Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1308: The way of apocalypse (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The carriage was very quiet.

Mingshu sat aside, squeezing the tassel around his waist.

Qi Yu contracted on the soft couch behind the carriage and closed his eyes, not knowing whether he was asleep.

Mingshu put away the small table in the carriage and pulled the soft bed beside it on top.

Qi Yu opened her eyes slightly, watching her movements. He squeezed his lower lip and sat up holding the pillow to let it go: "Sleep on it."

Mingshu glanced at him and carefully paved it.

"Although the place is a bit small, you don't have to toss too much and it is barely enough."

Qi Yu: "?"

Mingshu pulled the pillow in his arms, leaned over, kissed his lips, and took off his coat.

Qi Yu was a little embarrassed.

"I was originally planning to be in Wanjing Mountain." Mingshu's fingers were on his belt: "I have thought about wherever I am, but unfortunately you can't wait."

Mingshu pulled off his belt, the jacket slipped, and the temperature of her fingers was extremely hot.

Qi Yu sat stiffly.

"what happened?"

"You... are you punishing me?" Qi Yudao said.

"Punish you?" Mingshu funny: "What do I punish you for?"

She hugged his neck and nibbled his lips a few times: "Such punishment, shouldn't you be happy?"

Qi Yu thought of a little bad memory.

He can't be happy with that kind of punishment.

That was all torture.

But obviously this time he thought too much.

Mingshu dragged him down, and the two fell on the soft quilt.

The wind that I had just heard was not heard at this time.

The carriage was isolated.

Seeing that Qi Yu hadn't moved for a while, Mingshu raised his eyebrows: "Why do you want me to come?"

Qi Yu looked at Mingshu: "I... I can wait."

"Farewell, I'm afraid that if you do something like today, my Lord's face will be lost."

Qi Yu was dumbfounded.

He didn't know what happened to him. His emotions were well controlled before. Every time he knew she was talking nonsense, he still couldn't control it.

Qi Yu was still thinking that since Mingshu decided, he wouldn't rub it anymore, and pulled him to kiss.

The rest of the matter will come naturally.


Qi Yu kissed Mingshu's neck, slowed down a bit, and finally stopped, but did not pull away.

Qi Yu felt that he was wrapped in a warm warmth, mixed with the ultimate numb pleasure, flowing in his body.

He leaned over, and the strength of the whole person was on Mingshu.

Mingshu turned his head and put his hand on his waist: "Come out."

Qi Yu rubbed, his voice still with unrelenting desire: "For a while."

"You are heavy."

Qi Yu immediately turned over and let Mingshu lie on him.

Mingshu stopped talking and finally went with him.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Ming Shu asked him.

Qi Yu: "..."

"Daughter-in-law... Are you mistaken?" Should he ask?

Ming Shu: "I'm asking you if you feel something else in your body. It's not that aspect. Can you put something normal in your mind?"

"Oh." Qi Yu didn't feel anything other than a warm current in her body.

Mingshu was sure that he had no strange feelings, and nodded slightly: "That's okay, there was no white bubble in Lingchi..."

The Lingchi made Qi Yu's face change.

Mingshu didn't seem to see it, and continued: "If you do this kind of thing with me in the future, you must tell me if you have any discomfort. The power contained in my body is too strong. I'm afraid of hurting you."

This is another reason why she did not want to touch him.

He hasn't taken care of his body yet. If she loses control a little during the process, it may cause irreparable harm to him.

Qi Yu froze for a while: "You just... don't want to be with me because of this?"

Ming Shu smiled and scratched his nose: "If you have something, I can only take the time to find a male pet."

"..." What a pet!

Also want to find other male pets!

It's simply unbearable!

Qi Yu turned over again and pressed Mingshu to his body. He slowly grinded: "Wife, what kind of male pet do you want to find?"

Mingshu gasped slightly: "Qi Yu..."

"Huh?" Qi Yu tilted his head: "You tell me what kind of male pet you want?"

"I think..." Mingshu grabbed Qi Yu's wrist, his body slightly out of control.

"Qi Yu..."

Mingshu's voice softened a bit, like a feather brushing his apex.

Qi Yu's lips were slightly pursed, and he secretly scolded.

She fouls!

MMP has no control over his soft heart.

Qi Yu gritted her teeth and coaxed her: "Wife beg me, I will give you."

"I beg your uncle!" Ming Shu slaps in the past: "Are you doing it or not? Don't bother."

Qi Yu: "..."

This is different from what is written in the novel! !


The light in the carriage gradually lighted up, and Mingshu pillowed Qi Yu's arm and looked at the slightly shaking curtain.

Morning light poured in from outside and fell into Qi Yu's eyebrows.

Mingshu raised his hand and his fingertip fell on his brow.

"Qi Yu..."

"How are you so lucky."

Can meet me.

Qi Yu only woke up at noon, his body was clean, and even his clothes were put on.

Qi Yu can do all these things by waving her hand, and Qi Yu is not surprised.

He got up and looked at the person next to him: "Wife, where are we going?"

"I'll pinch my fingers, it's better to open up today..." Ming Shu pretended to be pretending: "Find a place to eat first."

Qi Yu: "..." The daughter-in-law is right.

He tugged at his clothes.

Ming Shu looked at him: "What do you think?"

Qi Yu opened his shirt, revealing his fair shoulders and chest: "Why not?"

"What's missing?" Early in the morning to seduce clothes! Goblin!

"Last night..." That.

Mingshu blinked and reacted for a moment, saying, "I'll eliminate it for you."

Qi Yu: "???


"Um...smoothly..." It was a bit terrible, so when she cleaned up, she got rid of it smoothly.

Qi Yu was not happy: "You gave it to me, why did you want to eliminate it!"

Mingshu: "..."

Qi Yu had a scumbag woman who wiped out all the evidence and intended to feel a sense of crisis.

She didn't admit it when she put on her pants.

Have you stepped on horses to scum yourself?

Don't even think about it!

Laozi's knife will not be recognized! !

Qi Yunuo past: "You plant me another one."

Mingshu: "..."

The goblin hobby is really special.

Qi Yu called again: "Wife-in-law?"_

He hid his hands in his sleeves.

"Why are you so troublesome." Mingshu lowered his leg, and let him come over.

Mingshu opened his clothes and planted a small strawberry on his chest.

Mingshu touched his chest, and his eyelashes swept across his skin, causing a subtle current.

His eyes fell on her.

Mingshu loosened him: "Okay."

Qi Yu was satisfied, and put away the knife: "This will prove that I am yours."

Mingshu: "..."


As if not, it was not hers.

It's pretty beautiful.

Not only do the goblins dream, they also like to dream.

Is this sick?

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