Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1322: The Way of Apocalypse (45)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Qi Yu thinks that Wan Jingshan's "human" is strange, and always looks at him secretly.

It's not a strange look. It's like when a kid came to the house and the children were curious.

He doesn't dare to go out now, and it doesn't feel very good to be on the lookout.

And his daughter-in-law has been in Lingchi, he went to see her, she smiled and asked him if he wanted to be together.

Qi Yu originally wanted to be tough, "together together", but he always remembered what happened that day.

Somehow, it was extremely profound, and every time I thought about it, he could make his heart beat faster.

"How long will you stay in there?" Qi Yu asked her while sitting by the pool.

Mingshu leaned on the poolside next to her, her hair wet against her shoulders, misty, and looming sultry.

"Last day today."

Qi Yu's eyes fell on the mist of the pool surface: "Wife, do you teach me to practice?"

In this world, he is too useless.

He didn't want to be so useless.


The sound of the water was whistling, and Qi Yu's legs had a strong force. Mingshu was lying on his legs, looking up at him.

Qi Yu suddenly met his wet eyes.

The face is rosy, like the red plums in the snow, and it's gorgeous in the cold.

The crimson lips opened slightly: "At your age, practice is already too late, you should give up."

Qi Yu: "..."


Her disgusting tone means several things!

Why is it too late!

A talented genius like him, as long as he has perseverance, it is not too late to do anything!

Qi Yu squinted a little and smiled, "My daughter-in-law, compared to you, am I still very young?"

Mingshu: "..."

"Wife-in-law, are you an old cow eating tender grass?"

Mingshu said with a loud voice: "Aren't you happy?"

Qi Yu felt Mingshu's unsightly look at him, slightly stiff.

"No, I'm happy." Qi Yu was very attentive: "I like my daughter-in-law the most, and you are willing to do anything for the daughter-in-law."

Mingshu suddenly slipped off his leg and sank to the bottom of the pool.

Qi Yu was startled and didn't even think about it, so he jumped directly.

The pond water was clear, and Qi Yu discovered that the pond is stepped, and the stairway continues to extend, I don't know where it leads.

At this time, she stood quietly on the steps, the tulle wrapped her delicate body, hazy.

Qi Yu passed and dragged her out of the water.

"young married woman……"

"You are right."

The words in Qi Yu's throat were blocked.

"I did live for a long time, until you can't imagine it, and I won't die."

Mingshu paused, seeming to think about something.

"You still have room for regret."

Qi Yu held Mingshu's shoulder, and the corner of his mouth slowly aroused a smile.

"If I regret it, can I walk out of here alive?"

Mingshu Zhanyan smiled, his eyes lonely: "No."

I know!

How could she be so easy to regret herself!

Qi Yu put her in her arms.

"Then I dare to regret it."

"I'm afraid of death, but I'm even more afraid of you."

Because of you, I am afraid of death.

Mingshu responded very quietly: "Well, go out."

Qi Yu: "???

Don't you say something?

Laozi is giving you a very serious confession!

According to the routine, it should be entangled with him at this time...

Qi Yu's chin pressed against her shoulder socket: "I want to be with you, can I?"

He didn't want to be alone.

Only when he saw her was he at ease.

Mingshu did not refuse to let him sit beside him.

Qi Yu looked at the girl surrounded by mist, her mind slightly rippling.

This is his wife!

Think about it and be happy.

It looks good in any way...

Qi Yu's cheeky man smiled.


When Mingshu opened his eyes in the evening, Qi Yu was sitting near the pool, motionless.

Her lips slightly raised, swimming to Qi Yu's side: "Let's go."

"Wife-in-law..." Qi Yu's voice was pitiful: "I'm a little stiff."

He was afraid to disturb her and would not dare to move.


Mingshu went up first, put on his clothes, then dragged him up and put it on the carpet on the ground.

Qi Yu's clothes were soaked and tightly pressed against his body.

Mingshu screamed: "Qi Yu..."


Qi Yu turned her head around and suddenly lay down with her half-armed body.

He blinked his eyes, and Qingsi dropped his cheeks, causing a slight itching.

His eyes suddenly dimmed, his lips were crushed, and he rolled around, his soft tongue pointed, prying open his teeth.

The clothes that stuck to his body were torn apart, revealing a wet chest.

Mingshu almost wiped him out, and then he leaned over and asked him, "Can you?"

Qi Yu: "..."


You have stripped all of Lao Tzu, and the fire has been raised, and asked if he can?

"Wife-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Qi Yu felt hesitant.

She is so active...

Not quite right.

"I want the aura in your body." Mingshu said frankly: "I really like..."

I do not know if it is the cause of the source power, the pure aura in his body becomes more attractive.

Qi Yu couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy.

After a while he nodded.

Sometimes he was lucky, he still has something to attract her, right?

Qi Yu turned over and let Mingshu lie down, kissing her sensitive points little by little.

The mist diffused from the pool and blocked the two figures.

There are only occasional undulating mists and ambiguous gasps.


Afterwards, Qi Yu lay on the velvet blanket and doubted his life.

"Daughter-in-law... Am I sick?" He couldn't make any effort.

MMP he is a man! !

"No." Ming Shu said: "You just can't stay strong."




Mingshu sat next to him and warned himself not to indulge in a goblin!

However, the goblin is already tempting and has her original power. The two things are superimposed together, which is simply a catalyst.

Qi Yu felt more deeply.

That kind of extreme feeling is like a blend of souls...

He could tell it, and he didn't feel that way outside.

It was that day...

She brought herself back only.

Fortunately that day, the details were a bit vague, but I felt that I remembered them clearly.

Today, however, he felt that he was about to explode.

He never knew that such things could have such an experience.

Like someone, just want to possess her, from body to heart.

He was not keen on this kind of thing, but when he met her... he couldn't help it, and he wanted to possess her with all his heart.

Ming Shu saw Qi Yu's blushing lips on his side, and his eyes were wet with mist and halo, and he was very cute.

Mingshu couldn't help but kissed another couple.

Mingshu quickly released him and patted his face.

calm down.

The goblin is in poor health now.


Exhaling, Mingshu gathered his clothes and stood up.

Tugging on the things next to him, wrapped around Qi Yu and hugged him directly.

"I will take you around tomorrow."

"where to?"

Mingshu thought for a while: "Take you to see my world."


are you crazy!

In addition to those in the Apocalypse Tower, who outside knows you?

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