Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1263: Obey the order (20)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Several times after that, Mingshu discovered that Ye Jie was always absent-minded, and then figured out the situation that hurt herself.

She felt his uneasiness, but she did not know how to eliminate his uneasiness.

This incident had affected Mingshu. She couldn't hold back the frustration when she ate two more small snacks.

"Assistant He."

Mingshu called Shou He Assistant.


"I ask you something."

Assistant He was curious: "What does Missy want to ask?"

Recently, nothing happened in Xicheng District. Many of the factories had compromised and began to pay to enter and exit Dongcheng District.

Except for Mr. seems nothing.

"A person feels uneasy, how to eliminate his uneasiness?"

"Huh?" Assistant He scratched his head: "Miss, your question is too general. The reasons for this result are different, and the solutions are naturally different."

Assistant He whispered in his heart, what problem did Mr. Ye and Missy have?

Recently, Mr. Ye... seems to be a bit wrong.

I saw him alone several times.

Such a situation was rare in the past.

Was it the last time, the first lady questioned Mr. Ye, the relationship between the two was wrong?

Mingshu waved Assistant He out.

She thinks about it herself.

If I knew it, I wouldn’t tell him...

This stepping horse is not the same as that on TV! !

Ming Shu sighed.

What if he wanted to buy some medicine and confuse him with amnesia.

Hold back hold back.

Think of it as your goblin...

Aura is not enough for snacks, how can you waste that strange medicine.


Sure enough, it was much calmer.

Mingshu exchanged a bunch of snacks from the Harmony, and the halo was buckled. She needed to comfort herself.



Ye Ji didn't come with her today. When Ming Shu went back, Ye Ji was lying on the sofa with her hand on the forehead, her right leg lying flat on the sofa, and her left leg slightly curved.

Dressed in home clothes, lazy, like a laid-back cat.

The sound of opening and closing did not seem to wake him up.

Mingshu lightly acted, turned around in the kitchen, and then walked over to the sofa.

Mingshu sat next to him, holding his hand on his abdomen.

She played for a while and leaned over to look at him.

Ye Jie breathed very steady, and she slept very hard.

Mingshu touched like a dragonfly on his lips.

Mingshu got up and took the blanket, put it on him, and then sat on the ground, leaning back against the sofa and accompanying him quietly.


Mingshu received news that Xicheng District would fight Dongcheng District a few days later.

A pioneer force has been formed in Xicheng District to completely eliminate this garbage collection station in Dongcheng District.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Dongcheng District was exploded.

What do Xicheng District have, what do they have in Dongcheng District?

What kind of resistance did they resist when real gunshots came from Xicheng District?

Some people think that Xicheng District made such a decision because of Ji Ji, so people who circled outside Ji Ji.

The screams kept telling the progress, and in the face of such a huge base of people, the employees of Duji did not dare to come forward.

The fight between Xicheng District and Dongcheng District was originally in the plot, but now it is just ahead of schedule.

Mingshu was very calm about this.

If she doesn't fight, how can she pull the value of hatred?

There are troops in Xicheng District, and now they are all assembled on the opposite side of the line of defense. Mingshu looks at the video that came back in front.

"Miss, just released in Xicheng District."

Assistant He opened a video spot to Mingshu. The people in the video asked Dongcheng District to hand over the person in charge of Ji Ji, that is, Mingshu, or they would attack Dongcheng District immediately.

Mingshu, as the current real power controller in Dongcheng District, is also the target that Yi Xi wished to kill a few hundred times. The other party's request to hand her over is completely reasonable.

This video was published on the whole network and everyone in Dongcheng District watched it.

"Miss, Xicheng District wants you to be the target."

"pretty good."

Assistant He: "?"

What a good thing!

Is Missy's brain broken!

"Now people in Dongcheng District see this video and they all run to us and want to hand you over directly."

Assistant He was a little angry. Those in Xicheng District didn't take people in Dongcheng District seriously.

After the Missy established the defense line, people in Xicheng District still dare to slap them, they come and go in a hurry, and they dare not dare to be like before.

Although the situation is not good now, he believes that Missy must have a solution.

Mingshu dropped his phone: "It's more lively to fight, isn't it?"

Ordinary people in Dongcheng District wanted to hand over Mingshu, but Mingshu didn't show up, and they couldn't help even if they shouted hard.

"Miss, no good, Mr. Ye's car was blocked by those outside."

The staff's panic voice came from outside the office.

Assistant He hasn't responded yet, the office is no longer the figure of his eldest lady.

Assistant He: "..."

Outside the Jiji gate.

The excited crowd blocked a car. At this time, the windows of the car had been smashed open. Everyone was crowded together, and no one could see what was inside.

"It's all of you harmful people."

"Now the whole Dongcheng District will suffer, you guys are going to die, what do we do!"

"Why don't you die!"

"Jianxue! She came out!"

"Grab her and give it to Xicheng District!"

As soon as Ming Shu was out of the gate, he was discovered. The crowd besieging the car immediately turned around and rushed towards Ming Shu.

Ming Shu looked into the crowd, there were too many people over there, she didn't see Ye Jie.

Scolding and screaming mixed together.

Mingshu lifted people who were blocking the road all the way, close to the car.

But there was no one in the car and nobody around.

"What about people?" Mingshu grabbed a person next to him.

The man was clamoring badly just now, but in the face of someone with real strength, he couldn't do it in an instant.

"No... I don't know. I was there..."

Bang Bang Bang!

After a few shots, the whole world seemed to be quiet. Mingshu pointed his muzzle at the nearest person: "Squat me down."

It is not illegal to hold a gun in this world, but guns are not easy to get. Many people may have them in Xicheng District, but few people have guns in Dongcheng District.

Pointed at the gun, the people dared not cry, and crouched down with their heads behind.

A large group of people squatted to the ground, Mingshu swept around, and at a distance of seven or eight meters from the car, they saw Ye Ji leaning against the wall.

Mingshu crossed the crowd.

"Ye Ji?"

Ye Jie pushed away the person next to him. The man fell to the ground and twitched twice.

Ye Jie raised a smile at Mingshu: "Darling, I knew you would come to save me, ah... my hands hurt."

He raised his hand towards Mingshu: "Darling, help me rub it."

Mingshu held his palm: "Go ahead."

Ye Jie glanced at the people around him, his eyes glowing obscurely.



Luo Yan: I'll be out for a while, it's gone?

Little fairy: otherwise?

Luo Yan: Plus play! Anyway, I am also an important male partner!

Little fairy: OK, give tickets!

Luo Yan: No!

Little Fairy: Do you still want to play without you? Dreaming too!

Luo Yan: ... Which little cutie helped me vote! Don't you want to see your husband?

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