Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1177: Rape male **** (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Your Majesty is angry and good for your health." Mingshu got up and broke the silence: "The emperor is so tempered."


The moment when Shen Yu looked at Mingshu, he obviously had a killing intention, but when he met Mingshu, he converged again.

Mingshu poured a glass of wine and drank it slowly.


The wine glass rested on the table, and Mingshu stood up with his body upright: "Your Majesty, I know you want to get rid of me, but you are also afraid. Last time you framed me, you almost succeeded. Your Majesty will continue to work hard, maybe next time. Well, believe that things are artificial."

She paused, and the tone of her voice was like a casual chat: "I'm too lazy to go around with you. Everyone knows the things that are clear to you. It's okay to come up with it. You can get rid of me if you come, and I will let you."

Jing Yu: "!!"

Minister: "!!"

What happened? !

Ming Shu smiled slightly at the crowd and Shi Shiran left. Shen Yu didn't know if she was stupid, so she watched her leave.

Walking out of the hall, Jing Yu's voice shook a little: "Master, you are..."

"Clarify the relationship."

"Adult, you..." Are you crazy?

Your Majesty never expected to see you, and you still do.

Ming Shu patted Jing Yu on the shoulder: "If you want to be a traitor, you must have this consciousness, and believe in yourself! Um!"

Jing Yu: "..." The following sentence is for you to listen to?

No, what is a traitor?

What did the adults of her family experience?

Jing Yu didn't know what to say for a moment, and she followed Mingshu dizzyly.

When leaving, walk through the imperial garden, with a bright row of lights approaching in front.

Jade Jade Bell, the girl goes forward with a lantern.

The warm yellow palace lantern gently rotates with her movements, refracting light and shadow, and scattered around.

"Sir, it's His Royal Highness."

Jing Yu reminded Ming Shu.

Seven Highnesses?

The first emperor had nine heirs, four of them were empresses, and five emperors. The emperor had no threat, and he might marry in the future.

Shen Yu barely moved them, but the queen, Shen Yan and the other were all dead, and now there is the Seven Royal Highness.

As for why she can be stable...

Probably because the queen of the Seventh Royal Highness is different from other queens.

Feng Qiguo didn't have that woman who could accept the dress of His Royal Highness like a man.

With the addition of Shen Yu, the Seventh Highness has always been very peaceful. Even if Shen Yu is fierce, she is not unreasonable, and she must have a justifiable reason.

The Seventh Highness is not in trouble, where did it come from?

The team on the other side of the Seventh Highness stopped, and the girl holding the lantern was surrounded by people standing in the middle, surrounded by the palace lanterns. The highness of the highness of the palace was really beautiful and unmovable.

Mingshu turned around and left.

Seventh Highness asked, "Is that prime minister just now?"

The bodyguard did not see clearly. The black paint over there, only saw two figures standing over there, and did not know how the Seventh Highness recognized it at a glance.

"Today, a grand banquet was held in the palace for Mr. Prime Minister. At this time, Mr. Cheng will not appear here..."

The finger under the Seventh Lord gently ignited the palace lantern and seemed to care less about who it was: "Why didn't they just salute?"

"Eh..." The guard choked for a moment: "If it is the prime minister, it should be avoiding suspicion...after all now..."

The guards stopped talking, and the situation in the palace and in the middle of the court was not good.

Seeing that Mingshu was about to disappear, His Highness suddenly raised the lantern and chased after him.

"Your Highness..." The bodyguard was surprised: "What are you doing?"

"Seeing that I don't salute, I certainly have to go up to her crime."

Bodyguard: "..."

That’s really the prime minister, and now your majesty doesn’t dare to move this prime minister casually, don’t you go up to death?

Just as His Highness was about to catch up with Mingshu, the clamor of catching assassins suddenly came from behind the palace.

Mingshu looked back and saw the girl behind him.

Xu was shocked by the voice of the other party, and the other party stopped.

"Catch the Assassin!"

"Don't let the assassin run away!"

The shadow came in a hurry and fell in front of the girl. The bodyguard pulled the knife as soon as possible. However, the girl was still caught by the assassin. Her sharp, **** knife rested on the neck of the girl with Ying Luo.

The palace lantern in her hand seemed to be scared and fell to the ground and went out.

The chasing Yulin Army saw that His Highness was arrested, but he was afraid to step forward.

"You can't run away, let go of His Highness!"

The assassin sneered: "Dare to step forward, I will kill her."

The Yulin Army did not dare to step forward and sent someone back to report to Shen Yu.

The assassin should have been injured, pulling the arm of His Royal Highness, almost unable to exert force, but she is trying to make it out of sight.

"Give me back!"

"Give up, otherwise I will let her be buried with me today, to see if your queen is expensive or my life is expensive."

No news came back from Shen Yu, and the Imperial Foresters did not know what to do.

The Seventh Highness was held hostage very cooperatively, and even complained with dissatisfaction: "Don't shake, my clothes are stained with your blood."

"Shut up!" the assassin yelled.

She exposed the fact that she was injured.

The Royal Forest Army naturally also heard: "You have released the Seventh Highness, we will give you away."

The assassin was of course not so stupid. She held back the Seventh Highness, but they stood behind Mingshu and Jingyu. They did not raise the lights. The chaotic scene just now, the assassin probably did not notice the two standing quietly in the back. personal.

Jingyu looked at Mingshu.

Is this situation saving or not saving?

Jingyu didn't get Mingshu's answer because Mingshu started first.

She suddenly attacked the assassin from behind. The assassin sensed the danger and wanted to push His Royal Highness as a shield to the front.


The sharp weapon pierced the flesh.

The assassin looked incredulously at the girl he was holding, seemingly innocent.

The girl seemed to be pushed out by him, turned around, and fell into Mingshu's arms accurately. There was a fever in Mingshu's hands, and a dagger with heat was stuffed into her hands.

The girl was lying on her chest, a look of excessive shock.

Mingshu: "..."

The assassin fell flat on the ground, and the Yulin Army stepped forward, and the light suddenly turned on.

The truth is clearly revealed in Mingshu's **** dagger.

"Your Highness."

"His Royal Highness..."

The entourage of His Seventh Highness swarmed.

The girl raised her head slightly from Mingshu's shoulder: "Is the assassin dead?"

The bodyguard comforted her: "Your Highness, it's alright, the assassin has been resolved by the prime minister."

"Oh." The girl patted her chest, but she still didn't leave Mingshu, so she fell on her shoulder: "Thank you, Prime Minister, then I won't cure your sins."

Mingshu put away the knife indifferently: "My lord, what sin do you want to cure me?"

"It's disrespectful to see me, it's disrespectful, Mr. Prime Minister."

Mingshu's hand slid down to her waist, and she maliciously pressed her into his arms: "Is your Highness considered to be in arms?"

"What do you think?"

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