Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1334: Backlighting(10)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Liang Che felt that he could not continue to work tonight. After eating, he went upstairs with Mingshu.

"Which floor do you live on?"

"8th floor."

"8th floor..." Mingshu pressed 8, and then pressed his own floor.

Liang Che gave him a quiet look.

The elevator was quiet, and Mingshu leaned casually on the elevator handrail.

The transparent mirrors around them can show people nowhere to escape.


When the 8th floor arrived, Liang Che paused for a second and lifted his foot to walk out: "Next time, come out, remember to cover it."

Mingshu replied: "I am so beautiful, why should I cover it?"

Beauty is for others to see.

Could it still kill me? !

Liang Che: "..."

Liang Che retreated.

"Eh." Mingshu reached out to block the elevator that was about to close: "Brother, how much do you call?"


Liang Che watched the elevator close, the figure jumped and stopped on the 15th floor.

He stared at the string of numbers in his phone, and his mood was slightly more complicated.

He pressed off the screen.

Back in the room, he took out his phone again and stared at the string of numbers for a long time.

It seems that there are any special clues.

For a long time, he swiped his finger and saved the number in the contact.

At the moment when the light of the mobile phone went out, in the contact list, there was a name lying on the lonely whistle.

After taking a shower, Liang Che came out and exported today's photos. After the selection, he accompanied the written articles and sent them to the studio.

He closed the computer and rubbed his eyebrows.

Lying on the bed, tossing and turning to sleep.

He touched his phone with his finger, opened it after a while, and landed on Weibo.

She posted a Weibo ten minutes ago.

Wendi V: Don’t stare at me all day long, the entertainment circle is so big, you have to get rain and dew! ! I will be embarrassed if you treat me so alone.

Liang Che couldn't help but be a little tolerant.

But seeing the remarks in the comments, Liang Che couldn't help but frown.

Liang Che quit Weibo and opened his job number.

[Liang: Check the authenticity of the news before Wendi. ]

[Nearly ink black: Brother Liang, you didn’t let us follow, did you want to follow now? ]

[Liang: No, just check it out. ]

[Black near the ink:...Okay. ]

[Liang: I want to ask you something. ]

[Near Mexican black: Brother Liang, you ask. ]

Liang Che didn't move for a long time.

[Nearly ink black:? ? ? ]

[Near Mexican black: What's wrong with Brother Liang? ]

[Liang: It’s okay]

[Nearly ink black:? ? ]

Liang Che put down his phone and couldn't sleep anymore. He changed clothes, went out of the room, and went downstairs to go outside.

At this time the night was quiet and there was no one around.

The night wind brought a hint of coolness. He walked forward aimlessly, not knowing where he was going, and finally found a place to sit down.

Liang Che did not know how long he had been sitting until he heard a subtle voice.

When he got up to leave, he caught the word Wendi at the tip of his ear.


Mingshu was awakened by the doorbell. She flipped through the bed several times. The doorbell didn't mean to stop, so she reluctantly opened the door.


Mingshu saw the people standing outside, and her confused thoughts returned slightly.

"Little brother, knock on my door in the middle of the night and plan to recommend a pillow for yourself?"

Liang Che had the urge to leave immediately.

"Can you go in?"

Mingshu smiled: "Random."

Liang Che first looked outside. It seemed that there was indeed nothing abnormal before he entered.

Mingshu's room is a bit chaotic, with clothes and snacks occupying half of the country.

"What's the matter." Mingshu sat down beside the bed and looked at him wantonly: "Most of the night will you really plan to recommend a pillow?"

Her hair was messy, her eyes were sleepy, and she was full of energy.

The nightdress only covered the thighs, revealing white, slender legs.

It is fascinating to remove those costumes and still look good.

Liang Che fixed his gaze in the void and passed a recording pen with a light tone: "Listen to yourself."

Obviously, he took the recorder.

The conversation of a man and a woman came from the recorder.

Woman: "... rest assured... nothing will happen, just scare her."

Male: "Really... what's going to happen?"

Female: "There is an air cushion below..."

Male: "What do you say after that..."

Female: "When you are there... you just need to break down, anyway, this kind of situation is not unprecedented, originally... risk..."

The two talked so low that Liang Che might be a bit far apart, and what was recorded was not very clear.

The woman's voice is Hu Xin.

The man's voice is a bit strange.

Hu Xin wants to let her fall directly when filming tomorrow?

Is it so exciting?

Scared me!

Can't beat me to engage in this kind of conspiracy?

"Are you all right?" Liang Che glanced at her: "Do you need to call the police?"

"How do you call the police with a recording?"

Liang Chen was silent and it was useless to call the police. Although the recording could be used as evidence, the people inside could not do anything as long as they did not admit it, or they said it was not the matter.

Mingshu returned the recording pen to him, with a light smile between his brows and eyes: "Thank you little brother for reminding me that this matter can be resolved by myself."

Liang Che felt that she had purposely reminded her that it had exceeded his behavior.

So when he heard Mingshu say this, he nodded and held out one end of the recorder, trying to get it back.

However, the strength of the other side did not disappear.

Liang Che looked at her slightly puzzled.

Mingshu smiled at him, loosening his fingers, but holding his wrist.

Her fingers were warm, and Liang Che's heartbeat paused for a moment, and then she jumped quickly.


Heartbeat thunder.

Blood veins stretch.

The force on the wrist is tight.

Mingshu pulled people down.

Liang Che's body pressed down and the two fell on the bed.

He touched her waist with his hand, even though it was across the cloth, it seemed to feel the delicateness of his skin.


Mingshu squeezed his chin and blocked the words in his throat.

Liang Che's eyes widened slightly, and his pupils reflected her white and delicate, almost unable to see the face of the pores.

The scent on her body was more pronounced, touching his lips as soft as cotton.

There was a dizziness in Liang Che's head, not knowing where he was.

After about ten seconds.

He pushed away Mingshu in a panic, staggering to stand his body, his ears blushed with hair, and he was burning.

Mingshu looked at him funny and casually said: "Just kiss it, as for you, just look at how good you look before you kiss."

The last sentence was like cold water pouring on Liang Che.

The beating heart beat calmly.

"Miss Wen, I'm not interested in playing those games with you. No matter what you look at me, I will stop here."

He turned and left.

Liang Che walked to the door and heard no sound. By closing the door, he glanced inside.

The girl propped her forehead and blocked her face.

Straight men reflect positively.

Make your mouth cheap.

But I can't help it...

Just want to be angry with him.

Next time I still want to be angry with him.

Liang Che let go, and the door closed automatically, blocking the two.



Is the goblin dead today?


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