Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1289: The Way of Apocalypse (12)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The Space and Time Administration hindered the destruction of the world, which was in conflict with the purpose of the ancients, so it completely made sense to destroy the Space and Time Administration.

As for why it didn't do it before.

Probably because of weakness...

And follow her to go south and north, have the confidence... so come back and get rid of the rival?

Mingshu suddenly hugged Qi Yu: "Baby, I'm a little scared."

Qi Yu: "..."

Before you step on the horse, make me a scared expression!

But my wife calls me baby!


Qi He didn't know what Mingshu thought, but only saw her suddenly hug Qi Yu.

Are they not talking about serious things?

Mingshu hugged for a while, and then let go of nothing. "So, when you found out that I appeared in these planes, and then the apocalypse reminded me of your identity, you sent such a snake disease to me?"

Named snake essence disease: "..."

MMP's knife!

Just called others baby just now!

Is it now called snake essence disease?

You are the snake's disease!

Your whole family has snake disease!

Qi He nodded: "Almost, choose small... Qi Yu, because he has apocalypse in his hand."

"You gave me two options, why?" If I were not smart, my wife would be gone!

"You can kill her best." Qi He didn't mean to hide: "You can't kill her, I can only give you an alternative."

Her presence seriously affected the plane.

And more than once.

It is normal for such a bug to be cleared.

Mingshu raised his eyebrows slightly: "I used to be an alternative plan?"

Qi Yu felt chilly in the back.

I want to unload Qi He eight!

Why did you give two choices? ! Why should he ask this stupid question!

Isn't it possible to give Lao Tzu a choice?


There is only one choice, will he do this task?

Qi Yu pondered for a long time, and felt that he should not go. The task of Raiders is the business of Atractylodes. They never do such a task of grinding and chirping and loving.

If he doesn't go, he won't meet her.

Qi Yu suddenly felt a little upset.

Qi He knew that he would not go, so he only gave two choices, and he was excited before the mission!

Sure enough, she was embarrassed with Luo Yan!

Qi Yu Chong Mingshu squeezed a smile: "Wife-in-law."

Mingshu did not care about the meaning: "I understand, you really treat me as a BUG, ​​in this case, then I have nothing to do, I will take him away."

As for the Harmony...

She has to think again...

Qi He: "???

Take him away?

where to?

Qi He was full of doubts, he looked at his brother-in-law's brother blowing, where are you going with her?

Qi Yu bird does not bird him.

Lao Tzu is going to be a pet for his wife!

How can you tell you a joke!

I'm stupid!

"Miss Mingshu!"

Qi He sees that Mingshu really intends to leave, and he immediately calls out to stop her.

"Since you can say those things, it proves that you know the matter well, can you please help?"

Ming Shu turned around: "Why should I help? Before you tried to kill me, I don't count on you, you still treat me as a good talk? How big your face is when you are a fairy?"

Qi He: "..."

Qi He couldn't tell if he had this idea, but because of her relationship with Qi Yu, he more or less felt that he wouldn't be too stiff.

But he did not expect that Mingshu would refuse to be so simple.

"Qi Yu!"

Unclear, Qi He is also called Qi Yu.

"You want to see our world ruined like this?"

He didn't know what she meant by repair, how to repair it? Where to fix it?

"I didn't want to take care of these things." Qi Yudao said: "Before the Administration, you have to pull me."

joke! How could Laozi face his daughter-in-law!

He wants to live two more years.

This is definitely not counseling! This is a favorite of my daughter-in-law!

Qi Yu pulled Mingshu away.

"Wife-in-law, are we really going?"

Ming Shu nodded: "I can't support my soul for long."

Appearing in a different world in this way, if her soul is strong enough, it won't work long ago.

Qi Yu looked at her and pursed her lower lip corner: "Can you tell me, where can I fix this world?"

"Qi Yu?"

Qi Yu smiled a little bit: "Wife-in-law, I'm not a good person, but that person gave me life, even if he likes Qi He more now, he is always my father, my mother's love. Before leaving... just It’s to give back to his nurturing grace, father-son relationship, and since then, I’m alone."

If you want to break, just clean it.

He will be her only in the future.

"Repairing the world is not as simple as you think." Ming Shu said: "The sacrifices I have said before are all possible."

"I will do what I can." Qi Yu took her hand and begged her softly: "Wife, wait for me, OK? No matter what the ending, I will follow you."


Mingshu sat on the steps, propped his chin and looked at the people below.


The ancients...


Is she really out of business?

Did the apocalypse predict those things, or...

"Hey, what about nine young?"

Xuan Zhi stood below and looked up at her.

"do not know."

Xuan Zhi stood underneath for a while, and suddenly came up carrying the skirt: "Are you upset?"

Mingshu raised his smile: "No."

Xuan Zhi bit her lower lip. Before she remembered, when Aunt Mei asked Jiu Shao for trouble, she stood in front of Jiu Shao...

She whispered: "Did you hide Jiu Shao, don't think so, I will give up!"

With a little grievance.

"Girl, it's almost the end of the world now, do you still miss him?"

"Because of this, I was thinking of Jiu Shao!" Xuan Zhi suddenly reddened his eyes: "I'm going to die anyway. Of course I will die violently!"

Mingshu: "..." seems to make sense.

Xuan Zhi's tears fell when he said it.

"I said... don't cry, it makes me bully you."

"You hid Jiu Shao, why didn't you bully me?" Xuan Zhi more and more crying: "I just like him!!!"

"What good is he," Ming Shu said: "You see his temper is so bad, don't just look at the surface superficially."

Xuan Zhi continued to cry.

"Even if you look superficially, which of Luo Yan, Qi He, Star Soul, and Atractylodes is not pretty?"

Xuan Zhi sobbed: "But I just like him, why don't you like the director, he has a bad temper, why don't you let him let me?"

"...I like him to fry." Mingshu murmured.

Ming Shu took a deep breath and smiled: "Can we be a little more positive and magnificent? For example, to save a world or something? Is this also a violent death?"

"I can't save myself, but also save the world..." Xuan Zhi choked twice, and the girl suddenly stared at Ming Shu: "Why are you so bad, curse me to death!"

Mingshu: "..."

Have it?

Wasn’t the violent death you said?

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