Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1163: The boss meets (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yu Jing at that time seemed to be a slapstick, no matter what you said, he could **** you.

And he had no ID card and no money, like a little pitiful abandoned.

Peng Pai later recalled that he was very distressed to his boss.

What a beautiful baby, why is it so pitiful?

Of course, it turns out that Pembae was wrong. Although his boss seemed poor and in vain, he was actually not short of money.

Peng Pai is a man who is not afraid of getting stuck, so with his perseverance, he has formed a profound friendship.

Counting it, Peng Pai knew Yu Jing in less than half a year.

Mingshu tweeted twice: "I wouldn't be surprised if he told you this story."

Peng Pai quickly waved his hand: "Dare not dare, where do I dare to defile the boss."

He doesn’t do it!

He is a straight man! Straight and straight!

"Sister Qi, Brother Peng." In the second tube, I saw three people sitting strangely in the corner, and also rubbed over: "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, nothing." Peng Pai laughed. He didn't dare to let Yu Jing know that he was talking about this: "Your case is closed?"

The attention of the two tubes was instantly diverted, still with a bit of shyness: "No, but no progress, busy working for so long, let us rest in the bureau, um... boss?"

"Boss, the boss went to inherit his family property."

Dumb-faced stunned face: "???

Mingshu pumped a small bench for the two cylinders: "Which piece of the two cylinders?"

The second tube quickly thanked, and said after sitting down: "Just in Xicheng District."

"Then do you know the case of the strong women who took place by the Qushui River in 14 years?"

The second tube was slightly surprised: "Sister Qi asked what this is doing?"

"Check things."

Look around with two tubes, they are sitting in the corner, behind is the passage into the background, there is no one.

"The case we are investigating now has something to do with that case. Not long ago, a body was found, and the criminal police who found the case found some clues and connected it with the previous case."

The level of the second tube is too low, they can only run errands, and the key core is not clear.

I only know that an ad hoc group has been established, and there have been four cases involved, including the Qushuihe case.

"Speaking of that, the victim also seems to have the surname of Joe, called...Jo...Jo..." Ertong tried hard to think of the name.

Ming Shu continued for him: "Qiao Yun, my sister."

There was a strange silence in the crowd.

Qiao Yun...Qi Yun...

Mingshu seemed very normal, so normal that they were a little scared.

"Can you get the file for me?" Mingshu asked the second tube.

The second cylinder panicked, looking back with sorry and sympathy that couldn't be concealed: "These files are in the task force and can't be leaked...I...I'll try it to see if I can shoot it for you."

The second tube can form a band with Peng Pai, even if it looks quite shy, there is no regular person in his bones.

Everyone wanted to comfort Mingshu, but the latter didn't react at all, let them go, why should they do it.


The second tube really took the files for Mingshu, not only the files of her Qiao Yun, but also the files of a recent victim.

The victim was a high school student who was in his second year of high school. He never returned after going to tutoring. The family called the police. When he found it, he was dead for a day.

What they have in common is that apart from being female and being raped and then killed, there is an X-shaped scratch behind the ear. After an autopsy, the scratch was made after death, which means that it can only be the murderer.

When the police entered this feature, the keyword was triggered and connected with an unsolved case.

Then the police officer who sponsored the case suggested that the murderer was most likely a serial murderer.

Based on this feature, everyone began to look for unsolved cases that have not been resolved in recent years.

The result really let them find out a few cases with X-shaped scratches behind their ears. From the file, no one put the small scratch on the center of gravity.

Because the scratch is really subtle, if a forensic doctor who is careless, or a forensic doctor in a small place, will not write on it at all.

From this point of view, there may be undiscovered victims.

Putting a few cases together has more in common.

The victims are not struggling, no one knows why the victims appeared in the place where the crime should not have occurred, the body contains a small amount of drugs and estrous drugs,

Mingshu read Qiao Yun's case again. The two shots were panicked. Some places were filmed and some were missing pages.

When Qiao Yun died, there was nothing but Qiao Yun's things on the scene. The murderer was like a ghost, leaving nothing behind.

There is no trace of struggling on Qiao Qi.

According to the results of the autopsy, she also contained a small amount of drug and that kind of medicine. The killer kept the victim's meager consciousness, but did not have the ability to resist. There is still that kind of medicine in the body, which almost allows the victim to cooperate actively.

The positioning of the killer is one, calm, rational, and has a strong anti-detection ability.

Mingshu recalled that night.

Qiao Yun received Yu Ting's call and went to the appointment separately from the original owner.

Yu Ting said that after he and Qiao Yun met, the two separated.

Later, where Qiao Yun went, he didn't know.

The original owner said Qiao Yun's departure time in Yu Ting. He delayed Qiao Yun for an hour and called Qiao Yun. At that time, Qiao Yun's mobile phone was unavailable, but the original owner thought that the phone was out of power and didn't think about it.

The time of the accident was that hour.

In the past few years, the monitoring of that year must have disappeared. Mingshu was thinking about how to see the latest victim, and he received a call from the police.

Now that the case has been investigated, their family members have to be called again to ask questions.

The previous problem is no different from that of the year.

"Did your sister show anything abnormal during that time, like who did you meet, or something?"

Mingshu searched the memory of the original owner and shook his head.

The original owner and Qiao Yun are almost inseparable.

The questioning policeman nodded: "Trouble Miss Qiao, think about it carefully, maybe a detail will be very helpful to us."

The question is to go through a process. What Mingshu wants to ask, the other party will only say that the case is still under investigation, and will not tell her details.

After asking Mingshu, he was taken out.

Meeting the second tube outside, Mingshu pulled the second tube: "Where is the office of your task force?"

"Qi, Qijie... what do you want to do?"

"You just tell me."

Second tube: "..." always feel bad!

However, under the eyes of Ming Shu smiling, the two tube whispered: "The third room is on the left of the third floor."

Ming Shu patted his thin shoulders like a veteran cadre who came to inspect: "Boy, do it well!"

Second tube: "..."

Sister Qi added another play to herself.

Do you want to tell the boss...

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