Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1372: Killer first (16)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


Shu Hang was so troubled by Shu mother that she hadn't slept for a day.

Today, Mother Shu is not always there. He relaxes a little and prepares to sleep.

However, when he woke up, he found himself no longer in the hospital.

There are two dilapidated lights hanging above the head, dim light, lighting all around.

This is an empty waste factory.

He was tied to the chair in the middle.

Unpleasant smell in the air.


Shu Hang struggled.

The ropes that tied him were harder and tighter.

"Hmm..." Who tied him here? Shu Ran? Or the mother-in-law of his family?

Various thoughts flashed in Shu Hang's mind.

No matter who it is, the most important thing now is to leave here.

Shu Hang blushed, the rope didn't break away, but the chair fell to the ground, and he fell with it. He swallowed gray.

At this moment.

Shu Hang heard footsteps.

He rubbed half a circle on the ground, looking up in the direction of footsteps.

The handsome man was surrounded by people.


The man looked at Shu Hang's anxious eyes and commanded: "Help Mr. Shu up."

Shu Hang sat on the chair again, and he stared at the man in front of him: "Hmm..."

The man lifted his chin slightly.

The sealant on Shu Hang's mouth was torn off.

"Who are you, why did you tie me here?"

Without restraint, Shu Hang roared immediately.

He doesn't know this person.

"Don't be excited, Mr. Shu, I'm looking for you, I just have something to say to you."

"I don't know you." Shu Hang was alert and his heart was beating heartily: "You have something to tell me, do you need this?"

Man: "This is to prevent Mr. Shu from cooperating. Mr. Shu does not know me, but he must know Cai Yuanpeng."

Shu Hang seemed to be pressed the pause button.

Cai Yuanpeng...that doctor.

The man was pacing twice in situ, as if thinking about something, and seemingly giving him time to think.


Shu Hang's voice was hoarse.

He looked at the man and calmed down after being panicked at first.

"who are you?"

The man smiled and said, "I am not Mr. Shu's enemy. On the contrary, I can help you and get what you want."

What does he want?

Shu family's industry?

This is what he always wanted.

Shu Hang swallowed subconsciously: "Cai Yuanpeng... Did you kill it?"

The man did not deny: "Cai Yuanpeng, I have solved it for you. As long as you don't say it, no one will know. What you did to the only heir of the Shu family is a gift I gave to Mr. Shu."

He really killed him!

Shu Hang thought back and forth, and finally gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Mr. Shu is a person who understands, I don't turn around with Mr. Shu, I am looking for something."

The man next to the man unfolded a piece of paper in front of Shu Hang.

"Mr. Shu has seen this thing before."

Shu Hang stared at something on the paper, it was an ordinary box.

There are only patterns on the surface.

The six-pointed star is composed of two triangles overlapping upside down.

Inside is a flower... also a bit like grass, four-leaf clover pattern.

"what is this?"

The man said: "I need Mr. Shu Hang to help me find this box."

Shu Hang: "I haven't seen it, how can I find it?"

"This thing is definitely in the Shu family. Mr. Shu will find it as long as he works hard."

Shu Hang wondered: "You know the Shu family, why don't you go find yourself?"

The man said: "Mr. Shu doesn't know your relatives better? Where will they put this thing? I believe you will know much better than me and find it easier."

His loved ones?

Shu Hang looked at the man in shock.

Shu Ran's parents, his younger brother-in-law?

Between the electric light and the flint, Shu Hang said incredulously: "My brother's death..."

The man raised his index finger.

Shu Hang only felt a breath of coolness running straight from his feet.

"Mr. Shu, as a reward, I will make Mr. Shu the heir of the Shu family."


"If Mr. Shu can't find what I need, then Cai Yuanpeng's death may require Mr. Shu to bear."

This is a clear threat.

Shu Hang's heart sank. This man killed Cai Yuanpeng, and he must have left some evidence.

If he does not agree, he will be responsible for Cai Yuanpeng's death.

The man continued: "Ah, yes, and your daughter."

"What did you do to my daughter?"

Shu Hang probably really loved Shu Xue. Hearing this, he immediately blew his hair.

"You can do anything, don't move my daughter, she doesn't know anything."

"Don't be nervous, Miss Shu is lively and lovely. I like it very much and won't hurt her."



Shu Hang walked hauntedly on the street.

He found a public phone and called Shu Xue, and it was quickly connected there.

"Where are you Xueer?"

"School." Shu Xue's tone was a little weak: "Daddy, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, don't go to school, go home first."

"Dad, you apologize to Mom, I won't go back recently."


There was only a beeping busy tone on the phone.

She is fine, but the man said that if he does not cooperate, Cher may not be fine...


He had never seen that box...

Where to go?

Just when Shu Hang was covered with fog and wondering where to start, several police cars roared, and the people on the car came down to surround him.

"Mr. Shu Hang, please come with us."

There was a momentary blank in Shu Hang's mind.

"For... why?"

"You are suspected of murder." Police official: "Please cooperate with us in the investigation."

Shu Hang's tight string was broken.

Didn’t the man say that he wanted to find the box?

Why did the police come to the door so quickly?

It may be that the successive mental tensions made Shu Hang unable to calm down. He shouted: "I haven't... I didn't kill it, it has nothing to do with me."

The police's eyes changed slightly.

"Mr. Shu, please cooperate with our investigation."

Shu Hang was forced to take a police car.

At the police station, Shu Hang saw Ming Shu sitting inside, his face suddenly black.

Not that man.

Ming Shu greeted Shu Hang with a smile and received his pot.

Shu Hang was locked in until he realized that Mingshu took the recording and called the police to say that he would murder her.

The day of the recording, she came to find herself and forced herself to record.

At that time she asked a lot of questions, and Shu Hang couldn't remember what she said.

Anyway, he only knew that she knew everything she had done.

But she didn't do anything to herself except to beat him...

The key is that the police found a drug on Cai Yuanpeng, exactly the same as the lawyer Jiang had tested before.

But the police detected a substance that had never been seen.

For the time being, the police only know that this substance can cause hallucinations, and the police suspect it is a new type of drug.

This drug was also found at Shuhang.

Before Shu Ran's medicine, he was in charge, maybe he forgot to throw it away.

At this time, Shu Hang was forced to say those words even if he was sophistry, but this drug could not be explained.

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