Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1313: The Way of Apocalypse (36)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Xiaowu was crying, scratching his head with Mingshu's frustration.

I am not a prisoner!

Why should I come to wipe the **** for this broken tower!

Mingshu stood at the junction of the 5th and 4th floors. It was still intact and there was no mess.

She led Qi Yu out.

"I said you are so lively, what about meetings?"

Her voice was not loud, but it fell into everyone's ears in a mess.

The riotous scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked towards her.


The man who was beating on someone was suddenly yelling and rushed towards the nearest empty formation.

After this man, the rest of them rushed to the nearest formation, accompanied by weird shouts.

"It's Mingshu's devil!"

"Ah! That's my prison! You stepped on my horse and brought me out!"

"The devil eats people!"


"I depend!"

Someone bumped into the formation, and Xu failed to get in because of the ventilation problem of the Apocalypse Tower.

The choice of panicking is crowded with others.

Some people are unclear, but with the drift, they also returned to the prison.

Qi Yu: "..."

It turned out that no one knew her.

But what's the matter with not being happy at all?

Aren’t all the people here being villains that do evil?

Mingshu walked forward and walked slowly through a row of prisons: "What were you doing just now?"

"Hehe...hehehe..." Someone laughed: "Friendly exchange Friendly exchange..."

Mingshu lesson: "The tower gate is open, you don't want to go out, fight here, and this is the point."

Everyone: "..."

They first resolved the civil strife.

Because the fifth floor was a prison, everyone looked up and saw their heads down, and speaking of this hatred, it was a few days and nights.

"Yes, yes, Demon... Your Highness has learned the lesson."

Most people know that they are no longer in the original world at this time.

But being held here is still stifling.

Of course they want to go out, but there are a lot of infighting here.

And no one wants to take the lead and go outside to see what happens.

So they chose to fight here to vent their indignation.

The crackdown effect has been completed, and Mingshu walked around in a circle.

Where she walked, some people wished to stand next to the formation.

Ming Shu suddenly turned his head back: "Right, remind you that you want to go out, there are a large number of people outside who are waiting to kill you, and those who want to send heads, hold on."

Everyone: "..."

Is this a reminder or a threat?

Xiaowu is grateful. When she walks around, these people should be able to settle down for a while.

Hope the Apocalypse Tower can fix these problems.

"Who is she?"

Mingshu left, and a confused person asked aloud.

"Why are you so afraid of her?"

"Is it the manager of this tower?"

Insiders looked vicissitudes.

"A woman you can't afford."

"in those days……"

"What can I tell you, you're so sick! Walking the bird crazy!"

The people next to me were furious: "I told you that when I came, I happened to haven't put on my pants. I was not a bird walker!"

"Oh, a bird walker is a bird walker."

"Grandson, let's say one more word."

"Grandpa tells you that you are a bird walker! Walker! Bird! Mad!"

The two quarreled directly behind each other.

They are locked here, and it's just fun.


Xiaowu took Mingshu to the other troubled floors.

It is true that the five floors are the most serious, and the remaining floors are not very serious.

Qi Yu found that the higher the floor, the more people knew her.

However, the more you go up, the more special the way of detention, which is basically similar to the seventh floor. They are all independent and cannot be met.

And since the seventh floor or above, no abnormalities have occurred.

In Qi Yu's mind, he was hesitant to choose between "Mingshu is the manager here, and was once locked here".

Xiaowu is very afraid of her and will come to ask her at this time, which is obviously the treatment of the manager.

However, what she said, and the reactions of those people, were more like she had been with them, and had been imprisoned here.

If it is the former, he feels okay.

if the latter one……

He will probably be very distressed.

He Xiaowu returned to the original empty hall.

At this time, there were six mice in the hall exactly like Xiaowu.

Several big mice said in unison: "Have seen the little ancestor."

Mingshu twitched: "Don't call me my little ancestor, I don't have any relatives like you."

"Good little ancestor." Very neat voice.

Mingshu: "..."

"Please sit down, little ancestor."

The big mouse didn't know where to move a chair, it was made of pure gold.

But there is only one chair.

Mingshu asked Qi Yu to sit down, and she stood in front of the wall: "Have you not received instructions yet?"



A few big mice: "..."

Qi Yudao: "Doesn't your daughter-in-law think that the Apocalypse Tower has been invaded?"

Just like the Space and Time Administration.

Because of being invaded, there is a situation of loss of control.

Mingshu turned back: "You are quite smart."

Qi Yu: "..."

Isn't Laozi always smart? Laozi is a genius!

"You... have you thought about it?"

"No, thanks to you for reminding me." Mingshu praised him very unwillingly: "You are great."

Qi Yu: "..."

Can acting take dim sum! Anyway, control your expression! !

Mingshu turned back and sat down on the armrest of the chair: "Is the Yushui about to appear?"

A big mouse said: "Yes, we didn't find it before, and then calculated it in a few days."

Qi Yu frowned, what did it mean that the water appeared?

Was it the Yusui Battle?

Mingshu seemed to know Qi Yu's doubts, and she whispered: "Yu Shui appears, the Apocalypse Tower will enter a can be understood as a dormant period."

Even the Apocalypse Tower has weaknesses.

But whether this weakness can become a weakness, it depends on his own ability.

Mingshu touched his chin and made a detective statement: "At this time, it seems that this talent also knows a lot and has made a lot of preparations."

If you really have experienced the battle of Yushui...

The dormant period of the Apocalypse Tower is very long.

The last time when the mainland was three-thirds of the world, the famous Battle of the Water.

The apocalyptic tower entering the dormant period has weak defense. If someone attacks the tower, these ten little mice need to guard the tower.

Qi Yu asked: "What is the battle of the Yushui?"

Mingshu glanced at him.

"I told you that the Apocalypse Tower emerged from the Wanjing Realm, and it is here."

Qi Yu nodded.

Mingshu continued: "The Apocalypse Tower will initially open every once in a while, with a tower attack mode, and each school will send people to the tower to challenge and improve its strength."

"And those who challenge are those who are locked here. If the challenge is successful, you can get rewards from the Apocalypse Tower and increase your strength. The challenge fails...death."

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