Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1333: Backlighting(9)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Hengfeng President Office.

Cui Jingyang looked at the information sent by the secretary.

Here is the life of Wen Di, and even the things about Gu's stepdaughter who are not clear to outsiders are presented here.

He has read these materials before.

Because he was pursuing a beauty and hated this person, he put on fire and smiled for the Bomei.


Somehow, when I saw her that day, I always felt something was wrong.

"President, this Miss Wen..." The secretary stopped talking and didn't know what Cui Jingyang thought.

Cui Jingyang smashed the information towards the secretary, the paper flew around, and the secretary did not dare to move.

"I asked you to block her last time. Why does she still have drama?"

The secretary froze with cold sweat: "President, the drama "Feng Hua" was signed by her before. I contacted the crew. The director over there did not allow substitutions..."

"Not enough money?"

"No, when he heard the flute into the circle, it was the director He's favor, she can get fire, and he has half the credit for the director."

The secretary whispered.

Director He...

In his mind, Cui Jingyang passed through the life of the director He. The director came from a wealthy man and became obsessed with filming when he was young.

In the circle, this director He can be said to be very independent.

Since he first started using Wendi, this newcomer with no performance experience can get a glimpse of one or two.

Cui Jingyang's expression is slightly bad: "But what method do you use, I don't want to see her on the screen!"


"Have you heard?"

The secretary should quickly: "Yes."


After the filming of the Fenghua Film and Television Base was completed, the crew left the city to shoot the location scene.

The location is relatively hard, especially when flying around.

In Xianxia drama, it is inevitable to fly around.

She wanted to tell the director, I can fly!

Of course, if this is said, she may be caught and dissected.

"Xiaodizi, hold on, after tomorrow's shooting, the back will be relaxed." Director He patted her shoulder distressedly, cheering her up.

Mingshu chewed the chicken leg: "You said the same thing last time."

If it weren't for the face of chicken legs, I would have turned my face long ago.

Director He is embarrassed: "You kid, learn to talk back."

Before Mingshu opened his mouth, Director He quickly changed the topic: "I tell you the drama of the sky, you have to jump from there, don't be afraid, there is protection below..."

Ming Shuh didn't care too much.

This play is a break between the female host and the male host. It is considered to be more important.

"Okay, go back and rest first."

"Good director."

Ming Shu wanted to leave long ago, but Director He's face was to be given.

Mingshu rubbed the staff's little eDonkey down the mountain.

The rubbed staff was a little speechless.

They are now accustomed to this film, so fresh and refined.

Even if she didn’t have an assistant by her side, she didn’t even have a car.

Holding snacks all day long.

Which artist dares to eat like her, is not afraid of gaining weight? !

The rumors on the Internet, after this time, they feel that they are all nonsense...

After seeing a snack, she could not walk the road, how could she have time to climb someone's bed to be a third.

If this is really the case, it must have been tempted by others.

Back at the hotel at the foot of the mountain, Mingshu took a rest for a while, then rinsed and went to eat.

This is also a popular filming location, and there are other crews in the hotel.

Mingshu didn't have any occlusion, and just passed by.

"Is that the whistle?"


"There are so many online hacks..."

Of course, there are little fans like tourists.


"Little brother."

Mingshu stood at the table and looked at the man sitting in the corner with a smile.

Liang Che: "..."

"Can you sit?"

Although Mingshu was asking, the man was already sitting down, and he was sitting on the side with him.

Liang Che: "..."

Liang Che put down his book: "Why are you here?"

After the last time she left suddenly, they never met again.

After that, I heard that the Fenghua crew went on location.

"Huh, I thought you followed me."

Liang Che: "..."

Although he didn't follow her, he heard that Fenghua was filming the location and exchanged tasks with the people in the studio.

Of course Liang Che will not tell Mingshu.

"Don't I be so angry, even the paparazzi who patted me?"

Speaking of Mingshu, she took out her mobile phone and looked at the Weibo she posted yesterday. The comments and reposts above seemed to comfort her.

"It's not overdone yet."

"..." On the rhythm of a microblog on her day, where would you be angry?

When her black powder was unlucky.

Mingshu put down his mobile phone and looked at Liang Che: "Hey, you paparazzi really have no vision."

Liang Che was silent.

He didn't seem to mess with her!

"Sir, your steak." The waiter brought the food.

Seeing Mingshu sitting here, a little surprised, of course she knew who this was...

But, isn't she sitting there just now?

The waiter looked at Liang Che next to him, his eyes lit up, could this man look good, and he was also a star?

Why doesn't it seem...

The waiter quickly suppressed the flying thoughts: "Does Miss Wen need anything else?"

Mingshu looked at Liang Che: "Brother, are you invited?"

The girl's eyes seemed to be filled with light, and when seen, people could indulge in it.

Liang Che nearly choked on his mouth.

He looked away in a panic: "What do you want to eat, order it yourself."

Ming Shu smiled and said to the waiter, "Like him."


The waiter left, Mingshu held his chin to look at him, Liang Che faced the steak, held the knife and fork in his hand, gripped and loosened, and finally pushed over.

"You eat it first."

"Little brother, how nice you are." Mingshu is welcome.


Liang Che looked at the hall, and many people looked at it.

He got up: "I go to the bathroom."

"Oh." Mingshu made way for him.

Liang Che went back to the bathroom and wandered between the opposite side and Mingshu for a moment, lowering his voice and saying, "You sit inside."

"Why?" Mingshu asked as he cut the steak.

"I like to sit outside." Liang Che's voice was soft: "Otherwise I will sit opposite..."

Mingshu immediately moved inside.

Liang Che thought he was a little pretentious, but there was a secret throb in his heart.

Liang Chexian's position was originally a dead end. When Ming Shu sat inside, the outside vision was almost blocked.

"You haven't found an assistant yet?"

Liang Che remembered that she was still alone and couldn't help asking.

"Look for someone to control yourself, don't look for it."

The assistant in this plane is the biggest obstacle for her to love each other with snacks!

"you alone……"

Liang Che whispered, did not continue to speak later.

He asked too much.

"What alone?"

"It's nothing."

Liang Che cut his steak with his head, knocked the knife against the plate, and made a subtle sound.

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