Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1354: Backlighting(30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Gu family.

Gu Xi did not dare to go out recently and stayed at home.

The room was in disarray.

She sat in front of the dressing table, expensive cosmetics were everywhere, and some even fell to the ground.

And she didn't realize it.

Eyes staring at the phone.

On the screen, the girl was lying on the shoulder of the boy. The boy stood and talked to her with his head turned.


The phone hit the wall and bounced into the closet next to it, and ultimately did not avoid the tragedy of split screen.


Gu Xi held his head and swept everything on the dressing table to the ground.

After the whistling sound, the air was filled with a strong perfume smell.

"Smell the flute!"

"Pity, pity?"

Father Gu patted the door outside, heard Gu Xi's yelling, and directly came in.

"Sorry, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Xi shouted to hold his head to vent.

"Sorry, calm down." Gu Father pulled her from a pile of broken glass and pressed it on the bed: "Sorry, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Xi panicked Gu father: "Dad, am I going to go to jail? I don't go to jail."

"No." Gu Father comforted her: "Dad will find a way to prevent you from going to jail, you can rest assured."



Gu Xi gasped, her expression relaxed slightly.

Just when Gu father breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard Gu Xi's vicious voice: "I want to smell the flute to die, I want her to be infamy, Dad, I want her to be infamy!"

Why is she so beautiful?

Why should she marry her Gu family with her humble mother? Take up her mother's place?

Why can she shine in the entertainment industry?

Why is she!

She hates the flute!

She wants to step on her feet!

Father Gu thought of the current situation, all because of the smell of the flute.

If she wasn't in the middle, why wouldn't Axiu forgive herself?

How can I make Xixi come to this step!

Although Gu Gu tried to find a relationship, he was not very optimistic in the end.

After all, Mingshu did not withdraw his complaint, did not accept mediation, and even saw their faces.

Finally, we can only wait for judgment.

After the sentence was handed down, Gu Father found a relationship again and took Gu Xi out.

But Gu Xi must not appear on the screen.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Gu Xi.

If she can't appear on the screen, how can she step on Wendi under her feet?

Gu Xi thought of Cui Jingyang.

She disguised herself to find Cui Jingyang.

However, Hengfeng Group has recently undergone major changes, and Cui Jingyang has long been self-sufficient.

Only then did he realize that so many people around him were dissatisfied with him.

Gu Xi didn't even see Cui Jingyang's face.

Knowing Cui Jingyang's current situation, Gu Xi also knew it was useless to find him.

Does she really want to hide?

Do not……

She is not reconciled!


Three months later.

The president of Hengfeng Group was replaced.

Although Cui Jingyang was not swept out of the house, he has lost momentum and his former glory has become the past.

He is now writing on the Internet-the perverted loser.


He is a loser...

Ha ha ha...


The bright and beautiful Cui Ershao stood before him, with a face similar to him, with a three-pointed smile.

"How to make myself look like this."

"Come and see my joke?" Cui Jingyang's gaze is overcast: "You better kill me now, otherwise you will regret it."

"I think so." Cui Ershao shrugged: "Before you were standing high, looking at our brothers with nostrils, now..."

Cui Ershao smiled and deliberately dragged a long voice: "But I don't dare to move your life. Granny Aunt asked for it."

Cui Jingyang frowned.

Auntie Granny...

who is it? !

"Is there anyone behind you?" Cui Jingyang reacted and got up from the ground, grabbing Cui Ershao's collar: "Who is it?"

"Brother, don't be excited!"

"Who is counting me!!"

Cui Ershao did not struggle, let Cui Jingyang grab him.

He responded slowly: "This big brother also knows."

Does he know?

"who is it?"

"Smell the flute."

Smell... smell the flute?

How could she be? How could she have such a great ability.

"She gave me a lot of things. I can sit in today's position. She pushed it with one hand."

Cui Ershao didn't know why Grandpa Auntie emphasized that she must tell his elder brother that she did it.

But he did not dare not listen to what the aunt said.

Someone gave him the pot, and it was him who took the advantage.

Cui Ershao broke Cui Jingyang's hand, pushed him away, and patted his folds with his fingers.

"Brother, anyhow, brothers, I will not do too well, you can do it yourself."

Cui Jingyang fell to the ground.

Why is it smelling flute...

Cui Jingyang saw Mingshu at night.

Mingshu still came in through the window, and met Cui Jingyang as soon as he came in.

"Hey... startled me."

She jumped into the window, clapped her hands, and smiled and asked, "Are you waiting for me?"

"Smell the flute..." Cui Jingyang sat on the chair, his face unclear: "What are you doing here? You want to fall into the well? I am like this, are you still not satisfied?"


Cui Jingyang: "..."

Mingshu smiled, "I'm here to take you out of the sea of ​​suffering."

Cui Jingyang: "..."

Mingshu touched the golden stone and walked towards Cui Jingyang.

She frowned and said: "Let's stop talking nonsense, get the job done quickly, everyone is good."

Cui Jingyang watched her approach silently, as if she had seen life and death, detached from the world.

Just when Mingshu walked him half a meter away.

Cui Jingyang suddenly got up, shining a knife with cold light, and stabbed towards Mingshu.

The knife that was supposed to stab, stab the air.

The person who was standing in front of him just suddenly disappeared in front of him.

Cui Jingyang jumped wildly.

The hairs all over his body stood upright, telling him that he was in danger.

But it's too late...

Danger strikes from behind.


Cui Jingyang screamed and was kicked to the ground.

Mingshu is condescending: "Tell you well, you have to do it, you can't beat me, what do you want to do?"

Cui Jingyang: "..."

The back hurts...

Cui Jingyang felt like he was broken.

He couldn't move on the ground.

Ming Shu squatted in front of him: "Did you regret it and blocked me for a woman?"

Cui Jingyang gritted his teeth.

Does he regret it?

I regret it!

If it wasn't for provoke her, how could he fall to this end!

"It's ok."

Mingshu touched the gold is a stone, warm smile between his eyebrows.

"Anyway, the people who met me will regret most of you, but there are not many, and you are not many."

The golden stone touched his eyebrows.

Unfamiliar and familiar memories swarmed.

The shock in his pupils turned into terror.


Twenty days passed in June!

There are still six thousand monthly tickets to work hard! ! Little angels! come on! Come on!

Six thousand six thousand!

Six thousand monthly tickets! !

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