Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1179: Rape male **** (9)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

No result was found in the assassin's case. Shen Yu was not assassinated once or twice. The number of times was increased, and it was estimated to be numb, so this matter would not be so.

And the first peony in Baiyanlou became the emperor.

Hearing that Shen Yu had been staying with the emperor and the emperor for several days in a row, the rewards kept saying that the emperor of Yuhua Palace had fallen out of favor.

The people of the palace saw the wind and rudder, holding high and lowering.

It is estimated that Feng Gelao should be the most angry.

It cost a lot of money, but it didn't even touch the beauty's little hand.


Mingshu is not idle, and he wants to be a traitor, and his rights cannot be lost.

Before Shen Yu replaced some of her people, but she hadn't touched the core yet, Mingshu tried to find ways to replace those people.

Shen Yu didn't want to spend his time and effort on hindering it, so every time he went up, it was almost a **** sword and sword.

Shen Yu was able to design this throne, and naturally he was not a stupid person.

Some people Shen Yu arranged well and could not get rid of it by normal means. Mingshu could only take a very special path.

So Shen Yu can only stare...

Can you stop someone from taking the initiative to resign?

Every time Shen Yu was going to faint, Mingshu had to add fuel to the fire.

Shen Yu had to take a deep breath and take a deep breath every time before facing up.

In order to preserve his strength, Shen Yu hardly faced Ming-Shu in the back, and the two camps gradually fixed.

The neutral group of ministers felt a little bit of survival.

They just want to be an official, why is it so difficult?

But His Majesty and Prime Minister are not as diametrically opposed to each other as they were.

"Your Majesty, the mission of the North Vietnamese nation will soon arrive at the Imperial Capital."

Shen Yu looked at the prime minister with a table of dim sum fruits under him, and his eyes were like a knife.

What did she think of this Qiankun Temple!

"Your Majesty?" The minister of the newspaper saw that Shen Yu did not respond. He could not help but screamed, and recalled that there was something wrong with him just now.

Ming Shu propped his chin: "Your Majesty, don't look at me, you look at me, and I won't die suddenly."

Shen Yu: "..."

"The mission will be handed over to Feng Ge Lao and Lishu Shangshu." Shen Yudao.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to share your worries and solve problems." Mingshu took the initiative to raise his hand.

"The prime minister is the pillar of the country. This little thing will not trouble the prime minister." Shen Yu's tone was full of irony.

"The beam of the country should share the sorrow for your majesty, I don't feel hard."

"I said no!"

The atmosphere is a little weird.

But the ministers are used to it.

Although Mingshu was a little angry, no matter what she did or said, she would not cross the line that let Shen Yu catch the handle.

This is knowing that she fouled, but you have no evidence and can't punish her.

Who is upset about this?

The two didn't fight in Chaotang, and they were already thankful.

A minister quickly stood up to distract the topic: "Your Majesty, this time North Vietnam came as a defeated country, and it also brought a prince to know how to deal with this matter. I do not know how His Majesty intends to handle this matter?"

Now Feng Qi Royal Family can be the object of pro-harmony, only the Seventh Highness, otherwise one can only choose one from the Royal Branch.

North Vietnam lost the battle and brought the prince to come and kiss, and did not know whether it was true or false.

Shen Yu certainly won't take it himself.

Shen Yu pondered for a moment: "Discuss this matter again."

The ministers glanced at each other. Isn't His Majesty going to make His Royal Highness a kiss?

But thinking about the description of His Royal Highness, some ministers secretly shook their heads. As a woman of Feng Qi, how could she be like a man, just to corrupt their image of Feng Qi.

This candidate must be decided before the North Vietnamese enter, and discuss the matter for two days.

Most courtiers still favor the use of the Seven Temples for peace and prosperity. As a member of the royal family, it is not used at this time, when is it used?

There are also some courtiers who feel that they should use collaterals and not lose face in front of other countries.

The two sides were quarreling in the Chaotang.

Shen Yu finally settled.

Seven Highnesses and dear ones.

After Mingshu, he touched the palace of His Royal Highness Seven and prepared to laugh at her goblin.

This historic moment must be laughed at, otherwise there will be no chance in the future.

Mingshu avoided the people in the palace and turned into his bedroom through the window.

As soon as he entered, a sound of wind struck from the side, and Mingshu subconsciously counterattacked, but the next second she was hugged.

"I thought Mr. Prime Minister would not come to see me."

The girl's voice was soft and pleasant.

"Can you speak to me in a normal voice?"

Seventh Highness was originally holding her from behind, and when he rubbed to the front, his body slipped slightly, and was instantly shorter than Mingshu.

He looked up at Mingshu: "Don't you like my voice?"

Mingshu looked down at him: "...the picture is too beautiful to dare to imagine."

The Seventh Highness snorted, and the voice became deeper: "How can Lord Master get me here?"

"I come……"

"Knock!" A quick knock on the door interrupted Ming Shu's words.

The Seventh Highness was not afraid, leaning on the outside of Mingshu and asked, "What is it."

The sound is converted without a sense of disobedience.

The people outside did not push the door in and answered: "His Royal Highness, something has happened. It was you who set North Vietnam and relatives early this morning."

Seventh Highness looked at Mingshu: "You just came to see my joke?"

"His Royal Highness."

"Your Highness? Your Highness? Are you okay? The imperial edict hasn't come down yet. There is still room for change in this matter. You calm down..."

"Don't come in!" His Royal Highness smirked.

The guards outside were shaking their hands.

Your Highness must be angry.

His Royal Highness sent the guard away, and his nose just touched Mingshu's chin, and he gently rubbed it twice: "Sir, do you want to see me marry someone?"

"Why not."

"I am yours."

"..." Mingshu's mouth twitched. Was it a fragment? Why can't the plot connect?

Since the last time he ran to Prime Minister's House, she has never met him again.

How did he develop into her?


He was also hers.

"Is your Highness drinking too much? How can I say nonsense, the minister has nothing to do with His Highness."

"Why not, you help me cover, help me hide the weapon, I haven't dismantled me for so long, you touched me, are we really okay?"

Shameless shameless rogue, he touched him and wanted to deny it!

"Sir Prime Minister, I like you very much."

The moment I saw her, I liked it.

Never liked it so much.

He tilted his head slightly, his dark, watery eyes reflected the people in front of him, and his lips didn't know whether it was rouge or the color that was so attractive.

Mingshu endured the urge to kiss him: "You've got my chest."

Seventh Highness: "..."

Hear such a sentence in a long time?


Your lord is mad!




Monthly pass! Friday! on vacation! Monthly pass! !

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