Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1307: The Way of Apocalypse (30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"So my apocalypse, this is called Hengheng?"

"Maybe." Who knows what happened to him later.

Qi Yu frowned: "He just used this ability to reach my world?"

From the current situation, this is the case.

However, Heng Heng wanted to return to the Battle of the Yushui through the counterfeit Apocalypse, or earlier, to save his people.

but failed.

In that failure, he may have realized what he did and did not give up the plan.

Later he succeeded.

But it was sent to another world.

Then there is the apocalypse of that little goblin world.

"Then... but the balance?" Where did he go?

Mingshu spread his hand: "Where do I know it, but I did not instruct it."

Qi Yu: Shouldn’t these questions be clarified? !

"Don't worry." Ming Shu said: "It is the answer, there will always be time to reveal."


The two followed the path and walked outside the village.

"Pretty sister!"

The little fat man came out of nowhere and stood on the trail: "Are you going to leave? Do you really not think about making me a crown prince?"

Ming Shu: "..." The bear kid really remembers whether to eat or not.

Qi Yu wanted to beat him before, at this time he dared to come to pry the corner, he would not kill him!

Mingshu didn't stop him this time, watching him beat the bear child.

The little fat man crouched pitifully on the ground.

Qi Yu coldly said: "That beautiful sister is mine, you know?"

The little fat man snotted and burst into tears: "Know... I know."


Terrible than his dad.

He is going home.

After Qi Yu finished teaching the little fat man, as soon as he turned around, he saw Ming Shu holding a plate of pies that he had nowhere to get, and was eating vigorously.

"No more?" she asked.

"..." What did she mean by the tone of the theater?


Who is Laozi for?

"Then go."

Qi Yu took a deep breath and calmed down. Wasn't his wife a scumbag? no big deal!

Anyway, she was the only one!

When I was out of the village, I met people who met my relatives. Because their custom here is to hold a wedding at night, this time I went to the bride's house to pick them up.

The road in the village was narrow, and Mingshu and Qiyu were blocked at the bride's house.

The village wedding is much simpler than those outside.

But the bustling scene is not inferior to the outside.

Joy seems to infect everyone.

The bride here didn't need to cover his head, but was brought out by the happy wife and faced with the groom.

The bride is not very beautiful, but because of the joy, she looks a different kind of beauty.

It has been said that the moment when a woman is most beautiful is when she is married.

After finishing a series of etiquettes in accordance with customs, the bride was picked up by the groom, and everyone left in a crowd, and went to the groom's house.

Mingshu led Qi Yu to leave, and the hustle and bustle gradually went away.

Qi Yu suddenly asked, "When are we married?"

"It's been so many times, aren't you tired?" Ming Shu responded casually.

Some planes do not hold weddings, but they are certified.

"Is that the same?" Qi Yu refused to accept: "I want to marry you, now you are married!"

In those worlds, names are used by others.

totally different.

"It's so troublesome to get married, don't do it." Straight boy refused.

"You don't want to marry me?" Love that never aims to get married is a hooligan.

Mingshu blurted out: "I don't want to fall in love with you."


Qi Yu paused and Mingshu walked forward, being dragged back by him.


Ming Shu was pulled back into Qi Yu's arms, and bowed her head to block her words.

As Mingshu struggled, Qi Yu hugged tighter, and the two of them suddenly rolled down below and fell into the soft grass, beside the gurgling stream.

Qi Yu's kisses ranged from rampant bullying to lingering wind and drizzle behind.

He propped himself up and stared at the people under him: "So what do you want to do with me?"

Before Mingshu answered, he bowed his head and kissed her again.

His voice was low: "Is that so?"


Mingshu's expression was slightly complicated, and he held his hand against his chest and pushed away a bit: "Baby, we are outside."

"You push me?" Qi Yu's voice was lower, as if suppressing something.

Mingshu hand meal.

I didn't know when it was dark all around, and the dark blue curtains were drawn, and there were stars everywhere.

Qi Yu pressed Mingshu's hands on both sides, and his eyes murmured dullly: "I promised you everything, what do you want me to do?"

Mingshu's hands were raised above his head, he held in one hand, and the other unbuttoned her clothes.

He leaned down and said in her ear: "I'm sorry."

Mingshu: "..."

Is she overdoing it?

Zan Nanshu introspected, she thought she was right!

She didn't say anything about not being with him...

What did he make up?

Touching the skin with a cool hand, Mingshu recovered his mind: "Baby, I was wrong, I was wrong, you stop, this is outside."

Qi Yu lifted her coat and said one by one: "I saw it just now. I can't see it if I can't stand on it."

Mingshu: "???

Have you watched the crime scene in advance?

"Qi Yu..."

"I just want you to belong to me completely."


Qi Yu didn't move, he waited for Mingshu to answer.

But Mingshu didn't make a sound for a while, and his fingers fell along his lower abdomen and fell to his waist.

"Qi Yu." Mingshu called him.

Qi Yu paused, he was actually afraid, afraid he could not control, and really did something that made her angry.

But he really tried hard to suppress himself.

He worked hard...

"I don't resist, it doesn't mean that I really can't resist. I am like this now, don't you understand?"

When was she so embarrassed?

Present yourself unreservedly in front of a person.

He was afraid, how she was not afraid.

The stars shone, Qi Yu stared at the woman under him, her clothes half-open, her white porcelain-like skin looming.

Qi Yu's fingers were loose.

Mingshu sat up with his clothes together, his expression faint: "Qi Yu, go back."

Qi Yu glanced at her and reached over.

Mingshu frowned slightly.

"I... help you get dressed."

When Mingshu let go of his hand, Qi Yu's fingers touched her clothes, paused, and then helped her fasten the clothes inside and organize her coat again.

Qi Yu stood up with his head down, and he took a step back in silence.

Mingshu was slightly lagging in his heart and took the initiative to hold his hand.

He cleverly let her lead her back to the top and left the village all the way.

Seeing Xiuhuan and others in the distance, waiting by the carriage.

"Sovereign Lord."

Xiu Huan bowed to salute.

Mingshu stuffed Qi Yu back into the carriage and turned to command Xiu Huan: "You go back to Wanjing Mountain first."

"Sovereign Lord, you..."

"I will summon you again when something happens."


Xiu Huan was lucky, Mingshu jumped on the carriage, and the carriage walked slowly.

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