Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1349: Backlighting(25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Father Gu rushed to the hospital, found an acquaintance, and met Wen's attending doctor.

Ask the attending doctor to change the injury assessment.

The attending doctor said: "Miss Wen had taken a copy before the report, Mr. Gu, this..."

The family is a family member. She came and asked, and the attending doctor would of course give it.

Gu Father frowned.

"When did she take it away?"

"In the morning."


So long?

The attending doctor watched Father Gu leave and shook his head and sighed. Now these people are really...


"Axiu, this time it's Gu Xi's ignorance, but she doesn't know that you are pregnant, you forgive her this time."

"She is still so young, her career has just started, you are also her elders, you can't look at her and ruin it, right?"

Wen mother was lying on the bed, she listened to Gu father.

From that day on, her daughter asked her to look at Gu's attitude, she had been thinking about what attitude he would be.

But today, she finally waited.

He came to forgive himself.


At the beginning, she had no plans to hold her accountable.

Because she married Gu father.

She didn't want to make the house fall apart.

But she chose not to pursue, which is completely different from others.

Wen mother rested her hands on her abdomen: "But my baby is gone."

Father Gu looked at the position of her lower abdomen, and he certainly couldn't say anything like that.

They were here at all ages, and Wen Mu was still pregnant, which was already a surprise.

This child is gone, I'm afraid there won't be any more.

"Axiu, I will compensate you." Gu Father held her hand and promised.

Mingshu waited slowly after Gu father left.

"Look, his daughter's future is the future, your daughter's future is not the future."

"I'm sorry Xiaodi, I have wronged you before." She has been inferior with Gu Gu's identity.

After Wen Wen finished speaking, she never spoke again.

Fall in love with a person in an instant.

It's also a moment to die a person.

When the truth is not torn apart, everything seems to be fine.

When the truth tears open a mouth, in fact it has long been riddled with holes, and everything is nothing but self-deception.

"Xiaodi, this thing... leave it to you."

Finally, one night, Mingshu heard Wenmu sigh long.

"I shouldn't have been together with him. I was doomed decades ago."

She is not reconciled.

But then he could betray her and marry a woman who is good for the family, and she should see clearly at that time.

"I never liked him, but in retrospect, he is the best for me..."

This he is the biological father of Wen Di.

"But I am very bad to him."

"I always compare them, but he never said anything. At that time, he was young and vigorous, and he didn't understand anything."

Wen Muxu said for a long time.

Mingshu was so sleepy that he was struggling to wait for Wen's mother to remember.

The father of the original owner died very early.

I heard it was a car accident.

The overtime spirit was unsatisfactory. On the way from get off work, I was hit by a car.

I lost some money at the time.

Wen Mu used the money to live with the original owner.

I usually do some light work and make some investment with the money. In fact, my life is quite easy.

However, in the memory of the original owner, she hardly heard her mother mentioning her father.

Maybe some people won't be found good until they wait a long time.


Gu Father wanted to start with Wen Mu, but Wen Mu suddenly looked away and stopped seeing him.

Gu father was a little flustered for a while.

Just when Gu Father tried to find a way, he suddenly received a call from the police.

Mingshu provided new evidence.

The first one is an identification of the injury, and the second one is beyond Gu's accident.

It is the monitoring of the villa.

It was clearly monitored that Gu Xi pushed Wen Mu down the stairs.

From the monitoring point of view, Gu Xi Leng was almost a minute, then went downstairs and stood in front of Wen Mu for a long time.

From the picture, Wen Mu was still conscious.

Because there was no sound from the monitoring, they could not hear what they said.

But Gu Xi left Wenmu and left.


Father Gu didn't believe it.

"It was forged by Wendi, and the villa monitoring has been broken for a long time. How could it be photographed?"

The surveillance was deleted by him personally.

How could she have?

"Mr. Gu, calm down."

The police appease the father.

"This surveillance must have been faked by her!!"

"We will check it out." The police said: "But Mr. Gu, I want to remind you that if you conceal and not report, it will only increase the criminal responsibility for Ms. Gu Xi."

Push people downstairs, causing abortion.

Intentional injury.

If she knew that the other party was pregnant, it would only be more serious.

Gu Father said nothing in silence.

The police detective quickly distinguished the true and false of the video.

This surveillance video is not fake.

Mingshu returned to the villa after copying Wen's mother to the hospital for rescue.

And Mingshu knows that the villa is under surveillance, and thanks to those servants.

Once the original owner came back and saw her standing in front of a room, and said eccentrically that there was surveillance in the villa.

Probably warned her not to do anything about stealing chickens and dogs.

Because of the attitude of the servant, the original owner remembered it very clearly.

In front of the evidence, Gu Father could not deny that he could only find a relationship while contacting Wen Mu.

As long as she does not pursue this matter, they can resolve it in private.

Wen mother was ruthless, but she didn't see Gu father.

There is a special guard on the side of the hospital, and Gu Father can't get in.

In the media, somebody reported the incident without knowing where it leaked from.

Blurred Wen Mu, Gu Xi was presented to the public instead.

Push stepmother downstairs.

Was investigated by the police.

The news quickly became popular because Gu Xi was taken away by the police.

When Father Gu wanted to suppress the news, it was almost impossible.

Gu Xiqiu asked Cui Jingyang for help.

The beauty asked for help, and Cui Jingyang readily agreed.

However, he has no contact, and a series of his reports suddenly broke online.

His image of cleanliness and self-improvement collapsed before this report.

In the report, the women around Cui Jingyang changed one after another.

As you can see from the picture, how cautious Cui Jingyang is.

Don't go to the hotel.

I don't go to my usual residence.

Obtaining these photos is obviously not the result of two days a day.

This is not the point.

The point is the confession of the girl below.

It was a video without people. In the video, the girl exposed Cui Jingyang's evil deeds.

He is not a person at all. Not only does he have a special hobby, he will also photograph them and threaten them.

When he needed it, he was there.

When he doesn't need it, he can't appear in front of him.

Cui Jingyang is so rich that playing with a few women is actually normal.

But he has a special hobby. If this matter is spread, it will be harmful to him and to his Hengfeng Group.

After all, in this position, there are many people watching.

Whether it is for your own image, or for the position of president of Hengfeng Group, or your own hobbies.

In short, Cui Jingyang did not want these things to be known.

But now.

Unreservedly exposed on the Internet.




Little girls!

Cast a monthly pass! !

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