Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1305: The way of apocalypse (28)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

As time passed by, one minute and one second, Grandma Gu didn't know whether she was recalling the past events she had heard, or was thinking about what could be said and what could not be said.

"Since the girl came to ask at this time, the battle of the water, the girl must be clear."

Even though Grandma Gu couldn’t see it, Mingshu answered with a smile: "Nature."

Grandma Gu nodded.

The godless eyes cast in another direction, another strange silence.

For a long time, Grandma Gu's voice said steadily: "At that time, the family was invited by the Dragon family to go to Youshui. At that time, the family did not know that they wanted to attack the tower, nor did they know that there will be a battle in the back of the water."

Qi Yu secretly labeled the bottom of her heart: attacking the tower first, and the battle of the quiet water behind.

However, the family at that time was comparable to the Dragon family, and they were all the ancestors of the Xuanzi mainland.

How the Long family invited Qijia could not be verified, but as a result, the family went.

Grandma Gu did not elaborate on the battle between the tower attack and the Youshui, and directly skipped: "After the battle of the Youshui, three points of the world, but the family did get something from it at the time, but the clan was seriously injured."

The wars in the three continents are on the rise, but some people let Qijia stand in line, but Qijia does not want to participate.

So what the family got was a time bomb.

But his family began to encounter a crisis, and the clan was chased and killed.

From that time on, the nightmare of his family began.

It only took a short time to go from a Sheng to a defeat.

At the end of the road, the ancestors who got that ability tried to use the ability to make time go back to the past.

Granny Gu paused: "Since the girl came to ask, what abilities did my ancestors get?"


Grandma Gu's voice added a little emotion: "Unfortunately, the ancestor failed."

"But since then, the ancestors have become a little strange, how strange, I do not know, I was not living at that time."

After that, his family experienced another period of being chased and killed, but one day his family ancestor suddenly disappeared.

Some people said that they saw that the ancestors used that ability before they disappeared.

It was also said that it was the ancestors who could not stand the current situation and left them behind.

Either way, the last ancestor never came back.

However, there are not many people left in the family.

Granny Gu: "But the family has withdrawn from the stage of history for a long time. As a descendant of the family, I did not expect that one day I would speak for the ancestors."

These things are actually nothing to say.

Wasn't the family a victim?

A good family, tossed and ruined.

Ming Shu asked: "What is that ancestor called?"

Grandma Gu frowned, saying after a moment: "Single word scale."

But balance.


Grandma Gu knew so much, Mingshu got up and said goodbye to them.


Granny Gu stopped her.

"Is something happening?"

Suddenly someone came to inquire about the events of the year. Although she didn't know what was going on, she suddenly involved her family, but Grandma Gu was uneasy.

"But the family doesn't exist anymore, no matter what happens outside, you won't participate anymore, why bother to worry about it again."

Grandma Gu froze for a moment, then nodded: "Yeah...Yeah..."

At first, the name of the family was hidden, and it was not that there was no clan. At the beginning, they wanted to return the family to their original glory.

But no matter what, the final result, they can only live in this village.

For a long time, there are only a few people who still know that they are home.

Mingshu took Qi Yu out of the yard.

When she went out of the village, she looked down.

If this is really the case, then the apocalypse's apocalypse should be this one who is balanced.

As for how to get to Qi Yu...

However, Houheng may finally leave this world and reach the Qiyu world, maybe because of his ability, there is a time error...


She didn't seem to have asked Qi Yu, where did he get the apocalypse.


"Eh baby."

Qi Yu: "..."

Qi Yu took a subconscious step back: "The wife has something to say."

"Why are you so far away from me?" Mingshu dragged him back, resting his hand on his waist: "Can I eat you?"

Qi Yu muttered: "If you want to eat me, I will be happy."

"Say what?"

Qi Yu immediately said: "Wife-in-law is so beautiful today."

Mingshu pinched his face: "Less poor, I ask you, where did your apocalypse come from?"

Qi Yu's expression narrowed slightly.

"I didn't tell you, did I kill my mother?"

"Huh." Mingshu hugged him.

"When I was born, our world was like that. Everyone formed resistance forces, and later the urban agglomeration also saw the scale."

"But at that time, there was no space-time authority."

"One day, my father received news that someone found a very strange building. At that time, my father and my mother were together. Because of the emergency, we went together."

The spaceship landed on a ruin, and the smoke filled it. This was a city that had just been destroyed by battle.

"Madam, young master, please here."

The following scene is terrifying, and Xiao Qiyu, who has been well protected, cries nervously: "Mom?"

The warm palm fell on his head, and he comforted softly: "Don't be afraid of Xiao Jiu, my father is here."

Xiao Qiyu bit her lip: "Well!"

Xiao Qiyu was led by his mother and walked off the spaceship. His father surrounded him in front.

Because the spacecraft landed near the building, they arrived there with Qi Father.

Surrounded by all around, Xiao Qiyu and his mother stood outside, looking at the building in the deep pit.

The deep pit was obviously exploded, and the surrounding area was black, without any residue.

But the building in the pit is intact.

Because I was worried about any harmful substances, from discovery to the present, I only sent the robot to go down to check, and found nothing abnormal.

The building in the deep pit is two stories high and the area is very large, like a house built in the deep pit.

Xiao Qiyu and her mother were quickly returned to the temporary camp.

Because he was young and the only child of Qi's father at the time, he could come and go almost anywhere in the camp.

He heard a lot of things. Some people said that the building has been around for a long time. I don’t know what material it was made of. There is no way to destroy it.

Qi Yu stopped suddenly.

He looked at the void and his thoughts drifted away.

"and after?"


Qi Yu murmured.

Later, alien species appeared.

Large numbers of different species suddenly appeared nearby, attacking their camp.

At that time, because of playfulness, he left the person who protected him and stayed alone.

After alien attacks, he was terrified and dared not to move in the corner.

He heard someone calling him, but he did not dare to agree, and wandered outside.

As long as he speaks, he will be found.

He saw the spacecraft flying from the camp to the sky, and all the people in the camp were evacuated.

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