Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1321: The Way of Apocalypse (44)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Outside the Apocalypse Tower.

The crowd was sent out of the tower, and there was a bit of coercion.

Why did it come out suddenly?

"What are those doors?" Someone had a lingering fear.

"I don't know. I saw someone approaching the door, but it quickly fell down."

There was a lot of discussion.

"Dragon Master..."

I don’t know who called it, and everyone looked in the direction of the Dragon family.

They followed the Long Family and Lieyang Kingdom.

They must know what is going on.

Where did the Dragon Master know clearly? Hearing the words of his ancestors, and knowing that the Apocalypse Tower was in a dormant period at this time, he was tempted to enter.

But the ancestors didn’t tell him that the golden doors would suddenly appear...

It is at this time--

Crisp birdsong sounded from the air, and everyone could not help looking up.

I saw a large blue bird in the water above.

The gorgeous tail feathers, throwing out crystal drops of water, spilled from the sky.

this is……

God bird startled?

The big bird flew around the Apocalypse Tower twice and landed on the water.

"Someone came out..."

Dan Jing saw someone and thought about it, but saw the person over there, without any stop, jumped directly to the back of Jing Yu.

Jing Yu crowed, spread her wings, and flew straight into the deep water above, but did not see any trace of it.

The crowd only heard its cries and gradually went away.

In the crowd, a man looked at the dark water above his head, unable to recover for a long time.

"What's wrong with you?" the companion beside asked.

"I seem to..." The man murmured: "Seeing the Princess Liyang... Princess Shuyang."

The people beside didn't hear: "What?"

The man shook his head: "Nothing."

He may be wrong.

But... it really seems to be almost the same as the record in the handbook he has seen.

This long princess...

It was once the most favored long princess of the Liyang Ming clan.

In Shuyang, the title of the country bears the name of the country, which shows how well she was favored.


Later, that happened, the Ming clan, the whole clan was destroyed, and even the side branches were not spared, only the long princess Shuyang.

She shouldn't be here.

If she appears...

No no no... it can't be her.

How long it is.

Today, the Liyang royal family is named Dan, and the Ming royal family has long been unknown.

He knew it was because of the inadvertently obtained handwriting, which contained terrifying legends.

Among them is "Prince Princess Special Sun".


Wan Jingshan.

Xiuhuan took people to greet Mingshu: "Respect the Lord?"

"Go to Lingchi."

Xiuhuan glanced at Qi Yu: "Yes."

Qi Yu saw the Lingchi, and the whole person was bad. He held Mingshu and he was unwilling to go down.

Mingshu: "..."

Qi Yu broke his hand, Qi Yu was sore with cold sweats, but he didn't let go.

Mingshu let Xiuhuan go out first.

After the door was closed, Mingshu held Qi Yu straight down.

Qi Yu: "..."

Qi Yu's face was pale and white, and he had to endure nausea and pain. The whole person looked fragile and could be pinched to death with one hand.

Mingshu put him aside and sat down, reaching for his clothes.

Ming Shu said: "I lied to you before, Lingchi water is the purest aura."

"Really...really?" Very suspicious tone.


Qi Yu's expression is ugly: "Why do you scare me?"

"This..." Mingshu smiled and began to take off his pants.

Qi Yu has little energy and can only watch.

Mingshu was close to him: "You will do what I said for a while."

She wants to draw out all the aura in his body and replace it with her original power, so that even if the soul is missing, he will have no other problem except for his delicate body.

As long as the missing soul is recovered, his strength will rise directly.


A quicker way is to directly withdraw the power of the source she gave him.

In this way, he will not suffer because of the collision of the two forces.

This is also her best choice.

But in the second method, there is no guarantee that he can stay awake and remember her in the absence of a soul.

Ming Shu suddenly pressed Qi Yu to kiss, Qi Yu leaned against the pool, his head was supported by Ming Shu, and the warm water surrounded his body.

The pain in the body and the stimulation that Mingshu gave him formed a strange pleasure.


Xiu Huan waited outside the hall until it was dark, she stood motionless, like a sculpture,

Jing Yu stopped on the eaves in the distance, and the small animal sat on its head, looking quietly at this side.

The night of Wan Jingshan is filled with countless light spots, just like the sea of ​​stars.

Mingshu opened the door.

"Sovereign Lord."

Ming Shu nodded and sent Qi Yu back to the room first. She sat by the bed and held Qi Yu's hand.

"When I leave, I will let him fall asleep. You take good care of him. If he wakes up, try to make him dizzy. Be careful not to hurt him."

Xiu Huan: "..."

This is a bit difficult!


But still have to agree.

Xiu Huan asked carefully: "Where is Zun mainly going?"

Mingshu just sighed.

"Go down first."

Xiu Huan didn't get an answer, slightly puzzled, and slowly exited the room.

Mingshu didn't leave immediately.

Qi Yuyou woke up the next day, but his face was still white, but the pain in his body disappeared.

He lay on the silky quilt, flashing yesterday's picture in his head.

He pursed his lower lip and turned his head to find someone.

I didn't even see a ghost.


He fumbled and sat up, wearing only a coat and a jacket.

He stepped on the ground, his head dizzy, and he propped on the side of the bed for a while before he stood firm.

The sun is just outside the door.

"Young Master." Xiu Huan's voice came from the side. Qi Yu looked sideways. The woman in purple clothes moved gently, and went to him two meters away, saluting: "You are awake."

"What about my wife?"

"Sovereign Lord is in Lingchi, do you want to go now?"

Qi Yu didn't know what he thought of, and shook his head: "No... it's not over."

Although he remembered the vagueness of yesterday, he still remembered it.

Xiu Huan said: "Then you go back to your room and wait a moment, I will bring you a meal."

Qi Yu nodded and turned back to the room.

Xiu Huan gave Qi Yu a meal and went outside of Lingchi.

"The Lord has not come out yet?"

The gatekeeper shook his head: "No, I don't think the Lord's face is so good..."

"Good life guarding." Xiu Huan interrupted her: "Don't talk."


Xiuhuan stood for a while and pulled away, she stepped into a hall.

Many people in the hall were busy.

"Xiuhuan, look, will Lord Lord like this?"

A woman wore a tulle and made a circle: "I forced the Zhijinshan cries last night to cry for one night, and I had to do so. I dare not go to Zhijinshan again...but I can do the clothing."

Xiuhuan took the tulle and twisted it slightly: "Yes, you can do it first."



Xiu Huan made a circle in the hall: "Everyone should hurry up."

A neat voice sounded in the hall: "Yes."


襌 (dan bang)

Those who show special status come out, their faces hurt or not!


How could my uncle be that simple.

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