Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1353: Backlighting(29)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

By the time Liang Che's business is done, Mingshu's food program has been updated to more than 20 issues.

"There are two days of free time, where do you want to go?" Liang Che deliberately took the time to finish it and freed up two days.

"Eat!" Mingshu's eyes sparkled.

"Just know to eat."

Liang Che did not expect Ming Shu, and went to check a few places by himself.

The next morning he brought Mingshu to the past.

The first stop is the more famous skywalk, but you have to climb the mountain before going up.

Liang Che brought her early, not many people at this time.

"Brother, do you deliberately correct me?"

Mingshu sat on the steps, and tourists passing by sporadically paid attention to her. Of course, many people looked at Liang Che.

"very handsome……"

"Are they stars?"

"I don't know, I don't pay attention to this, but the stars should not come out like this?"

The girls stood by and watched.

Occasionally, one or two exclamations were heard.

"I'm carrying you?" Liang Che came back and crouched beside her.

Ming Shu reached out.

Liang Che: "..."

Liang Che put Mingshu on his back, and the girls around exclaimed.

"My mother! I'm full of dog food."

"Girls are so beautiful, boys are so handsome, I seem to believe in love again."

"I remembered, wasn't that girl the one who played Fenghua?"

Everyone was reminded and suddenly woke up.

They searched the Internet and saw the latest punch-in location. They were here and confirmed that what they saw was Fenghua himself.

"Is the celebrity travel so high-profile now?"

The girls looked at each other.

"But that boy loves her so much! Happiness!"

"Go around, keep up with them."

Liang Che didn't walk fast. After all, he was carrying a person and he had to pay attention to safety.

At the entrance of the glass walkway, Liang Che put her down.

At this time, the clouds were not scattered, and it seemed not terrible.

Mingshu lifted his foot and walked up.

Liang Che's expression followed slightly depressed, why wasn't she afraid?

"Hurry up." Nao Manshu urged him in front.

Liang Che: "..."

Liang Che almost didn't hold his tongue.

After walking along the plank road, Liang Che took Mingshu to bungee jumping.

He would not believe it! !

The staff tied the rope.

Ninety-nine percent of the girls I see every day are very scared, but they are as calm as Mingshu, and the staff is rare.

Liang Che asked Mingshu: "Are you afraid?"

Ming Shu's self-confidence: "What are you afraid of? My play was shot in vain!" How could I be afraid! Is my face unnecessary? !

Liang Che: "..."

Liang Che stretched his arms around Mingshu and jumped directly.

The feeling of falling is not good, the wind scraped across the skin.

The rope was tight, and they jumped up again.

When Liang Che fell for the second time, he kissed the person in his arms.


Going back to the top, Mingshu blushed and gasped, as if the person who just went down was not her.

Liang Che was more depressed.

What can't scare her?

Isn't this a must for couples?

Those above are written by blind people?

"Brother, will you still carry me when you go down?"

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"I'm too lazy to go and waste my energy."


There is a cable car to get off, but Mingshu has proposed that Liang Che obediently carried her down the mountain.

There are more downhill people.

From time to time there are cameras facing them.

Liang Che remembered the mask that was thrown at the hotel by Mingshu and had a stomachache.

Want to lock her up.

Only show him alone.

This thought was turned around in his brain for many times.

Sometimes he is afraid, he really will do it.

"Little flute."

Mingshu pressed his neck: "Why?"

"Will you let me carry you all your life?"

"Why do I have to carry my whole life? I'm sick?"

Liang Che choked.

Can't she match the atmosphere?

Liang Che took a deep breath: "I mean, do you want to... stay with me."

Mingshu's arms tightened, and the whole person leaned against him.

Her voice rang from her ears.

"do you want?"

"I think, I want to be with you forever, I like you."

Perhaps it was the first time I saw her.

"Then think about it."

Ming Shu's crisp voice exploded in his ear.

Liang Che: "..." Throw her down and die?

Did he fail the confession?

In fact, they are now together, she also introduced to Wen mother, he is her boyfriend.

But Liang Che didn't hear her speak in person.

It's very unreliable.

As if this relationship, one day she said the end, it will end.

"What do you want? Look at the road, I don't want to die with you in this kind of place." My snack is not finished yet!

Liang Che's mouth twitched, punctured!

"I'm with you all, and you still ask such words, is your brain sick?" Mingshu hugged him: "If you are sick, let's see a doctor, there is no shortage of money."

Liang Che: "..."

You have the disease!

I like you……

Really sick.

How can normal people like her?

"Hurry and go, go down the mountain."

The two went down the mountain road, causing passengers to look around, and some came over to watch.

They didn't see it, and a photographer followed them, and all their interactions were photographed.

The photographer repaired several pictures that day and posted them on the Internet.

Even if the photographer didn't mark the person who left the country, he was still discovered by Mingshu fans and quickly reposted.

[Super envious of them. ]

[Isn’t this the little white face she kept? What is so envious, make! ]

[So happy, you can feel pink bubbles across the screen! ]

[I want to marry my flute. ]

[Although he was raised by my flute, I still want to protest! I refuse dog food! ]

Xu Shi was a little intimate with Liang Che this time, and the emotions of the fans were a bit big.

But it is not too difficult to accept.

After all, at the beginning of the fight, the two were together.

At that time, most of the focus was on the word support.

At this point they found...

Maybe not.

How can there be a packaged person who will make people blush and see the picture of pink bubbles?

A group of people are crying out of love on the Internet, don't eat dog food.

However, they have to eat without eating.

Mingshu's schedule is transparent, uncovered, paparazzi caught, and can also cooperate with them to shoot, just let them put on snacks, hand over the microphone, and hold a press conference for themselves.


Two days passed by quickly, and when returning to the airport for a flight, Mingshu sent some news about Hengfeng Group.

None are particularly good news.

It seems that where Cui Ershao started.

During this time, Cui Jingyang was grumpy because of the scandal and made two big mistakes.

Now Hengfeng Group, dissatisfied with him, is estimated to be sturdy enough to pull him down.

Cui Ershao was intermingling inside, and it was strange that Cui Jingyang could be better.

When Cui Jingyang falls...

Should I be exhausted?

At that time, you can talk to him happily.

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