Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1306: The way of apocalypse (29)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

He thought everyone was gone, even his father's spaceship.

He was abandoned here.

But... his mother didn't leave.

She came to him.

Mother's arms are still so warm.

"Don't be afraid of Xiao Jiu, my mother is here."

"Mom...Mom..." Xiao Qiyu called her weakly, her body completely shrunk in her mother's arms.

"Hush!" Qi mother motioned him to be quiet: "Mom will take you out of here, but don't say anything, can you do it?"

Xiao Qiyu nodded hurriedly and hugged Qi mother's neck tightly.

He said nothing.

He is very good.

"Our little nine is the most powerful." Qi mother praised him gently.

The foreign species are still hovering. Qi Mother waited a long time before getting the opportunity to take him away.

There were dead people everywhere in the camp, Qi mother covered his eyes and ran to the place where the aircraft was parked.

Xiao Qiyu couldn't remember how many times Qi Mother fell, he couldn't see.


The xenophobia suddenly jumped in front of Qi Mother, without the chance of being reacted by Qi Mother. The sharp claws came towards her.

Mother Qi stepped back in horror, slipped on her feet, and stumbled to the ground. She protected Xiao Qiyu, and was scared by aliens on her neck and shoulders.

Mother Qi rolled in awkward direction, and in a panic, she felt the weapon abandoned on the ground.


The rushed foreign species was hit, and the body backed away, but this did not kill it, but angered it.

A strange roar rushed towards Qi Mother.

Bang Bang Bang! !

Qi Mother fired several shots in succession, and the xenophobia finally fell to the ground.

She didn't care about the pain, and she got up from the ground, and the sound attracted the foreign species.

She held Xiao Qiyu in one hand and a weapon in one hand, and could no longer cover his eyes.

He saw the blood on Mother Qi.

Xiao Qiyu was terrified: "Mom..."

"Hush!" Qi mother no longer went into hiding and ran directly to the place where the aircraft was parked, just in front.

The voice just now attracted the different species wandering in the camp.

As long as she is fast enough, she can board the aircraft.

But the heterogeneity is faster and Qi's path is cut off by a heterogeneity.

Qi mother shot without hesitation, but the ammunition was quickly depleted, she could only throw away the gun and rushed out holding Xiao Qiyu.

More and more foreign species were chased, and Qi Mother was shot by a catching foreign species.

Xiao Qiyu heard the mumble of Qi mother, his face was stained with warm blood.

He followed his mother's words without any sound.

"Xiao Jiu, run, run quickly." Qi mother suddenly released him.

"Mom?" Xiao Qiyu took her hand and cried: "Mom, let's go together."

"" Qi mother gasped: "Mom can't run, you run quickly, hide on the aircraft, and dad will come to save you."

"Do not……"

"Xiao Jiu, didn't you say you want to be obedient?"

"I don't want to be separated from my mother."

"Mother will come to you, you run first, OK." The heterogeneous is coming here, Qi mother pushes him: "Xiao Jiu, mother loves you, you have to live."

Xiao Qiyu was pushed to a stagger, and the distance between him and Qi Mother was also pushed away by that push, and became far away.

Qi mother rightly turned toward the heterogeneous side, she used the flesh and blood to stop the heterogeneous body.

He watched the exotic sharp mouthware pierce her chest, her blood constantly flowing to the ground.

She turned her head hard and looked at him.


Xiao Qiyu stepped back a few steps, tears blurred Qi mother's appearance, all he saw was blood.

He turned around and stumbled forward, but when he was not far from the aircraft, he saw alien species hovering there.

He couldn't run there at all.

He can't do it...

The stranger found him and immediately ran over, Xiao Qi Yu panicked and ran towards the deep pit.

At the edge of the pit, he looked at the stranger approaching with white face.

The pit was tens of meters deep, and he fell to death.

The heterogeneous greasy face continued to enlarge, and Xiao Qiyu continued to retreat, his feet finally stepped on the edge, half hanging.

The xenophobia raised his paw and waved toward him.

Xiao Qiyu's violent weightlessness caused him to fall underground.

He thought he was dead.

But no.

When he woke up, there was a golden table in a very clean room. He was on the golden table.

Floating in front of him was the apocalypse like the two gold coins.

——Want to live?

Xiao Qiyu seemed to hear someone asking him.

But he didn't see anyone.

——Hold it and you can live.

Xiao Qiyu looked at the two suspended gold coins and reached out slowly.

His hand passed through the light, and his fingertips almost touched, but he retracted abruptly, rolled off the stage, and watched in horror.

The voice wasn't ringing. After he was afraid, he began to look for a way out.

But this room was sealed and he could not find a place to go out.

He barely dared to close his eyes when thinking of his dead mother, his physical fatigue, and his spiritual fears.

Fortunately, there was light in the room, making him feel at ease.

I don't know how long it has passed.

He was very hungry, lying in the corner dying.

It was quiet all around.

Finally, he got up and returned to the table with difficulty, reaching for the two gold coins.

The light disappeared and the room fell into darkness, but nothing strange happened.

That voice never appeared again.

Soon he heard a slight sound, like the sound of the door opening.

He fumbled down, and there was really a door in the previously completely closed room.

He twisted open the door and went out. The pit was still outside, the sky hovering over the aircraft.

Those who left are back.

A sharp voice rang in his ears, and then the aircraft fell from high altitude.

The noisy sound gradually went away.

When he woke up, he was already lying in the treatment cabin.


"The Apocalypse was obtained at that time." Qi Yu said: "After that, I can hear that voice occasionally, always bewitching me to make a contract with it."

When I was young, my mind was not firm.

Later, if he did not meet her, he would not make a contract with Tianqi.

"Why does Tianqi have to contract with you?"

"It's not necessary to be with me." Qi Yu said: "Maybe at that time, anyone will go in and it will do so."

"No..." Mingshu shook his head: "So many people have been in and out at that time, it didn't do anything, why is it you?"

Qi Yu froze.


Before him, his father's people had studied the place inside and out.

But they didn't find the room, it was only after he came out.

Qi Yu blinked and began to boast: "I really am a genius."

"You are a genius!" Ming Shu slaps past.

"Daughter-in-law, don't fight, don't fight, it's stupid." The man's head can't be touched, she still fights!

If I were not good-tempered!

I've killed you already!

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