Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1291: The Way of Apocalypse (14)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Qi Yu fell into the smoke, the smoke spread out, and the water wave swayed under the smoke.

"Cough cough..."

Qi Yu emerged from under the water and grabbed the edge: "Wife, do you want to murder me?"

Mingshu stood above: "Wash it, don't dirty my land."

Qi Yu: "..."

Suspect him dirty?

MMP she thinks he is dirty!

Qi Yu stretched out his hand without hesitation, grabbed Mingshu's ankle, punched hard, and Mingshu fell into the pool with his clothes on.

The water in the pool was not deep, and only stood up to the chest.

Qi Yu pushed Mingshu to the edge of the pool: "Now the daughter-in-law is also dirty. Wash it together."

The pool water was warm, and the curling smoke wandered between the two, blurring the other's face.

Qi Yu's throat knot moved slightly, and he was close to Mingshu.

Mingshu was kissed by him, but Qi Yu soon felt wrong. Before that, there was a warm current around his body, but at this time the warm current seemed to be removed, and his body hurts...

He pressed Mingshu's strength to let go and planted it in her arms.

"Isn't it quite powerful just now?" Mingshu pulled him, lest he slip into the water.


Qi Yu fell helpless in her arms.

Straight guy said mercilessly: "endure."

Qi Yu stood unstable, and Mingshu took him a little bit to move aside, where he could sit down.

Qi Yu's body was trembling. He dared not catch Mingshu, fearing that he might scratch her hard.

But it really hurts.

It was as if someone was scraping his bones and tearing his soul.

Qi Yu's face was pale, and he didn't know whether it was sweat or pool water. He slid down his cheek along his cheek.

His shoulders were immersed in the water, and the waves of smoke shook, revealing a white chest.

Mingshu took off the wet robe and some cumbersome robe, holding him and kissing him: "Be patient, and it will be all right soon."


The pain continued wave after wave, and Qi Yu's vision was blurred, and he felt he could no longer support it.

Just between his consciousness, soft fingers pressed against his chest, his body pressed against his lips.

The tip of his tongue didn't feel much anymore, but as she kissed, it seemed to gradually become conscious.

"Qi Yu, hold on."

Qi Yu was so confused, it seemed that he had been through a world for so long, the pain gradually disappeared, and the warm current poured into the body from the body, calming the palpitating pain.

He felt that he had left the pool, covered with a soft thing, and then put down.

Mingshu put Qi Yu on the bed, and when he raised his hand, the clothes on his body were instantly dry.

She rubbed her fingers on Qi Yu's forehead and rubbed her head to kiss.

The sleeve appeared quietly and quietly, holding clean clothes in his hand: "Respect the Lord."

"let it go."


Xiu Huan put the clothes aside.

She looked up at the person on the bed, a ray of stunning flashed in her eyes, and then quickly lowered her head to the side.

Where did this young man...

There is such a pure aura on his body, and... there is a breath of the Lord.

Xiu Huan thought that the Lord would let him enter the Lingchi, the identity of this young boy would not change.

He will be the host of Wan Jingshan in the future.

Mingshu drove out Xiuhuan and put Qi Yu on his clothes, then he got up and left.

"He woke up. If he didn't make trouble, let him stay in the room. If he made trouble, he would take him directly to me. I'll go to the state teacher of Liyang State first."



Wanjingjie is divided into three continents: Xuanzi, Chongtian and Dongyuan.

The Liyang Kingdom is the Xuanzi Continent, the only empire.

In the hall, the master of Jinyi and Huafu was long and jade, and the palace was magnificent and magnificent, and it could not be polluted at all.

The national teacher seemed to be aware and looked in one direction.

He has a pair of silver eyes.

There was no wave in the silver pupil.

He only glanced at it, then lowered his eyes and bent over: "Yi Ge, the Master of Liyang Kingdom, has seen the Lord."

Mingshu went to the high seat and took a seat. "The national teacher changed a lot, but not many dared to see me."

"Respecting the prestige of the Lord only dare to admire, not dare to desecrate easily." Yue Ge's voice was dull, and he could not hear whether he was respected.

Mingshu smiled: "What's the matter."

Yue Ge raised his head, and Yin Tong met Ming Shu's line of sight: "The Apocalyptic Tower, somehow, suddenly started."

When the little beast urged her to return, she had almost expected to be related to the apocalypse.

Apocalypse, full name Apocalypse Tower.

That's right, it's just a tower... that broken tower.

Qi Yu had a pirated apocalypse over there, and now the apocalypse tower on her side is also having problems.

If this is still a coincidence, she might as well cut herself off.

Yuege asked: "Please respect the Lord to go with Yuege to find out the reason."

Mingshu was silent, Yue Ge could only maintain that posture.

The needle in the hall was so quiet that the atmosphere was depressed.

Ming Shu asked: "Have you entered the tower?"

Yue Ge answered: "Without the order of the Lord, no one dares to enter the Xuanzi Continent, but..."

He paused: "When Yue Ge left, Chongtian Continent sent people in. I don't know what the result was."

Yue Ge heard the woman above smile lightly, unable to tell whether it was irony or contempt.

Ming Shu asked again: "What happened before the Apocalypse Tower opened?"

Yue Ge replied without thinking: "The day before the opening of the Apocalypse Tower, the aura near the Apocalypse Tower was evacuated. The interface of Wan Jingjie seemed to be loose, but no abnormality was found. This point, the Lord should be clearer than Yue Ge."

Mingshu: "..."

She knows the ball!

She is not here.

Of course, this kind of thing can't tell him, I still have to face it.

Loose interface...

Something broke in? ?

The opening of the Apocalypse Tower is definitely not a good thing.


"Son, where are you going?"

Qi Yu opened the door and saw the woman named Xiu Huan waiting outside.

The clothes on Qi Yu's body are black, and the outside is extremely thin black yarn. I don't know what fabric is made.

In the face of Xiu Huan, Qi Yu had no expression on his face.

"Sovereign Lord is seeing guests." Xiu Huan replied: "The son can take a break in the room first, or follow me to find the Lord."

Qi Yu thought for a while: "Lead the way."


Xiu Huan led the way ahead. Qi Yu found that there were really many people here. In a corridor, he could meet at least two people.

"So many of you here?" Qi Yu couldn't help asking.

"Hui son, not many people here."

not much?

What did I see? Ghost?

Xiu Huan may feel that this matter is not worth concealing, so he asserts himself: "Because the Lord is hilarious and feels that the palace is dead and not good, so Wan Jingshan’s monstrous life also lives here, only human words, There really aren't many."

Of course, Xiuhuan kept it. Most of these monsters were captured by the Lord and found that they could talk and threw them in the mountains.

Qi Yu glanced past those crowds, is it hilarious?

She does seem to like hilarity...

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