Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1348: Walk against the light(24)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Wen Mu finally remembered why she felt familiar.

She has seen photos before, isn't he the boy on it?


It can be said on the Internet that the boy was kept by her.

Liang Che might have been smashed by his boyfriend.

No response for a long time.

He didn't know what Mingshu and Wenmu said.

Anyway, in the end Wen Mu didn't say anything, it seemed that she had somehow recognized his identity.

Ming Shu asked the doctor to come over and check the mother.

After finishing the inspection, Ming Shu told her about Gu's father.

"Mom, the surname Gu has been here. I sent him away. If you want to look back home, I won't stop you."

"But you have to think about it carefully. If the surnamed Gu really loves you and marries you into the door, it won't let you bear so many rumors."

"I know, this time, I caused it..."

"Xiaodi." Wen Mu interrupted her: "You are my daughter, I won't blame you."

She sighed: "However, your uncle Gu... I think about it."

She reached out and touched her belly.

Here was once conceived, she and his children.

"Alright, let you see his attitude."

Wen Mu puzzled: "What attitude?"

Mingshu did not explain.

But Wen Mu soon learned.

The police got it.

Mingshu reported the police.


Gu family.

Gu Xi was called back, Gu Father sat on one side, and the police on the other.

Seeing the police, her heart tightened.

She took a slight breath and walked past calmly: "Dad, so urgently calling me back, is there anything wrong?"

Gu Gu stared at Gu Xi. From the perspective of his father, he did not believe that his decent daughter would do such a thing as pushing his stepmother down the stairs.


He had planned to ask clearly first.

But before it was too late, the police came to the door.

There were no servants in the villa, and the blood was still in the living room when the police arrived.

"It's these two police officers who have something to ask you."

Gu Xi sweated in the palm of her hand, it's okay, it's okay, she made a good proof of absence.

She clenched her hands slightly and kept a decent smile: "What are the two police officers looking for me?"

One of the policemen said: "This is the case. We received a report from a lady saying that someone deliberately pushed her mother down the stairs, causing her mother to miscarry. This victim is Miss Gu's stepmother."

"I know..." Gu Xi nodded, "I just received the news and was about to go to the hospital, and my father called me."

"But according to the police, Ms. Wen said that you pushed your stepmother down the stairs and caused her to miscarry."

Gu Xi bit her lower lip, but the acting online showed a little confusion, as if she couldn't understand what the police said.

She waved her hand, revealing the tension of being wronged: "How come, how can I do such a thing, although my stepmother relationship is not particularly close, but not bad..."

The police continued to ask, "Miss Gu, did you come back yesterday?"

Gu Xi shook his head: "I was with Mr. Cui, the president of Hengfeng Group yesterday, and I have never returned."

The police and Cui Jingyang verified.

Make sure Gu Xi has been with him.

"I think there is surveillance in the villa. I wonder if I can take a look?"

Gu Xi behaved calmly, Gu father nodded and took them to watch the monitoring.

But the monitoring seems to be broken, and there have been no records since last month.

Gu Xi was slightly relieved that the monitoring of the villa had been useless, and she almost forgot to monitor.

But because no one remembers it, no one knows if it is broken.

God helps her.

"The monitoring of the villa is just in case, it is rarely checked, it may be that the maid did not pay attention." Gu father and the police explained.

Although the monitoring is badly coincidental, Gu Xi has witnessed that there seems to be no suspicion.

The police investigated and got up to say goodbye.

Father Gu sent them to leave. When the police car left, Father Gu closed the door.


He shouted in a deep voice.

Gu Xi lowered her head: "Dad..."

Father Gu asked, "You made it clear what happened?"

Gu Xi's still innocent face: "Dad, why do you ask me this? I don't know..."

"You tell me the truth, is it your aunt you pushed!"

Gu Xi bit her lips.

Her voice choked up: "Dad, don't you believe me?"

Father Gu said with a sullen face: "You said you haven't come back, how could your aunt's report change position in my study?"

"I don't know what report." Gu Xi whispered: "Auntie is at home, maybe she has been in."

Father Gu: "Your aunt never enters my study."

Gu Xi: "You are not at home, maybe she accidentally went in? Dad, I said, I didn't come back yesterday, and Mr. Cui also gave me a certificate, why don't you believe me?

Speaking of the back, Gu Xi's eyes were flushed.

The crystal tears fell straight down.

Father Gu scolded: "Do you really think the monitoring of the villa is broken?"

Gu father's sentence, let Gu Xi froze in place.

The sparkle in her mind seemed to want to understand something.


Gu Xi looked at Gu Father in amazement, and she stepped forward to hold Gu Father's arm.

"Dad, I didn't mean it...I was...I came back yesterday, I just took things, and I entered your study..."

"I just saw that report..."

"At the time, my mind was a bit chaotic..."

"She had to pull me to speak, I don't know what happened..."

"Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Gu Xi saw the report at the time and learned that Wen Ma was pregnant and she was buzzing in her head.

From Wen Mu married Wen Di.

She doesn't like them!

But she could not show it, because it would only make people say that she was not.

If Wen Wen gave birth to a child, even if she was a girl, she would certainly share her fatherly love with her.

If it's a boy...

In the future, the entire Gu family must not be his?

At that time, what Wen Mu said, she couldn't remember at all. At that time, her brain was messed up, and she was held by her, and she saw the nasty face.

She just...

Shoved her.

Later she was afraid and ran away.

She told Cui Jingyang about it and told Cui Jingyang good testimony.

After Gu father heard it, he raised his hand to hit her, but he finally stopped in the air.

"You are confused!!!"

Gu Xi took Gu's arm: "Dad, don't tell the police, I really didn't mean it."

She later regretted it and was afraid.

But she was very angry at that time...

The hatred that has accumulated over the years erupted at that moment.

"Fine." Gu Father flicked her hand away: "Don't tell anyone about this. What you said to the police just now, just say something to the public. Do you know?"

Deliberately pushing people downstairs and causing abortion is a crime of intentional injury.

Even if Gu Father is angry, he will not really ignore her.

Gu Xi nodded tearfully.

"Dad, that aunt..."

"I will handle this matter."

Father Gu paused and asked again: "Mr. Cui?"

"I will tell him." Gu Xi said.

"That's good." Gu Father nodded. "I think Mr. Cui really likes you. You know how to do things in due time. If Gu Jia can unite with Hengfeng, we will take Gu family to a higher level."

Gu Xi knows what it means when it is appropriate.

She nodded: "Daughter got it."

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