Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1180: Adultery of the Rape (10)

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Seven Highnesses of Fengqi State.

Real name Shen Hi.

Men's status in the palace is not high, and the final result can only be married as a tool to consolidate the throne.

Shen Xing's father did not want his child to end this way.

Therefore, when Shen Xing was born, he was kept as a woman by his husband's identity.

He did not ask Shen to be able to compete for the throne. He just wanted to wait for him to become queen and leave the palace, when he was free.

Unfortunately, in such a change, Shen Ying didn't wait until the first emperor gave him the title.

Mingshu pushed the person who seemed to have no bones away.

Shen Yin's body is very soft, even if he intends to exercise, but his physical quality is so, he is only a little tougher than the average man's body.

He and Mingshu shoved and shoved. Finally, Mingshu could only let him rely on himself: "Senior Prime Minister, you haven't answered me yet."

"Your Highness, I just came to see your joke."

Mingshu answered honestly.

She didn't expect that this product would be so soon this time...

"Then the Prime Minister wanted to see me marry the prince of North Vietnam, and then share the bed with him?"

"Anyway, you are all men, why not?"

"Man..." Shen Xing paused: "No way."

Ming Shu: "..." Little Goblin knows a lot!

Mingshu broke the people apart: "Your Highness, pay attention to this, you can't bear it if you are so empathetic."

Shen Ying stepped back: "Is it comfortable to hold me?"

Mingshu: "..."

What kind of person does the goblin smoke this time?

Why is it so strange!

Shen Xing came back together again, the fragrance on his body struck: "Sir Prime Minister, are you comfortable holding me?"

"I think there is something else in Fuchu..." Mingshu said as he moved towards the window: "Retreat first."

Intuition tells her that this little goblin can't be tempted.

She still avoided him a bit later.

Mingshu turned out of the window and looked back. Shen Ying stood by the window, and her dark eyes looked at her like an abandoned animal.

Mingshu shivered and ran faster.

When Ming Shu disappeared, Shen Ping's pitiful expression closed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. There was a breathtaking beauty.

For a long time, don’t knock on the door of the palace again, and the guards entered: "His Royal Highness, what about the North Vietnamese country?"

"She will help me out."

"She?" The bodyguard froze for a moment. "You say prime minister?"

Shen Ying grinds her fingertips, he believes that she is different from herself, she will definitely help her solve it.

Although he did not know why.

"Your Highness, are you really planning to win the prime minister?"

"Roll?" Shen Ying jumped through the window, jumped over the palace wall, and looked at the sky: "No, I want to be her person."

Bodyguard: "Eh??"

Shen Ying did not mean to explain. He turned to look at the bodyguard: "Why do you want to check my fourth sister?"

This question is a bit out of line, and the bodyguard cannot answer it.

"...Your Highness, wouldn't you tell the Prime Minister the whereabouts of the Four Highnesses?" The bodyguard asked very carefully.

If this matter is made known to others and they are found on their heads, it will be over.

At the beginning, he did not agree with His Highness to help, as long as they reached the king, they can safely leave this place where cannibalism does not spit bones.

"She wants to know, of course I have to tell her." Shen Ying takes for granted: "I will give her whatever she wants."

Bodyguard: "..."

Is your Highness stunned? !


Mingshu bit the candied gourd back to the house and was blocked by Jingyu as soon as he entered the door.

Jing Yu reached out and snatched Mingshu's candied gourd, and handed it to the next man: "Adult, you can't eat anything outside, you are not afraid of poisoning others."

"I ate everything I eat, and I'm finished if it's poisonous." Mingshu grabbed the servant and brought the candied gourd back: "So it can't be wasted."

"grown ups!"

"Hey, I'm going to the study room first." Mingshu pulled out and ran.

"Sir, wait!"

Jing Yu followed Ming Shu into the study.

"The people who heard and kissed them have been chosen. Is it Seventh Highness?"


I have to find a way to turn this person into someone else.

Mocking Gui Mo, where did the goblin really marry a prince and let go.

Pretend to be cool, and target the crematorium.

"His Royal Highness..." Jing Yu didn't know how to describe the highness, simply didn't say him.

Jing Yu's expression was slightly serious: "The North Vietnamese nation lost the battle, but the subordinates felt that they would not be so good. This time when they came to the imperial capital, the adults should be more careful. The subordinates are afraid that they will take revenge."

"This is the imperial capital of Fengqi Kingdom."

"Adults are still careful."

"The one who should come will always come." Mingshu said inscrutablely: "What to eat at night?"

"grown ups……"

"You have enough energy to think about things."

"..." Although I felt something was wrong, I couldn't refute it.


On the second day of Mingshu, in the face of civil and military officials, he did not agree with His Highness as a relative.

The decree of this matter has not been settled yet, so there is still room for discussion.

A ray of danger flashed through Shen Yu's eyes: "Premier, why?"

Shen Yu was somewhat dismissive of Shen Hi. In her memory, this seven-sister had always been like this, and she didn't do much in the end.

So she can tolerate Shen Ying alive.

But now, her rival has even raised objections.

When was Shen Ying related to her?

"His Royal Highness damages my national prestige of Feng Qi." Ming Shu applied other people's reasons at the scene.

"Yeah, Your Majesty think twice."

"Despite the defeat of the North Vietnamese nation, the strength of the North Vietnamese nation should not be underestimated. If you let His Highness the Seventh...Wei Chen is afraid of an irreparable situation, His Majesty thinks twice."

As soon as Ming Shu made a noise, the ministers who opposed him came forward one after another.

Even the people on Shen Yu's side voiced opposition.

It can be seen how unpopular the Seven Highnesses are.

Shen Yu raised his hand and signaled everyone's quietness: "Since this is the case, who does the prime minister think is appropriate?"

"As long as it's not like His Highness the Seventh, I think it will do."

Shen Yuding looked at her for a few seconds and seemed to want to see something on her face.

"What do the two elders think?"

After being named, the elder Zhang Ge, who was present, replied: "It is not advisable to be too high, but also not too low."

This is a big summary.

The old fox is worthy of being an old fox.

"Feng Ge Lao?" Shen Yu looked at Feng Ge Lao again.

Feng Gelao: "The minister also agreed with Zhang Gelao. Nowadays, it is most appropriate for the prime minister to have no marriage in the DPRK and China."

Mingshu almost bit his tongue.

How come back to my head again!

"Old Feng Ge, do you still want me to pass through the enemy and treason once?" Let the prince of the North Vietnamese country marry her, and then arrange a little plot, it is just a matter of course!

"You..." Feng Ge old glared at Mingshu: "Your Majesty, you see the attitude of Prime Minister."

"The people from North Vietnam are not good. Everyone knows clearly. You still gave me this prince as the pillar of the country. Old Feng Feng said, do you have bad intentions and want to harm me!"

Feng Gelao: "..." shameless! Who claims to be your country's face! !

Feng Ge was speechless.

She has this thought, but can this kind of thing come up and say? Can?

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