Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1358: Killer first (2)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

In the strange eyes of the servants, Mingshu walked back to the long table and continued to eat with snacks.

The housekeeper stared at her for a few seconds.

"Stunned what to do, quickly bring people back!"

The housekeeper didn't think much about it. When he was ill, he had a lot of energy.

He only thought it was sick again.

Mingshu stood at the long table, raised his head slightly, and looked at the servant who was approaching.

She smiled lightly.

"The owner of this villa seems to be me?"

The servants here are all invited later, only knowing that the original owner is Mr. Shu's niece.

For other things, it is naturally unclear. At this time, listening to Mingshu said that most of them still think that she is ill.

The owner of this villa is obviously Mr. Shu.

But the housekeeper knew.

She is right.

The owner of this villa is her.

It's Shu Ran.

The butler looked at Mingshu with some shock. Is her mental state okay now?

But it looks different...

That's a weird smile!

Wouldn't it be worse?

The butler thought it was very possible. He gave his servant a wink: "Hurry up and get her."

The maid who stopped just now stepped forward again.

These servants have no effort and are easy to handle, but this body is too weak.

Mingshu took the big cake from the long table.

She is still full to solve this group of people.

I was ashamed of my failure to pretend to fail.

The butler was shocked by Ming Shuli's solution to the three servants, and watched Ming Shu take the cake upstairs.

"Govern...the housekeeper..." the servant whispered.

The butler turned to God and told the servant: "Go to see if she is back upstairs. If you go back, lock the door and don't let her run out."


After eating the cake, Mingshu sat on the bed and thought for a while. After she finished thinking, it was dark outside.

The lights outside the window were bright and loud, and she could hear it here.

Mingshu took out a cell phone that he just ordered from below.

Her cell phone?

There is only one clock in her room here, or a floor clock... there are no electronic products in the room.

Mingshu leaned against the window and tried to unlock.

However, without the aid of tools, she couldn't guess what the owner of the phone set the password to.

"Harmony, it's time to show your true technology."


The mobile phone screen flashes to enter the homepage.

Mingshu drew a somewhat old notebook from under the bed, and after turning it over, he found a number.

She dialed by the number.

It took a while to pick it up.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Lawyer Jiang, I am Shu Ran." Ming Shu turned his notebook at random: "Can you please come over?"

"Miss Shu Ran?" Lawyer Jiang was surprised: "You..."

Lawyer Jiang is a lawyer with Shu Ran's good parental relationship. These things, such as inheritance, are the hands of this lawyer.

And Shu Ran's parents also told her that this lawyer Jiang can trust.

Lawyer Jiang has visited her before and seems to want to determine her condition.

He also brought a doctor, but at that time, the original owner really had a problem, and the answer given by the doctor was naturally suffering from mental illness.

Later, because the original owner's condition became worse, Lawyer Jiang never saw her again.

The original owner once wanted to contact him, but unfortunately she couldn't get out in the villa, and she didn't have any communication tools, so there was no way to contact him.

Lawyer Jiang probably also thinks that she is really crazy.

But at this time, she called him in a very normal tone.

Lawyer Jiang's tone slightly dignified: "Now see me?"

"Yes, now, is it convenient?"

"Okay, I'll be there in an hour." Lawyer Jiang's voice over there seemed to have got up and went out.

"Take more people," Mingshu said slowly: "Let's not fight for a while and lose momentum."

Lawyer Jiang: "..."

As a lawyer...

Is he going to fight? !

Lawyer Jiang was a bit suspicious in his heart. Is this one good or not?

Before he asked, Mingshu had hung up the phone.

Ming Shu closed his notebook and looked in the direction of the pool.

She didn't want to avenge the original owner, but now that she wanted to live here, she had to clean up some bad things, so as not to disturb her snacking.

Mingshu stood for a while and turned to open the closet.

The clothes in the closet looked a bit old, and she was obviously cut short.

This is estimated to be two years ago...

And judging from the memory of the original owner, these clothes are still not needed by Shu Xue.

Mingshu took a set of skirts from Little Animal Space and put them on.

Just pull down your hair, ready to go.

The door was unlocked, but the door going down the fourth floor was locked again.

Mingshu opened the door, no one on the third floor, and there were several little girls standing on the second floor.

Seeing Mingshu coming down from the third floor, it was a strange face, and stopped talking.

After looking at her for a moment, she whispered again.

"Who is this?"

"Don't know... Cher's friend?"

"No, didn't Xueer invite all of our classmates?"

"She looks a little bit..."

A few girls' voices were not loud, but the corridor was quiet, and they all passed to Mingshu's ears without a word.


The next door was opened.

"I changed it, let's go..."

When the girl in the princess dress saw Mingshu, her beautiful eyes widened slightly and subconsciously asked, "What are you doing down here? How did you come down?"

"Walk down, can't you see?"

Ming Shu smiled in a miserable manner, not quite the same as Shu Xue had seen her in recent years.

That smile...

I always feel uncomfortable.

She frowned slightly: "Who opened the door for you?"

"Who wants me to open it? Can't I open it myself?"

"Xue'er, who is this?" a few little girls next to me asked.

Shu Xue remembered that there were people beside him.

She hurriedly said: "You go down to play first, I will come to you later."

Several girls looked at him suspiciously.

Obviously curious, Mingshu's identity.

Shu Xue drove people down, she stared at Mingshu fiercely: "Crazy, you wait for me."

Mingshu smiled at her slightly.

Lift your feet and go downstairs.

"Stop!" Shu Xue is calling the housekeeper, seeing Mingshu going down, and scolding: "Who allows you to go down!"

She stopped Mingshu and the phone was over. She immediately said: "Butler, Shu Ran, how did the madman run down, and almost scared my classmate, you hurry up and deal with... Ah..."

Shu Xue's eyes swirled forward and back on the ground.

Even if the hallway was covered with carpet, she felt that her internal organs had been thrown out.

"You're quite heavy." Mingshu withdrew his hand and gasped: "It's time to lose weight. It's not good for girls to be so heavy."

Shu Xue's eyes widened.

I don't seem to believe that she fell to the ground by her.

Mingshu rubbed his arm: "Don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

"you you……"

Shu Xue has been with you for a long time, and the shock in his eyes has gradually been replaced by anger without you having a reason.

How could she become like this?

The onset is not very similar...

Shu Xue's heart beat like thunder, and his heart was a little uneasy.

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