Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1338: Backlighting(14)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Liang Che hasn't been refreshed for a long time, he can't tell whether she is telling the truth or not.

Why kill Cui Jingyang?

What did Cui Jingyang do to her?

She fell from the shadow of Zheng Hong to the point where she does not even have an assistant...

Did Cui Jingyang signal?

Liang Che later thought of it, she seemed to be an entertainer of the entertainment company under Hengfeng Group.

The more Liang Che thought, the worse the mood.

Mingshu did not intend to explain any grievances between her and Cui Jingyang.

"You don't want to mess up," Liang Che said: "Do not rush into Cui Jingyang, his background is complicated."

Hengfeng Group can achieve the current level, how can the means be clean?

"Are you worried about me?"

Liang Che: "..."

Who worried about her!

He doesn't worry about her!

"Then you will follow me in the future, this is your job anyway."


Liang Che sent Mingshu back to the apartment. He stood outside the apartment and left for a long time.

[Liang: What happened to you before? ]

[Near ink black: ah? What's wrong with Brother Liang? ]

[Liang: Wendi. ]

[Black near the ink:...]

[Nearly ink black: Brother Liang, don’t you let me stop checking? And the time has passed so long, the smell of the black material is basically not hot...]

This is the case with the entertainment industry.

Who is derailed today, tomorrow may be who is falling in love.

The wind direction becomes very fast.

If there are any dark artists, as long as they avoid the limelight, should they make money or make money?

[Liang: Keep checking, I want to know. ]

[Black near the ink:...]

Brother Liang is playing with him?

The last time he said he wanted to check, he just started, and he sent a message saying he didn't need to.

In order to increase the credibility, he also attached a screenshot, which clearly stated-no need to check.

[Liang: This month the bonus is confiscated. ]

[Nearly ink black:? ? ? ]

What did he do wrong?

Why should the bonus be forfeited?


Mingshu is going to the company today, and her contract with the company has expired.

Naturally, it is impossible to renew the contract. The company's stocking during this period has already shown its attitude very well.

Seeing Mingshu, Du Mei gave her the handling of the office without saying a word.

Mingshu came out of the company and saw Liang Che's car. She stood in the shade for a while and got on Liang Che's car directly.

"What a coincidence, you pass by again?"

Liang Che started the car, and his voice was indifferent: "You didn't let me follow you? Where are you going?"

Mingshu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Go back to the apartment, anyway, I am now an unemployed wanderer." Director He told her that the audition has not officially started.

Without a word, Liang Che drove the car outside the apartment, Mingshu let him drive in, and gave him an access permission from the security guard.

"There are many celebrities living here, do you want to thank me?"

Liang Che parked the car in the garage, and the car turned off. He turned his head to look at Ming Shu: "Recently, there are not enough people, and I usually won't come out."

"Oh, then I'm lucky." Ming Shu pushed the door down.

Liang Che: "..."

Why can she be so shameless?

Liang Che was about to leave, but saw her and returned.

Her long fingers curled and knocked on the car window.

After a few seconds, Liang Che dropped the window: "What else..."

‘Thing’ was blocked back.

Liang Che was forced to raise her head and bear her kiss.

"I forgot to pay the fare." Mingshu pecked at him several times: "Do you want to go up?"

Liang Che panicked: "I still have something..."

Mingshu released him and took a step back.

Liang Che immediately started the car and accidentally hit the back pillar. After a mess of walking, he finally couldn't see anyone.

Leaving the apartment, Liang Che drove another distance and slammed on the brakes.

He gasped with his mouth open, as if coming out of the garage, he never breathed.

Liang Che lay on the steering wheel, his face buried in his arms.

I don't know how long I sat, the person lying down moved, he slowly raised his head.

Get the phone from the side and click on a paparazzi who has just been deducted the bonus.

[Liang: How does it feel to like someone? ]

[Near ink black: Meow meow? ]

[Near Mexican black: Brother Liang, what's wrong with you? Isn't Chunxin budding? ]

[Liang: Wages. ]

[Nearly ink black: I like someone, just see her, the heart will thump, the deer bumps, she is the best in the world, she is right about everything she does, if you don’t see her, she will miss her, When she saw her, she couldn't help but want to kiss and hug her. ]

A long paragraph of words from Mo Zhehei came over with a swish, showing that he was using his life to save his salary.

Liang Che carefully read this passage several times.

Every time those people in the studio analyze the love and love of a certain star or TV series, some people even feel touching.

But he was untouched.

For him, not just love, but even other feelings seem to be optional.

He always felt that he should be a person without emotion.


Why did you meet her?

He didn't even remember when he remembered her in his heart.

Liang Che sat alone in the car until the light dimmed outside.


The phone vibrated, waking him up.

Liang Che answered the phone with a hoarse voice: "Hello?"

"Brother Liang!" the people over there shouted, "Look at Weibo!!"

Liang Che: "..."

Hot search on Weibo first.


Liang Che stared at the title for a few seconds, his fingers twitching slightly.

The picture loads.

The moment when the picture jumped out, Liang Che felt relieved.

No one else.

The photo was taken last night. She was holding her picture. The photo taken at night was a little blurry, but Mingju didn't have any occlusion, and she could recognize it at a glance.

There are also several pictures.

Even before in the hotel, he and she sat eating steak photos.

The last one is the garage. She kisses herself.

The angle was just right, and both people were very clear.

[Near Mexican black: Brother Liang, you made headlines! ]

[Near Mexican black: You asked me that question just now, wouldn’t the person you like smell the flute? ]

[Near Mexican black: Ah, mad, you are said on the Internet that you are a little white face supported by her. ]

[Near Mexican Black: Don’t let me know who did it! ! ]

[Nearly ink black: I went, and Wendi sent a Weibo. ]

Liang Che opened Weibo.

The latest one, posted a minute ago.

Wendi V: I raised my little brother. @兰月工作室@梁 cheV

Liang Che had to admit that seeing her Ait herself, she couldn't stop the joy from rising in her heart.

But what ghost is she raising?

When did he let her raise her! !

[Near Mexican Black: Not Brother Liang, what does this mean? I don’t understand ]

[Nearly ink black: what is it? ]

He knew the word, but he didn't know it when he put it on Liang.

Is this still his brother Liang?

[Liang: Half of salary deduction]

[Black near the ink:...]

Liang Che V:. //Wendi V: I raised it, my little brother. @兰月工作室@梁 cheV

Liang Che finished forwarding and leaned back, closing his eyes slightly.

He is finished.

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