Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1314: The Way of Apocalypse (37)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"So initially, it was more like a trial tower?"

Mingshu rubbed his head with a smile: "Well."

Qi Yu choked: "...what would happen to the people in the tower when the challenge was successful?"

"Nature is fair-death." Ming Shu said: "But it did not last long."

Because someone broke the rules.

They found that the Apocalypse Tower was not controlled by others, and they tried to obtain power from them that was not theirs.

Such trials, from the opening of the first hundred years to the opening of the millennium, the later timeline has been extended.

In the end, it may be that the Apocalypse Tower was disappointed with these people, and simply did not open, and developed into a prison holding all villains.

For a long time, the people of Wan Jingjie have long forgotten the reason why the Apocalypse Tower originally existed.

After that, the Apocalypse Tower hangs high above.

Countless people came here to search for secret treasures, but returned without success.

Yushui also appeared naturally, but at that time no one knew the reason for the emergence of Yushui, and no one dared to get close.

So the Apocalypse Tower has been safe and sound.

Mingshu talked about the battle of the water.

"The Battle of Yushui is about Liyang Royal Family."

Qi Yu set the posture of the audience.

"The Royal Family of Liyang was once the world of Mirrors, the only overlord with unlimited scenery, until a traitor appeared in the Royal Family of Liyang."

That was the younger brother of the Liyang royal family at that time, titled De King.

The German king sent a woman to use all means to confuse the sovereign.

From the mouth of the lord, the secret that only the lord knows.

The emergence of the quiet water is when the Apocalypse Tower is the weakest, and this is the best time to attack the tower.

Xu Shide is lucky, maybe it should be this one.

Soon after that, it was the time when the quiet water appeared.


Outside the tower.

In the account of the Dragon family, in the water mirror, the old man of Xianfeng Road bones sat cross-legged.

His voice came through the water mirror: "So the German king, who was united at the time, was very interested in the Tianqi Pagoda, but was not reconciled. The family living under the Liyang royal family discussed the matter of attacking the tower."

The Lord Long couldn't help but interrupt the old man: "Ancestor, since the Liyang royal family knew about this, why didn't they do anything?"

The old man said: "Why do you think the Liyang royal family knew about this?"

The Dragon Master shook his head.


"The Imperial Family of Liyang and the Apocalypse Tower have a contract. Naturally, this matter cannot be disclosed, nor can they seek welfare for themselves."

Mingshu's voice was faint, and he could not hear emotions.

The German king planned the battle of the quiet water, and it went very smoothly.

Because the owner of that term... really not.

The wine is rich and rich, and everything is stained. Many big men in the Wanjing world oppose him.

The King of Germany used the Apocalypse Tower as a bait, and easily persuaded many families to participate in this attack on the tower.

The quiet water emerged, and the attack on the tower began.

Entering the tower, they are not very clear about the situation inside the tower.

But the King of Germany did not know how to know that the people detained in the tower have extraordinary abilities, as long as they were killed, they could seize their power and use them for their own use.

——Of course, there are some capabilities, because the system is not compatible, it can not be used for their own use.

They are crowded, and the people held by the Apocalypse Tower are difficult to deal with alone.

However, under mass attack, it was almost a slaughter.

Here is exactly what Chia said, but this time Chia came into the tower to gain someone's ability.

"After attacking the tower, everyone withdrew outside the tower..."

Qi Yu frowned slightly, he thought she skipped something.

The faces of several large rats could not see anything.

She is in the battle of the water...

What role does it play?

After withdrawing from the Apocalypse Tower, the official curtain of the Battle of the Yushui began.

The reason is simple-the power gained from inside the tower.

Most people went in and found nothing.

Some of those people's powers don't understand how to use them at all.

such as:

-The ability to perfect crime.

Kill people in Wanjing Realm, kill them and kill them. Relatives and friends want to take revenge, as long as you can win each other.

——How to make a virus.

What is this stuff? Don't understand!

So those easy-to-use and powerful abilities are coveted by most people.

I don't know who was the first to start, and started fighting directly outside the tower.

At that time, it could be said to be a **** sea of ​​corpses.

"This battle is more than just a family. Several big tribes were injured, and finally disappeared."

It was also this battle that allowed Wan Jingjie to start a thousand-year war.

At that time, the Royal Family of Liyang had an unreliable sovereign, but its strength should not be underestimated.

These people want to go out of Xuanzi mainland independently, and want to divide Xuanzi mainland's territory, but it is not so easy.

Although in the end, it was still three points.

However, because of the secrets related to the Apocalypse Tower, the Battle of the Yushui was ordered to be sealed by the leader at the time.

"The Dragon Family of Eastern Yuan Mainland was one of the biggest beneficiaries at that time."

Qi Yu was curious: "Where is that King of Germany?"

Ming Shu slowly said: "The King of the Sunshine Kingdom of the Chongtian Continent, the founder of the founding country."

Liyang, Lieyang...

Is there such a connection between the two countries?

"That Dan Jing doesn't seem to have a cold for Lieyang Kingdom."

The behavior of the German King is treasonous.

It stands to reason that these two countries should be the enemy of the enemy.

But before, Dan Jing seemed to have no reaction to the people of the Lieyang Kingdom.

"In the beginning, Lieyang State and Liyang State fought badly, but Liyang State was newly appointed as a sovereign, compassionate to the residents of Xuanzi Mainland, and actively stopped the war."

Ming Shu paused, and said casually: "The landlord does not know how many tasks have been changed, and hatred can be diluted by time."

Qi Yu looked at the **** her side.

Her mouth had a whimsical smile, her long, dense eyelashes drooping, and under her white eyelids, a curved arc was cast.

Suddenly, she heard her faint words: "This is the battle of the quiet water."

"Little ancestor... You Shui appeared!!"

A large rat suddenly ran from one side, originally a smooth tower wall, at this time a water mirror appeared.

Above the Apocalypse Tower, a vortex appeared. In the vortex, the water flow spread out, so it was so strangely suspended in the air.

Not at all scientific! !

Qi Yu was surprised: "Is this...Yu Shui?"

Mingshu whispered: "Just started."

Qi Yu looked at the apocalyptic tower as the center, and the sky above all became water.

Then, the water poured from the sky.

The picture was very shocking.

The water flowed into the ground, and the stone slabs on the ground seemed to be unable to withstand the impact of the water flow, breaking apart and sinking into the water.

When all the flagstones sink into the water, the sky stops pouring water.

The waters in the sky and on the ground, like mirrors, shine on each other.

The Apocalyptic Tower at this time was suspended between two pieces of water.

"what is that?"

Qi Yu pointed at something slowly rising from the groundwater, and his expression was slightly strange.



Chapter 1314, Perfect! Give a reward, go to the league, old iron!

Calling monthly tickets every day!


Why are you so tired?

Monthly pass!

bring it on!

Smash me!

I think I can write a series in the future-save the perverts of the Apocalypse Tower.

Let them be a good person! But then... there may be no CP.

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