Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1292: The Way of Apocalypse (15)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"What is your name here?" Qi Yu continued to ask.

"Wan Jingshan." Didn't the Lord tell him? Wouldn’t it be the Lord who grabbed it from the outside?

Qi Yu heard Mingshu say before, but his concept of this place is very shallow.

He asked, "What is her identity here?"

Xiuhuan turned his head slightly, a curious flash in his eyes, how could he not know anything?

Lord Lord, won’t it really be robbed?

"Identity of the Lord..." Xiuhuan paused: "The son asks Lord Lord himself."

Since the Lord did not say anything, she should stop talking.

Xiu Huan dutifully brought Qi Yu to the front hall.

Qi Yu happened to see the back of Yue Ge leaving, and Mingshu stood in front of the hall, looking in a certain direction outside the hall. From Qi Yu, it looked like the back of Yue Ge leaving.

Where did the little **** smash!

I was away for a while, but I dared to appear in front of her!

He crossed his sleeves and stepped forward.

"Do I need to call you to respect the Lord in the future?"

Ming Shu turned back: "Do you like to call me like this? If you like, you can."

Qi Yu wanted to hear nothing at all.

"Wife-in-law." Qi Yu screamed softly.

Ming Shu didn't refute, took Qi Yu's hand, and turned his head to tell Xihuan: "Xihuan is ready, let's go to Tianqi Tower."


Xiuhuan went down to prepare for travel.

The main hall is only Mingshu and Qi Yu.

Qi Yu was a little stunned: "Apocalypse Tower?"

The word apocalypse... He is no stranger.

Ming Shu said: "I will take you to see the real apocalypse."

The real apocalypse?

"Is it still true and false?" Qi Yu's tone is odd: "What does my apocalypse have to do with that apocalypse?"

"Your apocalypse has the ability to reverse time, should come from the fourth floor of the apocalypse tower." Mingshu said softly: "the fourth floor..."

In the latter sentence, Mingshu murmured too lightly, and Qi Yu didn't hear clearly: "What?"

"It's nothing. I'll know if I've seen it."

Qi Yu: "..."

What is this about?

So is this really fake in my hand?

If it's fake... it's so scary to have that kind of power?

Qi Yu felt calmer.

It is estimated that he will meet more things next.

Can't lose face in front of her!

Support it!

Qi Yu remembered his previous experience, and felt that he needed to find a place for himself: "What did you do to me before?"

Mingshu glanced at him: "The aura of the Wanjie Mirror is 100 times to 1000 times that of the rest of the world. Your body wants to act here. Without blessing, I can only collect the corpse for you. Oh, no, no corpse Close, you will be crushed by these auras, and there will be no **** left. Heaven is the tomb, the ground is the monument, are you happy?"

Qi Yu: "..."

This is really the pro-wife did not run away!

If she doesn't care about herself one day, she may be a fake.

Calm... Calm down!

MMP I want to return!

Right now!

Qi Yu took a deep breath and ignored her and treated her as a fart!

Anyway, how many worlds have experienced, Qi Yu knows that Reiki is a thing.

"But when I first came, I didn't feel any discomfort?"

Mingshu groaned: "Then you might be a talented ability."

If I wrapped you with aura, would you still be alive?

Qi Yu agrees: "I think too."

Mingshu: "..."

Can't bother.

Qi Yu: "So what is the role of that pool?"

Mingshu pondered for a moment: "You can understand it as rebuilding muscles and bones."

Qi Yu suspected: "Wife-in-law, how do I think you are lying to me?"

Mingshu is very innocent: "It does have the effect of rebuilding muscles and bones."

I didn't talk nonsense!

"Is there anything else?" Is Laozi so deceptive?

"Do you really want to know?"

Qi Yu squeezed out his smile: "What do you say?"

Xijingshu also laughed: "I don't think you should know."

Qi Yu Moya: "What can't you tell me?"

Mingshu pinned a strand of hair behind his ear: "No, I'm afraid you can't bear it."

"What can I bear?"

"Really?" Mingshu said with a loud voice: "Actually, the pool water you soaked before is all human blood."

Qi Yu blinked: "You lie, the pool is clear and clear."

"It's just a little trick, otherwise I'll go see it again?"

Qi Yu: "..."

Mingshu raised an eyebrow: "Are you afraid?"

Qi Yu immediately snorted: "Go, go!"

He didn't believe it was blood.

That is obviously water!

Mingshu took Qi Yu back to the room again, and Mingshu waved his hand to disperse the mist.

The mist slowly spread from the pool surface, and a little bit of blood red appeared in Qi Yu's pupils.

The bright red color stimulated his vision.

Blood seemed to float in the air.

Qi Yu tried to discern that it was not blood, but the **** smell lingering on the tip of his nose told him that it was blood.

This stepping horse...

What did she do to Laozi!

Thinking that he was thrown down at first and choked on several sips of water, it was all blood?

Qi Yusuo retreated outside the room, his stomach was extremely upset, and he wanted to vomit.

He hugged his arm and felt uncomfortable.

Mingshu beckoned people to take him back to wash, Qi Yu head did not return.

After Qi Yu left, the pool surface became clear, and the mist scattered around slowly drifted back.

Ming Shu walked to the edge of the pool, grabbed a handful of water from the pool, and picked up the colorful dumplings. It was soaked in the water, but there was no water at all.


The little animal shook his hair, and the small paw held her finger: "What are you doing to scare him? Did the conscience discover that I was your favorite!"

The little animal's voice is soft, not childish, so cute.

"Yo, can you talk so soon?" When Qi Yu was taken out of Lingchi, he threw it in by the way, and recovered quite quickly.

"Humph!" The little beast sneered: "Shoveling shit, you haven't answered my question yet."

How could the pool water of the Lingchi be blood.

That ugly monster even believed!

The hairless ugly two-footed beast is really stupid!

Mingshu threw it back into the pool: "I'm happy to scare him?"

The little animal sank to the bottom and slowly floated up again, like a cloud floating on the surface of the pool.

"Huh, you know why I don't say it."

Mingshu stepped on the edge of the pool and looked down at the little beast.

The little animal swims with its short legs, and whispered: "He has your original power in his body. You want to control him now, which is easier than manipulating ants. Shoveling shit, are you afraid that he knows it?"

"It seems I have to find a way to silence my mouth."

The little animal hummed, not afraid at all.

Mingshu didn't want to control Qi Yu, but she didn't want him to be out of control.

Those forces can protect him.

When necessary...

Of course, she hopes that there will never be that time.

The small animal's paws lay by the pool, and the black eyes gazed at her: "The Apocalypse Tower is really open?"

Mingshu kicked it off: "How do I know that I didn't go to watch it."

The little beast roared in the pool: "Shoveling shit!"

Ming Shu waved his sleeves, and the mist around him instantly covered the pool, and the figure of the small animal was blocked.

Only it hummed and roared.

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