Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1178: Rape male **** (8)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


Mingshu scolded.

This product will not restore memory, right?

How else can you be so active?

Seeing that more and more people were getting closer, Mingshu let go of her: "Since it's okay, the minister will retreat first."

Jingyu looked at Mingshu strangely.

It's been a long time since she heard the word lord say from her family.

The Seventh Highness was surrounded by entourage, and the distance between the two was widened. She seemed to glance here, but it seemed not.

Mingshu turned and left, and until he walked out of the palace gate, Jing Yu said, "Master, did you kill the assassin just now?"

She was standing close at the time, and her adult was still some distance away from the assassin.

"Otherwise who do you think killed it?"

Jing Yu had an answer, but she swallowed back the words with a smile on her eyes that seemed to be non-smiling.

"At that time, it was not far from His Majesty's side. His Majesty had never let anyone come to spread the word, sir, does His Majesty... do you want to..."

Now there is such a queen in the palace...

"Don't guess the emperor's thoughts, don't guess..." Mingshu hummed into the carriage: "Let's add dinner tonight."

Jing Yu: "..." Why should I add meals? ?


Mingshu didn't expect that the Seven Highnesses would touch the house.

And it was still dawn, while she was still in bed...

"Premier, you got up late."

Mingshu looked up at the slightly dazzling face above her head. She rolled over and continued to sleep.

Dreaming about the goblin.


Seventh Highness looked at Ming Shu’s head and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Senior Prime Minister, are you not afraid of what I do to you?"

She exposed the deadly place in this way, unprepared.

Mingshu: "..."

Not an illusion.

She sat up from the bed, and the Seventh Highness wore a slightly neat dress, but it was still gorgeous, and the patterns on it could blind the eyes of a group of people.

"Your Highness, what are you doing?" Early in the morning, I broke into my bedroom! What do you want to do!

Seventh Highness leaned against the bedside: "Last night the Prime Minister took my things. I came to get them."


Seventh Highness stared at Mingshu for a few seconds, and he extended his hand: "Give me back."

Mingshu rubbed his eyebrows: "His Royal Highness, you don't say anything, how can I give you back?"

Seventh Highness: "That dagger."

"Oh." Mingshu suddenly said: "I threw it."

Seventh Highness: "..."

"Sir, are you up?" Jing Yu's voice rang from the outside, followed by the sound of pushing the door.

The Seventh Highness looked around. The place where people could hide was far away, too late to pass, and under the bed...

Seventh Highness went directly to bed and covered himself with a quilt.

Mingshu: "..."

Jingyu came in from behind the screen and saw Mingshu sitting on the bed, slightly surprised: "Master, you got up, need to change now?"

What Jingyu wanted to ask was whether he would go up.

But she wisely asked politely.

"Come in again at dawn."


Jing Yu didn't leave immediately. She considered: "The news I just received, someone in Bianguan has seen someone suspected of His Highness."

Border crossing?

Leaving Fengqi Country?

"Shall we check?"

"Continue to check."


When Jingyu went out, Mingshu lifted the quilt, and His Highness blinked: "The Prime Minister is looking for Shen Yan?"

"Go down."

Seventh Highness remained motionless: "As everyone knows Shen Yan is dead, why are you looking for her?"

"His Royal Highness, you will never go on, don't blame your courtiers."

The butterfly lashes of the Seventh Highness tremble, and she draws a big smile: "If you return the dagger to me, I will go on."

The eyes of the Seven Palaces suddenly dimmed, Mingshu shrouded above, his wrists were strangled, pulled to the side, and held by her with one hand.

The other sticks out from under the quilt.

His Royal Highness was a little panicked.

But Mingshu's strength was greater than she thought. The two struggled and entangled, and His Royal Highness suddenly stiffened.

The soft palm protruded into his clothes, holding a thin layer of obscene pants, holding the most important place.

Mingshu flicked away and loosened her grip.

Seventh Highness wrapped the quilt over himself.

"You..." His Highness gritted his teeth: "What are you doing!"

"double check with."


Is he a boy?

The pupil of His Royal Highness shrank slightly: "How did you find out?"

Does this need to be discovered? If the goblin is a girl, I am afraid I can only find a way to kill him.

Ming Shu was sitting next to him, smiling with a smile: "His Royal Highness, if you don't go down again, Chen Ke does not guarantee that you will still be innocent when you go down."

Seventh Highness: "..."


Seventh Highness rolled off the bed and he gathered his clothes: "You give me back."

Mingshu drew the dagger from under the pillow: "This kind of thing, Your Highness, should be kept in good health. Not everyone is as kind as a courtier and will help you hide it. And why does His Royal Highness do it yourself, some people do it for you."

Seventh Highness took the dagger, checked it, and determined that it was his, and put it on his back, saying: "She touched me, **** it."

Mingshu sideways: "I have touched you, and I have encountered... Would you like to kill me?"

Seventh Highness sorted out his clothes, and when he looked up, he recovered his smile: "Sir Prime Minister touched me, you are responsible for me."

"Responsible?" Mingshu chuckled: "What misunderstanding does His Highness have about Weichen?"

Mingshu looked at him from top to bottom: "Even if I want to be responsible to you, I can't marry a queen, right, Your Highness."

Seventh Highness: "..."

"Your Highness, let Weichen touch your chest, what is that done."

Seventh Highness: "..."


Seven Highnesses stared at Ming Shu and pushed open the window and jumped out. He stood outside the window, and the hazy sky blurred him: "Master Mr. Prime Minister remember to visit me."

"Oh, by the way, my four sisters are in Dharang."

Mingshu watched him disappear in the thick fog of the morning and chuckled slightly at the corner of his mouth.


She lay back on the messy bed, and he didn't know what it was like, it was very fragrant.

It seems that his taste still remains around these four weeks.

Then the question is coming--

When Mingshu had breakfast, he asked Jingyu who was waiting next to him, "Jingyu, you said, how can you marry a woman back?"

Jing Yu: "..."

What did the adults just say? Not too clear.

No wonder adults have not been a caring person for so many years.

Even if Feng Qiguo is open to the public, it is not open yet and can accept two women...

Jing Yu pondered for a long time, and answered cautiously: "Adult... as long as no one finds out, there should be no problem."

Jinwu Zangjiao!

Ming Shu melancholy: "I'm afraid it's a little difficult."


Why is it difficult?

The Prime Minister's House is so big that he takes people to his side and waits. As long as he does not hug him in front of him, no one will find it strange.

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