Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1347: Walk against the light(23)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Wen Mu didn't even know that she was pregnant.

It's just a bit abnormal. The other day, Gu father just took her to check it, but I haven't got the result yet...

The child was gone, and Wenmu was obviously sad.

After Wen Wen's mood stabilized, Ming Shu asked her, "How can you fall?"

Wen Mu's eyes dodge: "I... I didn't step on it, I fell down... It's this child who doesn't have this blessing."

"There are no servants in the villa."

"Your uncle Gu gave them leave..." because of the news.

Ming Shu looked directly at her: "Mom, to be honest, how did you fall?"

"Xiaodi...I really fell myself."

Wen Mu didn't dare to stare at her: "Don't ask, I want to take a break."

"Mom, I'll ask you one last time, how did you fall, if you don't tell me, then I won't care anymore."

She doesn't like to manage these things.

Others have to hide and tweak, not related to her interests, why should she go to the bottom?

Wen Mu was silent.

For a long time she shed tears.

When she was young, she wanted to have a child with Gu father.

But this kid...

After all, there is no such blessing.

"Yes... Guxi."

Gu Xi went home to take things during the day.

Gu Xi was very gentle and polite when dealing with her in normal days.

At that time, why Gu Xi's face was not good, she took two questions she cares about.

At first Gu Xi was silent and said nothing.

Who knew Gu Xi would suddenly push her angrily.

Wen Mu said: "She doesn't know about my pregnancy...this matter just forget it."

"If it weren't for me to be in time, you would be dead now."

Ming Shu said faintly: "In this way, do you still have to count?"

Wen Mu didn't give an answer.

Father Gu came over early the next morning and had not entered the ward. The first time was to slap Mingshu.

Liang Che just saw this scene. He used the fastest speed of his life to pull Mingshu away and block himself.


A crisp slap sound sounded in the ward.

The slap hit him in the face.

Liang Che tilted his head slightly, a slap mark clearly appeared on his face.

I wonder how much strength Gu's father used.

"What are you blocking?"

In the eyes of Mingshu, Liang Che couldn't understand the light, her fingers squeezed his chin, and her fair face was red and swollen.

"Can't let you be beaten." Liang Che's voice was still faint, as if he couldn't feel pain.

"How could he hit me."

When have I been in vain for so many years?

Liang Che: "..."

He just wanted the hero to save the beauty.

Can you take some routines?

The normal girl at this time should be distressed!

"You..." Gu father hit the wrong person, stunned, and saw the person in front of him, angry again, pointing at her and said: "Smell the flute, what messy people are you bringing here, is he a reporter? Are you? Your mother is not angry enough? If it weren’t for you, your mother would become like this now, it’s all you blamed!”

Dare to hit her goblin, and dare to yell at her!

Mingshu loosened Liang Che, and then grabbed Gu's wrist with his hand, and lifted him to the ground.

Anyway, Wenmu can't see it now.

Because it was a VIP ward, the corridor was quiet, and no one came to stop her.

"I let you beat him!!"

"Let you yell at me!"

"I have long wanted to hit you!"

"You are crazy!" Gu father was beaten with no ability to fight back: "You stop!"

Mingshu kicked his feet again.

She pulled on her clothes and stared at Gu's father on the floor: "My mother's miscarriage was caused by Gu Xi, and it's my fault."

Father Gu's face was green: "What nonsense you have! What does this matter have to do with Gu Xi?"

Mingshu grinned at the corner of his mouth: "It has nothing to do with Gu Xi, you ask her to go, anyway, I have called the police."

Wen's mother was cowardly and afraid of a bad relationship, and her family was at odds.

However, his Gu's children are humans, not others'?

"Also, obviously you are begging for a betrayal and want to marry my mother. How dare you not admit it in front of the media? Instead, let my mother bear these rumors? After so many years, the servant misunderstood her. When did you clarify? ?"

With Ming Shu's words, Gu Father's face became more and more ugly: "If it were not for you, how could the media garble?"

"Then why don't you think about who is responsible for this?"

Father Gu: "What do you mean?"

"Ha ha."

Mingshu dragged Liang Che into the ward and shut Gu Gu outside.

Father Gu knocked on the door outside, but no sound came in.

Finally, Gu father was persuaded by the hospital.

Wen Mu fell asleep, completely unaware of what happened outside.

Mingshu asked Liang Che to sit down, took out a box of medicine and rubbed Liang Che's red and swollen area.

"Don't succeed next time, I will be more powerful than you think."

Liang Che: "..."

What I call is much more powerful than you think?

Is this what your little girl should say?

Where to put his face.

Mingshu looked at him for a while, and Liang Che expected her to kiss herself and comfort her.

Who knows, after waiting for a long time, she suffocated three words: "Too ugly."

too! ugly! Now!

"No, I have to beat him again." Mingshu dropped the medicine and left the ward with great force.

Liang Che: "???

When Wen Mu woke up, she saw Liang Che sitting next to her, not knowing what she was thinking.

"You... are you?"

A little familiar, but Wenmu couldn't call her name for a while.

Wen Mother had naturally seen Liang Che on those entertainment gossips, but she didn't believe her daughter would do this kind of thing. It must have been made by those people.

Half of Liang Che's face was covered with a slap mark, and Wen Mu couldn't recognize it for a while.

Liang Che was also a little embarrassed.

How does he introduce himself?

The little white face kept by her?

"Auntie, I am smelling a flute...friend." Boyfriend!

"Xiaodi's friend." Wen Mu immediately smiled: "Xiaodi? How can you stay here."

"she was……"

She went out to beat people.

Liang Che quickly pulled a reason: "She answered the phone, I will watch for a while."

Wen Mu nodded, her eyes falling on his face: "Your face..."

"It's okay, it was beaten accidentally."

Wen Mu was suspicious, but Liang Che's face saw no signs of lying.

Where did Xiaodi meet such a friend?

She really feels familiar.

Mingshu returned after ten minutes.

"Mom, are you awake?"

Wen Mu nodded: "Why have you been here for so long, leaving your friends here to accompany me, it's rude."

"What did he tell me about me?" Mingshu grabbed the point.

Unknown mother, so: "Friend."

Mingshu glanced at Liang Che.

Liang Che was slightly nervous, didn't she want to say that?


She is nothing more than an object that she is fostered.

"Mom, let me introduce you formally. This is my boyfriend, Liang Che."

Wen Mu: "..."

Liang Che: "..."

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