "..."


Su Mian, who should have graduated, automatically asked for repetition, which caused a sensation in the school. Su Mian is not a scumbag. His score test is a perfect university, and there is no need to repeat this operation.

At the beginning of the school, when he saw Su Mian sitting next to Mingshu, all the people suddenly realized.

I used to think that these two men had one leg... It turned out that they really had one leg.

There are various posts on the school forum to discuss.

——If there is a boy who can keep my grade, I will marry!

——Although I don’t like Fu Yu, I have to admit that when Su Mian and Fu Yu stood together, they really matched well.

——Hey, you said, is it Fu Su who was chased by Su Mian, or Su Yu who was chased by Fu Yu?

——It must be Su Mian, who was chased by Fu Yu!

The following group of people echoed, how could their Su Mian senior go back to chase Fei Yu.

But soon someone found out about Su Mian's new social accounts, which showed that he was the first to follow.

Although Su Mian is also a bit psychedelic, it seems that there is no such process between them, and they are together inexplicably, and they do not feel abrupt at all.

Su Mian and Ming Shu are in school, that is a typical textbook for couples.

But these two people are a bit strange, as long as the sun is big, they can hardly see the figure.

However, as soon as it appears, it will definitely sprinkle dog food, envious of a group of students who were tortured by the May 3rd.


Chu Yue didn't get Su Mian's skills, which caused him to be separated from Liu Wanyue, so Liu Wanyue naturally belonged to Mingshu...No, it was covered.

Later, Ming Shu left Liu Wanyue again. Su Mian gritted his teeth and wished to kill Liu Wanyue.

The repetition of Mingshu caused Tongye to follow the same level. Anyway, they studied to pass the time, not to study at all.

The leadership of the school is very strange. Is this group of people addicted to repeating grades?

Isn’t the university department of their school next door? !

This is acceptable to Su Mian.

Mingshu also had the habit of running out in the middle of the night. He is known for drawing a knife to help, and inserting two ribs.

There is nothing wrong with the blood race at night, but you have a family blood family, do not sleep at night, run out and insert a knife! !

The blood clan you inserted wanted to greet your family.

"Today is a hundred-year rare total lunar eclipse, and a rare blue moon will appear..."

"Daughter-in-law..." Su Mian rushed over and made a legitimate request without knowing shame: "Want."

"Your body..."

"Great." I feel good about myself.

During this time Mingshu did not allow him to mess up, afraid of any accidents, so Su Mian was suffocated.

It should be no problem to raise for so long.

Mingshu pondered for a while, and let Su Mian chaos come.

Mingshu raised his head slightly, Su Mian bit her neck, and his teeth nibbled lightly on her fragile neck. Mingshu pressed his shoulder's hand slightly and seemed to want to push him away, but Finally relieved.

Su Mian whispered in her ear: "My wife, I really like you."

From the moment I abandoned the light, only you are left in my world.

So please accept my liking.

Even if you don’t like me, you have to accept it.

The room was full of ambiguity.

Lanyue appeared quietly, a large piece of rose flower grows madly, extending down from the ground, entwining the altar that has not yet been destroyed.

The flower vine seemed to be looking for something, but there was nothing on the altar, and the rose flower withered after a while.

Later, it was discovered that the rose flowers of the entire cemetery withered, and it was spread as the top ten unsolved mysteries of Shengning.


Mingshu has lived in this plane for a long time, so she still has no exchange life. So high life, she can not afford to exchange.

As for how to die...

Food poisoning.

Humans need disinfection and can't eat it! ! How does the blood safety of blood race do it! Complain!

Name: Ming Shu

Hatred value: 1220000

Aura value: 150000

Branch task: complete

Hidden tasks: none

Ouch, this time with so many auras, it's not as good as snacks.



End of the thirty-second plane

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