Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1162: The boss meets (30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Keeping his little chef girl, Mingshu was very happy and decided to add a meal at night.

"I'm telling you, you like to seal her, but you can stay with him less and stay with him. You can be unlucky."

"Ah..." Think about it carefully, except for a few occasions, it seems that you are in a state of being together with Feng Heng every time...

Ruan Xiaoxi shivered.

"Like I am your natural **** of luck, I will take you home at night."


Ruan Xiaolian was protected by Mingshu as a golden pimple, and Feng Heng came over several times. It was estimated that he felt that it was a little difficult to grab people from Mingshu, and finally gave up.

He finds Yu Jing, let him control his object, what do you mean to dominate him all day long!

Yu Jing can pull away once, but cannot pull Ming Shu every day.

Mingshu likes to be together with Ruan Xiaorui the most, Yu Jing suggested that it is better to kill Ruan Xiaorui.

Feng Heng: "..." Lao Tzu kills you first! Why don't you kill your object! !

Feng Heng exploded.

Yu Jing has no time to kill Ruan Xiaolian. Now everyone in the Yu family is staring at him.

It is estimated that the entire Yu family wanted to get rid of him. In addition to the second grandfather Yu, he really wanted him to die, but he was very supportive. He was the first to stand on Yu Jing's side.

Yu Jing had been a waste for several years, and everyone felt that he would not make any useful big moves, but these people soon knew they were wrong.

This usually behaves like waste, a grumpy little sixth man, where is waste.

This is the one that hides the most dew and hides the deepest.

In the meeting room, Yu Jing sat in the first seat. Today, all come from He Yu's family.

Yu Jingguo and Yu Ting were sitting on the left side of Yu Jing, Yu Ting's expression was a little haggard, but Yu Jingguo was calm like a mountain, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yu Eryu sat down to the first place on the right side because of standing Yu Jing.

The rest were photographed in sequence, except for a few brothers from the Yu family, and some uncles who were related to the Yu family.

Facing these people, Yu Jing didn't want to pretend to be noble and elegant.

"I know that you are not convinced, and I also know that you all want me to die..." When he said this, Yu Jing glanced below, and the tone was cold: "If you are not pressing me, today I will You won’t stand here, so everything today is your own responsibility."

He never wanted to take out that will.

The faces underneath are all wonderful.

Yu Jing didn't speak very long, and Yu Er secretly summed it up, the idea is-you put me in this position, and now I want to sit firmly in this position.

It is a person with a big devil's head.

Yu Jingguo did not say a word during the whole journey. Yu Ting tried to speak several times and was held by Yu Jingguo.

"Second Uncle."

Waiting for the meeting room, Yu Ting said the first: "Why are you standing on Yu Jing's side?"

Uncle Yu said inscrutablely: "Yu Ting, don't blame the uncle's unsteady position, but... sometimes, you can't help yourself."

Yu Eryu left after he finished talking, but now he was standing opposite them.

The others looked at each other for a moment.

It's nothing. What used to be the most uncomfortable, but now has become his supporter.

"That's all right, our brothers are fighting for their blood, and there are direct places given by the old man, who are all his sons. How can he be so eccentric?"

Is Grandpa Yu biased?

It must be biased, and no one knows why he likes depression so much.

But Grandpa Yu also gave them a chance, don't force Yu to panic, everything will not happen today.

"It's all like this. Let's say a few words and let it go." Yu Jingguo is still calm, and it seems that he has not been affected by this incident at all.

Everyone watched Yu Jingguo leave with Yu Ting.

"Dad, is this the case?" Yu Ting couldn't help it as soon as he got on the bus. He has experienced too many things recently, one more than the other.

"He holds 35% of the shares in his hand, plus those before him, more than 40%, far superior to all of us, what do you think we can do?"

"Ting'er, do you know what's wrong with you?"

Yu Ting looked at his father.

"Like he said, you shouldn't force him. Yu Jing has no ambitions for this person. The old man dared to give him so many shares, and he also knew his temperament."

Yu Ting screamed hoarsely, with a dull light shining in his eyes: "Dad..."

Yu Jingguo continued: "You find Yu Jing is still in the country. Through your second uncle's bodyguard, he revealed this matter to him. He and Yu Jing have the biggest contradiction and will definitely start. You can use this to clean yourself. , And can get rid of Yu Jing again."

Yu Ting's expression began to change dramatically.

"You think it's done seamlessly. If it wasn't for me to help you clean up the bodyguard, you will be found out now."

"Dad, I..."

Yu Jingguo raised his hand and signaled him not to speak: "Ting'er, there is a sky outside this world, there are people outside, you still have to learn."

Yu Ting was a little unwilling: "Where did I go wrong?"

"Why do you have to kill him?"

Yu Ting clenched his fists: "From small to large, Grandpa has only him in his eyes. No matter how good I am, he will press me. Later he became like that, and Grandpa only has him in his eyes..."

Yu Jingguo sighed.

"The person you're looking for is not professional enough, and the tail is not clean enough." Yu Jingguo paused. "Is that the one you sent later?"

Yu Ting was awakened by Yu Jingguo, and suddenly heard such a sentence, slightly puzzled: "What's behind that?"

Yu Jingguo’s eyes stayed on Yu Ting’s face for a few seconds: “Yu Jing later had another incident. After this incident happened, he came back with his will. I thought it was you who learned the lesson and did better, but now it seems , Not from you."

Yu Ting didn't even know about it.

Who would it be?


Because Yu Jing returned to Yu's family to inherit his family business, leading to the performance of Jingtian Band was impossible.

Peng Pai came over every night for a while.

He didn't know that the boss he picked up would have such a tall identity.

"Picked?" Is there such an operation?


Ming Shu and Manager Cai moved the small bench and listened to Peng Pai telling stories.

It was a dark night with high winds. Peng Pai just got off work. Perhaps he was guided by fate. Instead of taking the usual path, he took a short cut and took a less familiar path.

Because he was not familiar with the road, Peng Pai was ashamed when he walked.

I don't know where I am.

It was at this time that the wind was blowing in the back, the surroundings were quiet, and the street lights were broken, and it was impossible to see clearly behind.

Various haunted scripts turned around in his head, and Peng Pai was almost scared to pee.

Out of instinct, he ran away.

Who knows that two people sprang up suddenly in front, and some people came around in the back and were robbed.

Peng Pai would order the three-legged cat Kung Fu, but it would definitely not work against so many people. Just when he was about to give up money and save his life, there was a sudden sound in the darkness beside him—


Then he picked up a boss.

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