Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1176: Rape male **** (6)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Peony until he was taken by Feng Gelao, he never recovered.

Although he loathes that he has such a boastful face, he also knows that when these people see him, no one can resist it.

But she...

"Don't look at it, people are not rare." Feng Ge veteran put his hand on the waist of the teenager: "It was a bit reluctant, she should not be better."

Shaoyao looked at Feng Gelao's slightly fat face, slightly disgusted.

If he was asked to hand it over for the first time, he would rather choose that person.

"Your Majesty arrives--"

Shen Yu was surrounded by a group of people. Together with her, there was Duanmushu dressed in the royal palace.

He was indifferent, surrounded by Shen Yu, like walking dead, walking up high.

After Shen Yu blocked Duan Mushu as an emperor, he hardly let him out. This was the first time he appeared in front of everyone.

After a crowd of salutes, Shen Yu looked at Ming Shu, who was still in motion: "Senior Prime Minister, are you dissatisfied with me?"

"No." Mingshu tilted his head: "Your Majesty, be more confident. You are so cute, how can I be dissatisfied with you."

Everyone: "..."

Did the prime minister just mess with your majesty just now?

"Mr. Prime Minister, what are you talking nonsense about?" Shen Yu murmured in a low voice.

"Your Majesty."


Shen Yu feels that she can't look directly at this prime minister now.

She tried to stretch her face: "Why don't you see me when I see you?"

"Your Majesty, the First Emperor promised me that I wouldn't have to kneel on big occasions." The Jing family had such a qualification. Before Shen Yu's attack, Mingshu's hands were hung in the air and overlapped: "Have seen His Majesty."

When Shen Yu reached her mouth, she could only swallow it back.

She didn't even leave a chance to find fault.

Ming Shu said with a smile: "Actually, I just want to get His Majesty's attention."

Shen Yu shook Duanmushu's hand.

If a man said this, she would not feel strange, but this is a woman!

In that tone, Shen Yu just said that he felt uncomfortable.

Duan Mushu glanced sideways, looking at the woman sitting under the head, this is the prime minister of Feng Qi State.

She was wearing dark red clothes. In Fengqi Kingdom's Chaotang, only Prime Minister Cheng could wear clothes of this color, representing her noble honor.

"Today the prime minister is the protagonist, celebrating the prime minister. The victory of Feng Qi this time is the merit of the prime minister. Everyone will be free and don't care about me."

There was a chord underneath, congratulations to Mingshu again.

Shen Yu said two more words, and the scene began to warm up.

On such occasions, singing and dancing are inevitable. Those brothers who come here can also step forward to show their talents, maybe they can find a good marriage.

The dim sum on Mingshu's table has been solved, and she looks at the dim sum on Feng Ge's old table next door.

Moved to her side: "Feng Ge Lao."

Feng Gelao: "..."

Feng Ge old strangely turned his eyes: "Prince?"

She wouldn’t have figured it out, she wanted his peony?

If she really speaks, she really has to...

It hurts to think about it.

This little beauty, she hasn't tasted anything new.

Mingshu didn't even look at the peony next to her: "Do you eat dim sum?"

Feng Ge old looked at the dim sum on his table and shook his head for unknown reasons.

"Then I'm welcome."

Feng Gelao just watched Ming Shu walk down the dim sum on her table...

Feng Gelao: "?"

Talk to me just to eat?

Prime Minister's House is too poor to eat?


Am I familiar with you? Anyway, it's the opposite, what do you mean by a natural expression? We are dead! enemy! !

"The prime minister is not too young, but there are people he likes."

Shen Yu asked suddenly.

"What if there is, what if not?"

"Prince, how do you speak to your majesty?"

Some ministers are not accustomed to the specific tone of her voice. Although her voice is smiling, she always feels yin and yang.

Shen Yu raised her hand and signaled that she didn't care: "If the Prime Minister has someone he likes, I can give the Prime Minister the decision. This time you make a contribution, and the rest of the rewards are not attractive to you."


Shen Yu looked at Feng Gelao's direction: "This paeonia lactiflora son, I also heard about it, and now at first sight, it is really a young boy. Can you like it?"

"Your Majesty, you should worry about my marriage."

Shen Yu will definitely not allow her to marry a family son, but she can't just be stigmatized, and the peony in the limelight is just right.

But she really took the man back, maybe what she would say outside.

What's more, for a man like this, she has enough goblins.

"Mr. Prime Minister thinks I'm too busy?"

"Your Majesty knows it."

Jing Yu listened to Ming Shu's answer, and was frightened in the back, fearing that he would hear His Majesty call to drag the adult out to fight the board in the next second.

The rest of the ministers should not have heard it.

This kind of thing is not something they can mix.

However, Shen Yu just dropped her face, and then smiled and exposed this time, not intending to pursue.

Shen Yu kept admonishing herself that as long as she could receive the ministers who supported her, or replace those people.

Without the contacts of the Jing family in the past, she is nothing.

Shen Yu stopped speaking, and the tense atmosphere slowly returned to the previous atmosphere.

Ming Shu smiled all the way. Basically, if you didn't find her, she would not cause trouble. She ate quietly and occasionally glanced at the dance on the field.

"I heard that Paeonia lactiflora danced with horror and wondered if I would be fortunate to see it today."

I didn't know when a young man was standing in the field. At this time, he looked at Feng Gelao proudly.

The person was brought by Feng Gelao, and the young man was also very sensible: "Feng Gelao and Prime Minister want to see it too?"

"Me?" Suddenly raised his head by the named Mingshu: "Not interested."

The young man choked, but when he saw Ming Shu's face, he pressed back the dissatisfaction.

Mingshu can directly say that he is not interested without psychological pressure, but Feng Ge is not old, he can only let peony go up.

Shaoyao lowered her head, and as soon as she heard it, she walked into the field.

The young man returned to his position, which was at least the family of the official Zheng Erpin.

Paeonia stopped attracting everyone's attention as soon as it went there.

The young man looked at this with a look.

Sizhu sounded.

The peony body shape danced with it, the coat was fluttering and light and elegant.


The sound of broken porcelain suddenly sounded, interrupting the dance of peony, and he stood nervously.

Everyone's eyes are now looking up.

Duanmushu stood up at the top. The broken thing should be Shen Yu's teacup, with tea leaves still on her back.

Shen Yu looked down at the cracked teacup: "Duan Mushu, don't think I have to do it for you."

"Oh, then you find someone else to go." Duanmushu tone was cold.

Such a provocation to Shen Yu, only the emperor Duan Mushu dare.

Shen Yu may be really angry this time: "Okay."

She turned her head to look at the paeonia on the field: "Book of paeonia is the emperor."

Duanmushu heard the words, sneered, and walked straight from above without looking back.

The scene fell into a strange quiet.

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