Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1222: Yu Yin around the beam (19)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Strange, why didn't Zhan come to class today?"

Jiang Le came in from outside the class and murmured across from Ming Shu.

"What the hell, don't answer the phone."

Mingshu looked up at him and said, "Does he often miss classes?"

"No," Jiang Le recalled carefully. "Few, except for seeing no people on weekends, we are at school from Monday to Friday, and our results are not good."

"That may be something." The land warfare is a power player, just don't know if he is an official or other power organization.

And according to Mr. Wen.

The abilities have only one ability at first, and if there are two abilities, they are converted from others.

Deprived of abilities... The deprived person can only die.


Jiang Le think about it too, who hasn't done anything yet.

The boy's attention was quickly diverted.


Today, not only Huang Xiaolu transferred to school, but the land battle did not come to class, and Yi Jiao did not come to class.

I don't know what happened after being arrested by those people.

Ming Shu didn't expect to see Fu Yunbai again after school.

Fu Yunbai is standing alone at the school gate. He is a very elegant-looking person. He wears a suit, wears a tie, wears glasses, and stops there. I don't know if you are the leader of the school.

"Miss Sang Yin."

Fu Yunbai took the initiative to greet her.

"Yinyin, who is this?" Jiang Le's four stood shoulder to shoulder behind Mingshu, looking at Fu Yunbai and asked curiously.

"I don't know." Mingshu didn't like the person who took her cook.

My kitchen lady...

It hurts to think about it.

Find a chance to save again, the chef will definitely choose me!

Fu Yunbo was not annoyed by the words, and still politely said: "Miss Sang Yin, I have something to say to you."

The four of Jiang Le looked suspiciously at Fu Yunbo.

In the end, Ming Shu followed Fu Yunbai and got into the car. Jiang Le stood in the same place and watched them leave.

Only she and Fu Yunbo were in the car.

Fu Yunbo drove the car and left the school for some distance.

Mingshu ate cheese biscuits and did not speak, completely treating Fu Yunbai as a driver.

Fu Yunbo seems to be more patient than Mingshu.

In the end, Fu Yunbogan bowed down: "Miss Sang Yin, did Master Wen tell you about the power?"

"Has said."

Fu Yunbo nodded: "I have a few questions here to ask you."

"I have the right to choose whether to answer or not."

Fu Yunbo froze for a while: "This is natural. But Miss Sang Yin doesn't want these things, and if you get to Master Wen, still hope you can answer them seriously."

Mingshu's eyes swept away, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, seeming sarcasm.

Quiet in the car.

When Fu Yunbai stopped the car and waited for the traffic lights, he finally said: "Miss Sang Yin rescued Mengmeng right?"

"Is it you?"

"..." Fu Yunbo had clearly felt that the girl just didn't care much about him, and now it's a bit tit-for-tat.

But these questions have to be asked...

"The one who captured Mengmeng is our very dangerous target #2. It is almost impossible for you to save Mengmeng from him."

"Man can create miracles, why not?"

"...Miss Sang Yin, can you tell me, how did you save Mengmeng from him?"

Mingshu bullshit: "He had bad luck that day and fell into disappointment."

"..." Fu Yunbai froze for a moment, the red light was on, and he started the car: "Miss Sang Yin, do you really have no power?"

"At this point, your big brother No. 2 didn't tell you?" Did I use abilities? Isn't he the best?

Fu Yunbai's mind flashed the content of the No. 2 target.

He looked at the traffic in front of him: "Target 2 confessed that you have a very dangerous weapon in your hand."

Mingshu hehe: "He said you believe it, how do you know it is not fooling you."

Just when Fu Yunbo thought about how he should answer the phone, the girl's voice suddenly turned, arrogant and confident.

"Even if I have it in hand, what do you want to grab?"


Fu Yunbai watched the girl disappear in the flow of people, he rubbed his brow.

Drive back to the power management board.

As soon as he entered, someone greeted him.

"How is it? Does she really have abilities? Can win the No. 2 goal, I don't believe she is an ordinary person."

"She is just an ordinary person."

"No... I depend, how did she handle No. 2? So many of us..."

How embarrassing is it to say this?

The man asked again: "What does the No. 2 target say like a laser gun weapon?"

Fu Yunbo thought for no reason, that girl's last sentence.

That sentence should be admitted?

"Listed as the A-level surveillance target first." Fu Yunbai said: "If there is an abnormal behavior, then make plans."

"Senior granddaughter smells..." The man hesitated: "Not so good?"

Fu Yunbai patted the man's shoulder: "This is our task."

No matter who that person is.

As long as it is possible to do anything harmful to society, it will be monitored.


Mingshu returned home. Master Wen and Yu Shen seemed to be in the pharmacy. She shook outside the pharmacy.

Now the bodyguard looks at her like a virus.

For fear that they would not pay attention, the young master was abducted again.

Mingshu stood for a while, and there was no movement, and she turned back to the room.

Unconsciously, the night came down, and Mingshu lay in bed for a while, and then there was the sound of the boom.

Is he wrong?

Mingshu covered his head and didn't want to ignore him.

She endured one night, and she endured two nights!

But this will be the case for the next few days.

On time!

Just like timing!

Mingshu finally couldn't bear it, and turned over the window.

The balcony window was still closed, and Mingshu knocked on the window to let him open the door.

"What's wrong with you?" Mingshu asked when he entered the door. "It's nice to make someone sleep?"

Yu Shen stared at her for a few seconds, turned and walked to the sofa to sit.

Mingshu: "..."

"I heard that you didn't eat at night?" Mingshu sat across from the buttocks, and the gangster's posture unfolded: "Want to starve to death in my house, what about my house?"

"You can send me back."

"I want to pack and send you back, dare I? The old man doesn't kill me."

Yu Shen's tone rose slightly: "Are you afraid?"

"Respect for the elders and love the younger ones!"

A trace of contempt appeared on Yu Shen's pale face, expressing contempt for her words.

Very hypocritical.

Yu Shen came up with such a word for no reason.

He got up suddenly, walked to the bed inside, and under the staring of Ming Shu, he went to bed and covered it with a quilt.

Mingshu: "???

Mingshu determined that he was really asleep and fell through the window.

It was finally quiet.

However, she just lay down on the bed, and there was a booming sound again.

are you crazy!

Tomorrow people will come to Anan soundproof board! !

Mingshu climbed up again, Yu Shen lying on the bed, did not get up, his breath was long and steady, as if he was asleep.

But the jump ball jumped in the room by himself, changing one's person, maybe it was scared.

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