Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1357: Killer first (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#蛇精头条: Shu Ran pretends to be sick and scared if he doesn't fit a word#

Tick ​​Tick--

Ming Shu opened his eyes and saw the floor clock swinging in front of his eyes.

She was lying on the ground with her head at this time, her head pressed against her arm, as if she fell suddenly.

The ground was covered with down blankets, and the dull carpet was scattered with a few white pills.

She sat with her head covered.

The head was dull and uncomfortable.

Ming Shu slowed down and began to look at the room.

The tones of the entire room are very depressing, and in the room, Mingshu can't see many decorations.

The black curtains were pulled tightly, and a faint light penetrated through the gap.

Mingshu got up and pulled the curtains away, and the sudden light made her uncomfortable.

Outside is a garden with a pool. Someone is building flowers and plants. Next to the pool, there are also servants setting up a buffet table.

Ming Shu narrowed his eyes for a moment.

Turn around and walk outside the room.

However, the door seemed to be locked and could not be opened at all.

Mingshu looked at his pajamas and looked at the medicine bottles scattered on the table.

She decisively decided not to waste her physical strength, and sat back on the bed and began to accept the memory.

Shu Ran.

The pearl on Shu's palm.

When the Shu family's parents were young, they worked **** a lot of family business, which was a positive teaching material from scratch.

Life was happy and happy.

However, in an accident, both the Shu family's parents passed away, and Shu Ran inherited his business.

She was not yet a teenager. Her uncle and her family, because she didn't understand the company, tempted her to control the Shu family property for her.

The uncle is amiable and helps her to hold a funeral for her parents and comfort her.

Shu Ran had just lost her loved ones. At this time, someone was kind to her, and of course he trusted the uncle with all his heart.

So the uncle's family moved in because of taking care of her.

At first, the uncle treated her well.

It was Shu Xue, the uncle's daughter, who would occasionally argue with her.

At this time, the uncle is always towards her.

Because Uncle treats her well, Shu Ran always asks Shu Xue, and Shu Xue will become more and more excessive, and then be reprimanded by Uncle.

Such a day has just passed for two years.

One day, Shu Ran suddenly began to hallucinate.

Uncle took her to see the doctor. The doctor said that she would have hallucinations because she missed her parents too much. There was no big problem, and she was prescribed a tranquilizer.

But Shu Ran found that his problems were getting worse.

Shu Ran knew that he had no problems.

But the doctor said she had a mental illness.

She was prescribed a lot of medicine.

The uncle did not allow her to go out, and she could still be active in the villa at first.

Gradually, you can only move on one floor.

Finally, she was locked in the room.

The uncle always kindly told her that she would be well, as long as he listened to the doctor, he would be well.

However, gradually Shu Ran found that he seemed really sick.

Shu Ran should have taken too much medicine, and his emotions were too excited, leading to death.

The uncle was not a good person at first sight.

The original owner is good, how can suddenly start to hallucinate?

Finally diagnosed with mental illness?

Shu Ran’s parents did not inherit their ancestry, so Shu Ran’s uncle was naturally only jealous.

But Shu Ran’s parents were not bad to them, and gave them some shares, so they paid dividends every year.

But compared to the Shu family's industry, that little money is definitely not enough to watch.

Shu Ran's parents died.

Leaving a minor daughter.

Uncle Shu Ran is normal even if he has an idea.

Mingshu straightened her memory, she is now locked in the room...

How do I eat!

Mingshu turned up, but his head was dizzy... fell down again.


Mingshu lay in bed for a while.

There is nothing to eat in the room-except medicine.

This body has small arms and legs, at first glance is a weak chicken.

Mingshu remembered that he also had a harmony number, a mobile snack mall.

And now there is no halo value.

Dare not give it!

[...] Not dare, everything serves the host.

Mingshu was sitting on the bed and unpacking snacks.

It was already half past three in the afternoon, and the original owner had eaten something in the morning, and no one had brought her meals at noon.

The original principal was ill and took too much medicine...

It may be hungry.


Mingshu felt that his body was not so uncomfortable, and lifted his sleeves to the door.

——I have a master key!

Open the door?

I am not so violent.

Waste more energy.

Ming Shu opened the door and there was a corridor outside, also in that dull color.

This was not the case here before.

This happened later.

It is estimated that I want to make the original owner crazy faster.

This is the fourth floor of the villa. This floor is uninhabitable. The rest of the rooms are either debris or entertainment rooms.

The original owner originally lived on the second floor.

But the uncle reasoned that she was quiet.

Let her move to the fourth floor.

There are two reasons for moving here.

The first reason is that Shu Xue took a fancy to her room. When she first moved in, Shu Xue had trouble.

But at that time, they just moved in, and Uncle Shu Ran naturally reprimanded Shu Xue fiercely.

Now that she has been diagnosed with mental illness by doctors, Shu Xue certainly did.

The second reason is that she is afraid to run.

After all, the fourth floor is so much taller that it is more difficult to run than the second floor.

Mingshu walked up to the stairs on the fourth floor, where a door was added.


The aroma of the kitchen food is pervasive, and the maid is busy.

"Hurry up. Miss today, please invite classmates. Is the cake ready?"

"What are you doing over there?"

"That won't work, redo it!"

The housekeeper was directing the person to do things, and Yu Guang suddenly saw a figure coming in at the main entrance.

The girl was wearing a one-piece nightdress and her hair was randomly scattered behind her head, which was a little messy.

The girl's facial features are exquisite, her face unpolished, slightly pale, and has a soft beauty.

She walked into the noisy kitchen.

The maid in the kitchen suddenly seemed to be pressed the pause button.

They looked at her one after another.

In the kitchen, only the sound of gurgling soup was rolling.

Ming Shu walked to the long table without squinting, picked up the prepared snacks, and stuffed one in his mouth.

"Who let her come down!" The housekeeper reacted, and scolded: "I'm not happy to take her up, let the classmates of the lady see what to do!"

Shouted by the housekeeper, the servant closest to Mingshu immediately stepped forward and grabbed Mingshu's arm.

"Miss, why are you down, hurry back and don't mess up here."

The maid was not polite.

There was a young lady in her mouth, but her attitude seemed to be her master.

She dragged Mingshu to the outside.

Mingshu was dragged back several steps.

Mingshu put the snack in his hand into his mouth, held the servant's wrist with his backhand, and twisted it out.


The maid screamed.

Her wrist was choked, and she couldn't pull back.

This scream made the kitchen fall into a strange quiet.

After Ming Shu released his hand, he smiled slightly at the servant: "Don't touch me."

There was a trace of terror in the maid's distorted face.

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