Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1352: Walk against the light(28)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu stayed in the studio for more than three o'clock in the afternoon, and Liang Che was busy and left together.

The staff of the studio for a while, with a bad intention of ‘oh~~~’, watched the two leave.

"Have you taken the show recently?"

"No," Ming Shu said, "accompany you."

I want to spoil the snacks!

Liang Che doubted that she would be so good?

"Tomorrow is going to work in a foreign city, are you going?"

"Um...go." It's okay anyway.

Liang Che booked tickets at night, Mingshu was lying on the bed watching the script, and didn't know where she came from so many scripts, it seemed that she picked them up.


Mingshu shot him: "Mobile."

Liang Che took the mobile phone next to him and glanced at the name...Cui Ershao?

Cui Jingyang's younger brother?

Ming Shu answered the phone: "Why, disturbing people to sleep at night."

"Cough... that little aunt's grandmother, I just told you that Cui Jingyang's weather is not bad. I'm making good progress here. His secretary knows a lot..."

"Come on, work hard! Hengfeng Group is yours, and the richest man in the future may be you!"

The people over there laughed twice.

When he was asked to come to the house, this little aunt and grandma painted her a pancake like a fantasy.

Cui Jingyang is his elder brother.

Naturally, according to the laws of the giants, certainly not a pro-brother.

The position of the president of Hengfeng Group is not unthinkable.

But Cui Jingyang, who lives with him all year round, still knows a little.

Know that he is not his opponent.

So at the beginning of the fight, he had no plans to fight Cui Jingyang.

who knows……

Liang Che absently ignited his phone and almost gave the wrong ticket.

When Mingshu hung up his mobile phone, he seemed to inadvertently ask: "Hengfeng Group?"


"How do you know..."

"Know? Don't know."

Ming Shu paused: "I specifically investigated him for a long time, and among the several brothers of the Cui family, this one was quite capable."

Liang Che frowned: "What do you want to do with him?"

She was carrying herself and other men!

"To grab the X throne."


Ming Shu closed the script and yawned to get out of bed: "I will sleep on the sofa today, otherwise you will sleepwalk again at night."

Liang Che: "..."

He is not sleepwalking.

He is used to it...

Liang Che held Mingshu's wrist.

Ming Shu paused: "What's wrong?"

Liang Che squeezed her lower lip: "Don't leave, I promise I won't touch you...I'll hold you to sleep...can I?"

Mingshu looked at him with a smile.

Liang Che said daringly: "If you disagree, I'll go to sleep, you remember to lock the door."

He was not good at speaking.

She didn't know what to say about the sight of Shang Mingshu.

He got up a little embarrassed: "You go to bed early, the plane tomorrow morning..."

Mingshu's arm blocked his way, and the whole person crushed.

"Where are you going?"

"living room……"

"Aren't you going to sleep with me?"


Until Liang Che lay on the bed, it was still a bit unreal.

But there was nothing he could do. Mingshu kissed him for a while, and soon fell asleep.

Liang Che smiled bitterly, might as well sleep on the sofa.


Going to the airport early in the morning, Mingshu was absent.

Liang Che took a lot of snacks to refresh her.

In order to take care of Mingshu, Liang Che bought the first class.

"Ah... it's my flute!"

"Dizi Dizi, I am a fan of you! Excited, can I have a signature?"

Mingshu was recognized as soon as he sat down, and around her she wanted to sign.

Ming Shu responded with a smile, and asked them to whisper a little less to disturb others.

The fans blushed and responded.

Some people looked at Liang Che.

"It seems to be the boy that our flute keeps?"

"It seems really."

"Our flute is very affectionate, and only one is kept."

Liang Che raised his hand to help his forehead, what is good love? Was she scum before? As far as he knows, before that, she didn't have a gossip target?

You should not take her out!

Be sure to buy her a mask when getting off the plane! !

The flight time is more than an hour.

By the time he got off the plane, Mingshu had slipped around on the hot search.

The reason is naturally that she took photos with fans on the plane.

There are also things to cheer with Liang Che.

"I have my own hot search physique!" Ming Shu lowered his head and brushed his phone.

Liang Che led her to prevent her from falling.

They all went on hot search, and as soon as they left the airport, they were besieged by many fans.

But what surprised Liang Che was that these fans did not come up.

Instead, it is arranged in two columns, just like welcoming national leaders.

There is also a star who comes out with Mingshu almost in time.

Look at the noisy fans next door, and then compare the well-behaved fans here, it is really two extremes.



These two hot searches also quickly moved up.

There is no lack of most of the credit for black powder.

The black powder has gone from her dress to her face...

Even the mobile phone she used was not made in China, which was also a black spot.

Obviously typing.

Wendi V: I and you breathe the same piece of air in the sky, you suffocate!

[Various black powder: ...]

What to do to hold your breath! !

After leaving the airport, Mingshu embraced Liang Che's arm: "Little brother, let's go eat first. Just now I got Baidu. There are many delicious things here."

Liang Che's plan was to go to the hotel first.

But Mingshu's little brother made him dizzy, and he agreed without principle.


Liang Che came to work, and the schedule was also very tight. Mingshu wouldn't trouble him. He either stayed in the hotel or went out to find delicious food according to the strategy.

Wendi V: The first season of the gourmet tour starts, and the first stop is the Chengjia Courtyard. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

[Ahhhh, God, my flute and I are in the same city! ]

[grass! I am eating in the Cheng family compound now. ]

[Brother upstairs, look at where she is! ! Black her! Black her face to face! ]

[Wendi came out scary again. ]

[The last wilderness survival, have you abandoned the pit? ]

[The Cheng Family Courtyard is delicious, but there was no place to go last time, bang bang bang! Flute helps me eat two more bites! ]

Mingshu's Weibo was posted only after he came out, and the brother who ate in the Cheng Family Courtyard naturally did not hit Mingshu.

Mingshu can update them several times a day.

The picture was taken very well.

As if you can feel the temptation of food through the picture.

[At this rate, I think it won’t take long for this show to end. ]

[A food show supported by one person? ]

[How much does his Cheng's compound give you? I give twice! ]

[Wendi is a pig! Fat you! Eat so much! ]

[Smell flute out of the entertainment circle! Rubbish! Scum! Good acting scum! ! ]

[Is it funny from upstairs? Boast my flute or scold me? I'm embarrassed to disdain her. ]

[Thanks to the black powder for sending me headlines! ]

[Hahahaha, the black powder that sent me the headlines on the flute is fine! Allow you to keep the fan book. ]

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