Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1290: The Way of Apocalypse (13)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"I could have ascended to the Tao, but inexplicably arrived at this place. I can't go back. My master, my brothers and sisters, my sisters and sisters, I can't see any of them."

I don't know if I was struggling, Xuan Zhi squatted down and cried with his knee in his arms.

"I can't find a spiritual sustenance, you still rob me, woo woo, you are all bad guys..."

Ming·Fool·Badman·Special: "..."

This rival does not follow the routine!

I still think about how to save the world.


Shoveling shit! problem occurs!

Mingshu heard the roar of the little beast in the middle of the night, and she rose doubtfully.

The little beast continued to roar: you go back!

go back? right now?

The little beast urged her, Mingshu frowned slightly, and she glanced at the person next to her.

The room was lonely.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

I don't know how long it has passed. The person who was in the room just now has disappeared, leaving only the empty room.


The cry of Qingli sounded through the sky, and the big bird, with its gorgeous tail feathers, soared through the sky.

The stream gurgled and rushed into the distance.

There is a momentary twist in the air.

Two figures appeared out of thin air.

Mingshu stepped on the familiar ground, and the aura around him seemed to find the owner, and surrounded him intimately.

"over there!"

Mingshu turned his head and saw several men flying swords towards her, all of which were fierce.

Mingshu: "..."

Why are these people still here!

"Grab her!"

Mingshu hugged Qi Yu, she squeezed her lower lip, looked up at the sky, and ran in one direction before the few people chased over.

Qi Yu woke up from the bumps, and he looked at the people chasing them in a daze.

He was taken by Mingshu, and his feet were not on the ground at this time, and the feeling of being empty sometimes made him uncomfortable.

Slowly, Qi Yu asked, "Wife-in-law... Can you tell me where is this?"

Mingshu took the time to answer: "Million Mirror World."

Wan Jingjie?

Have not heard……

This is all strange.

So now, is he no longer in his world?

She didn't promise herself...

Qi Yu's mood is incomprehensible.

and many more!

Can she take herself directly to another world?

"There's something wrong, don't be angry." Ming Shu said: "I'll take you back when I'm done here."

Qi Yu wrapped around Mingshu's neck: "Are you explaining to me?"



Mingshu caught up with the big bird that had flew over her before, and leaped onto the big bird: "Return to Wanjing Mountain!"

The big bird seemed to be frightened, like a bird falling, descending rapidly, passing against the treetop below, and was able to pull himself back into the air.

The bird is extremely fast, and the group of people below gradually gets smaller and smaller, and finally disappears.

Qi Yu was encircled by Mingshu in his arms. The big bird slipped across the sky, but no wind fell in.

He saw the building complex floating in mid-air ahead.

No reason, it just floats in the air, one after another, endlessly.

A big bird croaked, flying low from below the building complex, and then swiftly pulled high to the high mountains.

Qi Yu turned to God: "Who was the person who chased you just now?"

"Um..." Mingshu thought for a while: "I don't know."

"Don't know? Don't know why they chase you?" I'm sick! And looking at them, it was obvious that she had seen her before.

Mingshu disagreed: "I ate something, I probably want to eat it back..."

Qi Yu: "..."

What did you eat them, they want to eat back?

After Qi Yuhou realized that the person holding him seemed to have returned to normal temperature.

"You..." He turned back, his eyes straight into Mingshu's pupils: "Your body?"

Compared with the time of the soul body, the girl in front of her is a little less hazy and more stunning.

Mingshu smiled and pressed his lips against his lips.

The big bird flew very unstable, high and low, Qi Yu felt like she was riding a roller coaster, and her body temperature kept passing.

Shows that she is a flesh and blood at this time.

A slight wind blew his cheeks, Qi Yu's eyes opened slightly, and Mingshu released him at the same time: "Did you feel it?"

Qi Yu's expression was a little dull, he reached out and touched on Ming Shu, seemingly certain that she was no longer a soul body.

The wind was getting louder, Qi Yu looked sideways, they were above a mountain forest at this time.

Mingshu suddenly hugged him and turned and jumped.

Qi Yu subconsciously embraced Mingshu.

Her head was pressed against her by her neck, and there was no other feeling besides the coolness on his body.

Ming Shu allowed himself to fall. There seemed to be a transparent barrier in mid-air, and the barrier was separated in the moment she approached.

The scene below is completely different from the one seen above.

Mingshu fell from the separate barrier.

The dress on her body began to transform into a large dress, and the lines on the dress extended.

Qi Yu stepped on the ground, and there was a comfortable airflow surrounding him, like floating in warm water, and his limbs and bones were all comfortable.

"Sovereign Lord."

A light voice sounded from the front, Qi Yu was released by Mingshu.

He looked in the direction of the sound.

In front of the white and jade-like stairs, a group of women in blue stood with their hands down, and the leading woman in a purple shirt leaned over slightly: "Welcome the Lord to return to the mountain."

"Welcome to the Lord to return to the mountain."

Qi Yu's ear echoed, and his pupil reflected the palace above the white jade ladder.

The entire palace floated in mid-air, and the immortal air lingered like a fairyland.

The palace is at the highest point, and he can see a little low in the distance, surrounding the palace, floating in the empty building.

From far away, it seems that there are layers of voices coming-respect for the Lord to return to the mountain.

Mingshu pulled Qi Yu: "This is your honorable wife."

The woman in purple clothes didn't hesitate at all: "Have seen Mrs. Lord."

This time only the group of people behind her echoed, and there was no more sound around.

Qi Yu: "!!!!??"

and many more! What a ghost Mrs. Lord!

MMP who is riding your horse is your wife! !

Laozi's knife!

Never mind.

Anyway, screaming doesn’t mean less meat, she likes to scream, just so.

Mingshu led Qi Yu on the white jade steps up: "Sleeved Huan, but someone looking for me?"

The woman in Ziyi, Xiu Huan's respectful answer: "Yes, it is the master of the state of Liyang State, who has been waiting for the Lord for many days."

Mingshu nodded, not speaking, going all the way up into the hall.

Along the way, there were a lot of people in blue clothes, men and women, no one dared to see more when she saw them saluting.

Instead of staying in the hall, Mingshu took him around the hall and went to the rear.

He was taken into a room, and the smoke was swirling in the room, and all the smoke came out of the big pool in the room.

Mingshu closed the door and pointed to the pool: "Take it off and go in."

Qi Yu: "?"

Seeing that Qi Yu was standing still, Mingshu started by himself and took off his shirt: "Are you asked to do it for me?"

Qi Yu blinked his eyes and bent the corner of his lips: "Okay."

Ming Shu nodded, without stripping him gently, and pushed him directly into the pool.

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