Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1339: Backlighting(15)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

[My flute is domineering, ha ha ha ha. ]

[This boy looks good, no matter what angle he looks at, it looks good, and it matches well with the flute. ]

[Why is she again? Just a few days after stopping, I saw it again, disgusting. ]

[Wendi rolls out of the entertainment circle. ]

[I raise... great, just say this and bless you. ]

[Who is Liang Che? Small fresh meat? ]

Who is Liang Che?

Liang Che's certification is clearly written, the owner of Lanyue Studio.

What does Lanyue Studio do?

Specially provide breaking news for major newspapers.

Are the artist and Yu Ji getting together? Is this the plan for Entertainment to enter the artist?

If Liang Che is a person in the circle, even if it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that there will be no storms.

After all, there are too many black materials in Mingshu, and what a small white face is, is completely expected by the black powder.

But Liang Che is a reporter! Commonly known as paparazzi!

Liang Che retweeted that Weibo, although there is no text, but his obvious attitude of recognition.

Which is acceptable.

For a while, the black material that just stopped submerged again.

What can Liang Che do if he does not forward?

She said so, would he want to be a tortoise and let her bear those alone?

Instead of returning home, Liang Che returned to Mingshu's apartment.

He just sat all night.

After a night of fermentation, this matter has been almost known to everyone.

Their relationship...

Is it public?

Obviously, there is nothing.

What to do next, what to do with her in the future...

He suddenly regretted that he shouldn't forward it, as long as he didn't admit it, he denied that it was a fool's thing, and waited for the time to pass...

Liang Che stopped this thought.

Even if he was given another chance to choose, he would still choose to forward it.


There was a man standing outside the car.

Liang Che blinked his sour eyes and lowered the car window. The mist filled the morning, and he could hardly see anything three meters away.

She stood in the morning mist, like an elf in the mist.

Mingshu went to the other side and got on the bus.

Liang Che closed the window silently.

There was silence in the car.

"Smell the flute."

Liang Che leaned over and enveloped Mingshu between the seat and his arms.

"Why are you posting that Weibo?"

Ming Shu blinked: "If they want to see gossip, they will give it to them."

Obviously, this answer is different from what Liang Che wanted.

"that's it?"

"Otherwise?" Mingshu blinked.

"Have you asked my opinion?"

"I Aite you, you can not respond." Ming Shu is very innocent.

Liang Che: "..."

What Ming Shu seemed to think: "Ah, if you want to be supported by me, it's okay, I can still afford you."

Who wants her to be kept!

Liang Che was irritable. He thought that at least one answer would be given today. Unfortunately, this answer was completely different from what he thought.

Liang Che stretched out his hand: "500,000 yuan a month, and the remaining expenses are calculated separately, pay one year first."

Mingshu uttered his tongue: "It's so expensive..." How many snacks do I have to keep?

Liang Che wanted to change his mouth, but he said everything. He looked at her calmly, as if she did not agree, he would not let go.

Mingshu gritted his teeth and pulled out a card from his bag: "Well."

Liang Che took the card and was in a mixed mood.

What kind of muscle is he wrong?

Is someone controlling his behavior!

Liang Che took a deep breath and sat back to calm down the strange mood.

"Are you moving to my house, or am I moving in?"

Mingshu: "..."

Can it progress so fast?

"This is not necessary." Ming Shu said: "We are a pure support relationship."

Mingshu saw Liang Che coldly staring at her: "Where does the pure relationship come from? I'll go back and pack up."

Mingshu: "..."


Is it too late for her to take back the card?

When the goblin comes, can she fall in love with snacks?

Liang Che said that he did it. He drove directly to the place where he lived, and he didn't bring any extra things. He packed up a few clothes and took the usual ones. The two boxes were finished.

Returning to the apartment, many people gathered outside.

He didn't speak, he just sent a message with his mobile phone, and soon someone seemed to receive something and left.

"what are you sending?"

"Say you are on Beida Plaza."

"Are you sending fake news? Are you afraid they will trouble you?"

"In our circle, the news is true and false, and it's normal to run in vain."

Journalists also have a circle of reporters, and occasionally everyone will notify each other.

Liang Che drove the car into the apartment. I didn't expect that I just got the pass yesterday, and I will live in today...

"Please come in."

Liang Che glanced at the apartment, it was quite spacious, but it was not popular, and was a bit deserted.

He moved the box in.

Mingshu pointed to the room: "Go and clean the room yourself."

Liang Che nodded and took his things in.


When Mingshu brushed the news, he got the news that the president of Hengfeng Group was hospitalized.

The seven steps are made up blindly.

But that snake is indeed poisonous and will not be fatal, just rescue it.

Mingshu and Black Powder finished interacting, and when they saw Liang Che came out, they stared at him.

Liang Che turned blankly around the room, familiarizing himself with the environment.

"You usually live here alone? Didn't you ask someone to take care of you?"

"I used to be busy. I haven't seen you back half a year. Who will take care of yourself?"

Liang Che sat silently across from her: "We talk about Weibo."

"Is there anything to talk about? You have not lived in now, and the money is also given to you, what do you want? Price increase? I tell you, I have no filming, there is a silly outside to kill me, I But no money!"

Liang Che: "..."

Is he so superficial?

"Smell the flute."

"Hmm..." What does the goblin want to do?

"Why are you..." Liang Che didn't seem to find an adjective, and said in a while: "Why are you close to me?"

From the beginning, it was she who broke into his life first.

"You look good?"

"..." Liang Che gritted his teeth: "Apart from this?"

Mingshu innocent asked: "What else do you have besides this?"

Liang Che: "..."

Why did he mention this topic?

Mingshu pressed his chin against his chin and thought for a moment: "If you have to have a reason, then you are a paparazzi, I am a star, if I support you, I will go out in the future, not like today, no longer worry about paparazzi candid camera, Shoot me so ugly..."

Liang Che suddenly got up: "I'm going to work first."

"Eh, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"good night."

"It's noon, good night."

"...Good afternoon."

Liang Che walked away quickly. He was afraid that if he stayed longer, he would kill her.

Mingshu looked at the closed door and chuckled his lips.




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