Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1350: Walk against the light(26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

[I go, the president of Hengfeng Group is too abnormal. ]

[Long looks so beautiful, so rich, what kind of woman want, why, why? I do not believe! ]

[The giants are terrible. ]

[Gu Xihe, the president of Hengfeng Group, isn’t that the same? Gee! ]

[Wendi Black Powder is here for a tour. ]

[I didn’t pretend to fail before, hahaha was funny when I thought of that. ]

[You are really enough, this matter has not yet been finalized, so hurried to draw conclusions, be careful to be beaten. ]

[Mr. Cui will definitely not be that kind of person. Shut up! People have so much money, they need it? ]

There are all over the Internet.

And Mingshu's group of black powder is a bit ignorant.

Didn't they black her again?

Why does the wind change so fast?

They haven't shown their true strength yet! !

Why is the hot search gone?

So Mingshu's fans were stirred in, and Mingshu was pushed up again.

For a while, the Internet was lively.

However, the Hengfeng Group must have been affected by such a scandal.

Cui Jingyang was blocked by reporters now.

Looking up and down in the company, his eyes were very strange.


"A bunch of waste!"

Cui Jingyang lifted everything on the table.

"What do I raise you to do? Why is there such news on the Internet? Who did it!!"

He keeps so many people, such news will be stopped before it is released.

No matter what method is used, the other party will shut up.

But this report was sent without warning.


The secretary was sweating coldly.

In the sight of Cui Jingyang's murder, weakly said: "It's Lanyue Studio."

Liang Che!

Smell the flute!

These two names popped up immediately in Cui Jingyang's mind.

"You waste!"

Cui Jingyang kicked on the secretary. The secretary bumped into something behind and fell to the ground, unable to bear the pain.

"I let you deal with her, how do you deal with her? Nothing happened at all!!"

Secretary and innocent.

Why didn't they think of a way.

But that one can't deal with it!

They blocked her.

For the chanting, fortune-tellers who are turning heads of investors will die.

What can they do?

Can Hengfeng Group offend everyone?

"Suppress me from the online news, have you heard it?"


"Get out!"

As if the secretary had received an amnesty order, he left the office hurriedly, despite his physical pain.

Recently, Mr. Cui is getting scarier.

The secretary walked to the office, and people outside looked sideways.

He looked ugly and walked to the other side.

"Secretary Hou, are you?"

Secretary Hou was stopped.

"Two young." Secretary Hou called out immediately: "Are you looking for the president? Now the president is in anger, you come again someday."

The man nodded as if he understood, and looked at him again: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Secretary Hou waved his hand.

"I don't think you are standing steadily. Come and come, let me take a look at you." The man took Secretary Hou to the rest room.


Cui Jingyang is troubled, but can't care about this side.

Although Father Gu found a relationship, the final result was not very good, as long as Mingshu and Wenmu were not relieved.

No matter how many relationships, Gu Xi is intentionally hurting people.

Gu father looked for Wen mother three times and five times.

Mingshu stopped it a few times, a little annoyed.

The doctor happened to say that she could be discharged, and Ming-shu went through the discharge procedures for her.

"Xiaodi, Gu's side..."

Wen Mu was also worried.

"Do you still want to go back?" Mingshu asked her with a raised eyebrow.

If she wanted to go back, she would be too lazy to manage.

Yeah, yeah.

I wasted love with snacks.

Wen mother shook her head: "No."

Gu's actions during this time made her chill.

Gu Xi caused her child to disappear, but for so long, Gu Xi didn't show up and gave her humility.

"I want to ask, what will happen to this matter in the end?"

Mingshu handed the bag to Liang Che and casually said: "The crime of intentional injury will be sentenced, but by the means of Gu's family, she will definitely be taken out."

Wen Mu murmured: "So..."


Wen mother sometimes thinks at night, although Gu Xi is not particularly close to her, but she is very polite and looks like a kind-hearted child. How could she...



Wen Mu and Ming Shu returned to the apartment.

There are two rooms in the apartment where people can live. Mingshu and Liang Che each have one room.

The rest of the room can be occupied even if it is cleaned up, but how can it be cleaned up immediately?

In the end, Mingshu could only give up his room.

Mingshu asked Mumu to help her make some food and make up for Wen Mu.

As soon as there were more people, the apartment became lively.

"Sister Wendi, is Fenghua the finale today?" Mu Mu poked his head from the kitchen.

How can she watch some TV these days.

"Can not remember."

Mumu: "..."

Other people's play?

Mumu prepared the chicken broth and sent it to Wenmu first, then gave the rest to Mingshu.

"Sister Wendi, I have class for a while. I have to go first. I'll be here tomorrow."

"Well, do you want me to send you?"

"No, it's convenient to go out to the subway."

"Can you drive?"

"Um...will be yes."

"Liang Che." Ming Shu called out.

Liang Che came out of the study: "What's wrong."

Mingshu took Banu and Numumu: "Give her my car key."

Mumu shook his head: "Sister Wendi, no... I don't need it anymore. I just take the subway and go back."

Mingshu: "Anyway, you have to come over tomorrow. It's more convenient. When you come by the way, buy some dishes."

Liang Che asked, "Where did you put your car key?"

Mingshu: "Did you collect it?"

She is going to and fro from Liang Che, and she hasn't used her car long ago.

Liang Che was silent for a moment: "I'll find it."

Mumu: "..."

It took Liang Che half a day to find the car key and handed it to Mumu.

Fearing that Mumu could not find the car, Mingshu sent her down again.

When he came back, Liang Che had cleaned up the house.

"Where do you sleep tonight?"

Straight male pointed to the sofa: "The sofa is enough for you to sleep, and the room will sleep for me."

Liang Che frowned.

"Shall I sleep on the sofa?" The goblin could not wait.


Liang Che is not at all polite.

Mingshu: "..."

In the evening, Ming Shu watched TV, which was the finale of Fenghua.

The finale of Fenghua is another wave of hot searches.

In addition to harvesting countless black powder, Mingshu did not gain anything.

Liang Che came out holding the pillow.

Mingshu reached out to pick up.

Liang Che avoided her, and his expression was dull: "You go to bed."

"Huh, are you so generous?"

Liang Che: "..."

How could he let her sleep on the sofa.

Anyway, he is a man!

Liang Che dragged her up and lay down on the sofa: "Good night."

Mingshu stood for a few seconds: "Good night."

Listening to the footsteps of her leaving, Liang Che closed the door.

He raised his hand to support his forehead.

As a captive man, it is useless, and he is also very distressed.

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