Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1264: Obey the order (21)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu was originally planning to protect Dongcheng District properly, which was also considered his own base camp. The eating site could not be pried.

But the group of people besieged Ye Jie, so Mingshu was too lazy to please.

What had been arranged, Mingshu asked Assistant He to withdraw, and the side of the defense line also withdrew herself. The rest of the people loved it, and she ignored it.

Ming Shu let things go.

People in Dongcheng District wanted to hand her over, and she had to catch her.

This stalemate lasted for nearly three days, and Xicheng District could not help launching an attack.

There was originally a line of defense, and Xicheng District was not yet easy to break through. However, there seemed to be a traitor in Dongcheng District, which opened an entrance to Dongcheng District.

The troops entered Dongcheng District. They came to clear Dongcheng District. All the rebellions were killed, and those who did not resist were taken away.

"Miss, they have swept two streets."

Assistant He looked calm.

Mingshu nodded, indicating that he knew.


Mingshu looked at the beating name on the screen of the mobile phone, and was slightly surprised that the missing person even called her.

Today is a good day to attack.

"Daughter girl." The cheap dad's voice came from the end of the phone: "I heard that there was a fight?"


"I heard you picked it up?"

"Yeah." Ming Shu responded: "Dad, you called me at this time, wouldn't you just ask this?"

"Ha ha ha, of course not." The cheap dad seemed quite happy: "I just want to hear my girl's voice."


The sentimentality of the elderly does not understand.

"Girl, see you soon."

The cheap dad hung up the phone after speaking.

Mingshu is so confused, what kind of stuff is he going to return?

Both Dongcheng District and Xicheng District are fighting, and it seems to make sense for the cheap dad to come back.

But Mingshu always finds the cheap dad's attitude very strange...

And what he said before...


Outside, there was nowhere to go, but Du Jili seemed very stable. The sweeping army approached Du Ji's street, but before he opened fire, he was blown away.

Yes, it is flying.

Weapons with particularly high lethality are no worse than those equipped in Xicheng District.

Xicheng District and Duji competed day and night, and finally suffered heavy losses.

There is no way but to leave this piece and sweep other places.

There are employees and relatives of employees in Duoji.

"Why do you have such weapons and don't fight back? So many people outside?"

"You obviously can save them, why not save people!?"

"They are all innocent!"

"Isn't it something you caused? You are responsible!!"

The family members of some employees shouted in the lobby, and soon formed a small group, asking Ji Ji to go out and fight against the army in Xicheng District.

Assistant He stared at these people with a bad look. The employees saw this and quickly grabbed their loved ones.

Assistant He stepped forward from the crowd: "I think you forgot, who asked for the lady to be handed over before?"

"That's...she..." It was her fault!

"We..." What have we done wrong!

These words could have been spoken, but in the face of Assistant He's cold, slightly sarcasm, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Assistant He sneered, and once again released a heavy message: "Miss Miss was supposed to guard Dongcheng District, but unfortunately, the opportunity was discarded by yourself."

Before Mr. Ye’s car stopped, the elder lady didn’t care about the scolding and the sound of asking her to hand over her.

There is even a mood to arrange the defense line.

Only after that happened, she changed her attitude.

Assistant He resolved the noise below and went back upstairs.

The core members are all above, and the relatives here are very quiet, staying in the corner.

"Assistant He, you said where did our elder lady come with so many weird weapons?" It seemed that Xicheng District couldn't get those things out.

Assistant He also wanted to know about this problem.

But he did not gossip to the answer.

"I haven't worked in Du Ji for a long time, but Du Ji has been around for a long time. It's not surprising that we have such weapons."

He himself found an answer.

And I think it makes sense.

How long did Ji Ji exist? It seems that they have been there from their memory.

Just like the cards that record life expectancy in Dongcheng District and Xicheng District, they exist for granted.

"It makes sense." An employee nodded. "What shall we do next? Can't we watch the crowd of people in Xicheng District occupy our Dongcheng District?"

Assistant He shook his head: "Miss Miss has not said the next step."

Everyone did not seem anxious, after all, their eldest lady was so divine, and now the group of people in Xicheng District could not help them.


Xicheng District.

Yi Xi sat in a meeting room with a group of people, and what was displayed on the screen was the result of their sweeping today.

The map of the entire Dongcheng District is here. Those marked with red marks on the map prove that they have been controlled.

One of them was drawn, and that was where Ji Ji was.

"Miss Yi, I think more people can be sent over, so it will be faster."

"Dongcheng District is a group of rats, and they should have been removed long ago."

"Ji Ji..."

Someone made a noise.

With this sound, the lively meeting room suddenly became quiet.

A middle-aged man with a big belly said: "The weapons of Jiji are too powerful, ordinary weapons can't deal with them."

Opposite a man looked a little irritable: "Where did Jiji have more advanced weapons than us?"

Everyone wants to know this question.

"Regardless of the age, clear all the other places, and finally there is no help before and after the age, and they consume and consume energy."

"It makes sense..."

Everyone whispered and obviously agreed with this person's theory.

"Miss Yi, what do you think?"

Yi Xi looked at the map without speaking, and she was worried.

That woman...

Although Yi Xi didn't think it was right, everyone insisted that if she opposed it too strongly, it would be detrimental to her current status.

So Yi Xi agreed to send more people to speed up the sweep.

After a few days without any problems, Ji Ji didn't respond, as if he had completely given up resistance.

But the more this is, the more Ixi felt wrong.

Why is that woman sitting still?

Just when Yi Xi was worried, news came again from the front line that there was a team that fought very hard.

Although the opponent's weapon was not good, they used the terrain of Dongcheng District to cause considerable damage to their team and were robbed of a batch of weapons.

There is a familiar figure in the pictures passed back.

"Lu Ning..."

She could even lead people to fight back.

"Give me this woman." Yi Xi's finger landed, and there was a fierce flash in his eyes: "I want to live!!!"

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