Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1223: Yu Yin around the beam (20)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu wanted to catch the jump ball, but she didn't feel it right, and she quickly withdrew her hand.

Jump the ball at the same frequency, hit it, hit it again...

Mingshu bypassed the jump ball and walked to the bed.

There was a faint light on the head of the bed, and the face of the person on the bed did not seem so pale.

Mingshu squatted down and looked at him beside the bed.

Yu Shen's hand was placed outside, and Mingshu gently hooked his little finger, and then held it all.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

Yu Shen was originally asleep, but when Mingshu held his hand, he was already awake.

He knew it was her.

The smell on her was so special that he was at ease and familiar.

The heat swept across his cheeks, a kiss fell, kissed from the corner of his mouth to the lips, Yu Shen didn't know what she wanted to do, but he didn't hate such touch.

Yu Shen's lips were torn apart, and those who kissed him seemed dissatisfied, and began to pry his lips and teeth with a soft tip.

Yu Shen exploded in his head, forgetting to breathe for a while.

Then he heard her voice.

"Good boy, open your mouth."

Yu Shen instinctively followed suit.

The tip of the soft tongue came in and swept over his sensitive place, bringing a burst of unprecedented numbness and flowing through his body.

After a moment he reacted and she knew... he was awake.

Yu Shen was sideways, but she pushed herself flat and the whole person pressed up.

They were all wearing pajamas and thin clothes, and could feel the softness of her body, which was close to his chest.

Yu Shen's heart thundered, and his brain was so blank that he didn't know how to think or how to react.

Yu Shen didn't know how long the time passed, it seemed a long time, it seemed just a moment.

She slowly propped herself up and lost a lot of weight.

He struggled for a moment, slowly opening his eyes.

The eyes are slightly misty because of their physiology, and they look at the person who is pressing themselves by the faint light.

He opened Zhang Yanhong's lips and issued a single syllable: "You..."

"Do you like it?" Ming Shu laughed: "Do you like me to kiss you?"

The teenager thought for a moment.


Mingshu turned and lay down next to him: "Then don't use abilities at night, it's noisy."


Is it because of this?

Yu Shen raised his hand, and the jump ball not far away stopped.

The room was quiet.

Yu Shen could hear her breath, right in the ear, very light and shallow.

He moved his fingertips, carefully touching her hand on the side: "I like you to kiss me, does it mean that I like you?"

"Who knows, I am not you."

"...Don't you like me?"

"No." Mingshu habitually denied it.

Yu Shen's fingers were loose, and the two's hands were close to each other, without shaking hands. At that moment, his heart beat, as if still, the blood in his body condensed.

The feelings that made him ecstatic just now disappeared.

"Then why do you kiss me?"

"Just kiss you for a while, and you won't be pregnant. You still want me to be responsible? If you are not satisfied, you can come back."


Yu Shen got up suddenly, and the quilt was half-pressed by Mingshu. He fell directly from the bed.

"Go out." Yu Shen got up and pointed outside: "You go out."

Mingshu slowly sat up from the bed: "Are you sure?"

Yu Shen is not sure.

But he gritted his teeth: "Go out."

Zan Nanshu got out of bed and walked towards the balcony.

Yu Shen stood and looked at her in place, until she disappeared on the balcony, he fell suddenly and fell to the bed.

It's because he thinks too much.

It's just that he thought too much...


Upstairs was quiet for the next few days, and no sound came out at night.

The food sent by the servant was still being beaten back.

The old man Wen was a little worried. He sent it several times in person, and Yu Shen took the things in, and promised that the old man would eat it, but when the servant went to collect it, he remained intact.

Zan Nanshu didn't reflect on what he did wrong, so what should he do.

How can I get it so easily!

That seems to be too cheap!

"Master, be careful..."

Yu Shen stayed upstairs for the rest of the time except when he came out of the pharmacy. Mingshu was in class, and he almost couldn't collide with him.

Mingshu came out of the room this weekend and happened to hit him down.

He looked haggard, and there was a circle of black and black under his eyes. When walking, Mingshu suspected that he would fall.

Yu Shen glanced at her, lowered her head, and went downstairs.

Grandpa Wen stood at the door and seemed to be waiting for him.

Seeing Mingshu standing on the stairs, Master Wen said with a smile: "Yinyin, I took Xiaoshen out, and I might not come back tonight."

Mingshu went downstairs a few steps and took the old man to the side.

"He has something wrong, grandpa, where are you going to take him?"

"I'm also surprised. Recently, he clearly cooperated, but his body is much worse than before." Master Wen sighed.

"So grandpa, where are you taking him?"

"Yinyin, you seem to be worried about him?" Mr. Wen answered the question again.

Mingshu glanced over to Yu Shen, who was bending over to get in the car.

"I like him."

Master Wen was a little surprised: "You don't communicate much, why..."

This girl has been quite cheerful recently, but she came back. Apart from eating, she was staying in the room. Except for the last time she took Xiao Shen out, he never saw them again.

"Grandpa, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Xiaoshen needs help from the Power Management Department."

"Just his body..."

Master Wen was also helpless: "Xiaoshen agreed."

He didn't even count Yu Shen's guardian. What he promised to do, he could only stand against the doctor's position and could not imprison him.

"Help me? What's his power?" Does controlling the jumping ball make noise every night?

"Yinyin has nothing to do with you, you study hard."

"Grandpa, he is very important to me."

Mr. Wen looked at his granddaughter, the little girl who had lived with him for many years, but he could not understand at this time.



In the end, Mingshu also got on the car, although it was not the one with Yu Shen.

The car stopped at the Power Management Bureau. This building is very strange. It looks completely different from the inside.

There should be reasons for blessings.

Fu Yunbo personally greeted him and saw that Mingshu came down from the car. His expression changed slightly, but he soon disguised it.

Yu Shen was carefully guarded by the bodyguard, like a porcelain doll.

Fu Yunbai greeted Mr. Wen first and then spoke to Yu Shen.

Yu Shen, no matter what the other party said, he said yes, but generally he would not do it.

Fu Yunbai made a please gesture: "Go ahead and say more."

Mingshu was a few steps behind, and Yu Shen's bodyguards followed her a few steps for some reason.

"Miss Sang Yin, you are the granddaughter of Master Wen. I can't say anything about you, but I beg you to be more considerate to you."

After the bodyguard finished speaking, he caught up with the person in front.

Mingshu: "???

What is forgiving?

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