Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1373: Killer first (17)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Sir, Shu Hang was caught."

In the villa, someone is reporting the news to the man.

The man raised his head slightly, his face unclear: "Caught?"

The man nodded: "The police took him away, Shu Ran reported the police..."

They worked hard to ask Shu Hang to help them, but the girl got the police into the police.

He didn't even know what to say...

The man remained silent for a long time.

He suddenly raised his hand and shot down the ornament next to it.

The man was startled and lowered his head.

The whole space fell into a strange silence.

I don’t know how long after that, the man’s deep voice sounded: "What happened to K?"

The man quickly replied: "The civil strife, the person who took our list, seems to be the number one killer in their organization, but there is no reply for the time being, and the situation is unknown."

The man said indifferently: "Then find someone else, get rid of Shu Ran as soon as possible, take over the Shu family, and find something!"

"Sir, you said, will Shu Ran know?"

"Cai Yuanpeng didn't ask anything?" The man's eyes were deep, and if asked, he didn't have to be so troublesome.

"Sir... Cai Yuanpeng betrayed you, he may have concealed."

The man was silent for a while: "To live."



Lawyer Mingshu and Jiang came out of the police station.

Lawyer Jiang did not want to pursue the recording of where Mingshu came from.

He is just a lawyer.

To protect the best interests of their employers exist!

Lawyer Jiang kept hypnotizing himself before he stopped his urge to send his little employer in.

He looked back at the badge of the police station.

Guilty Guilty.

He inquired about the kind of medicine in Cai Yuanpeng's hands, and it seemed to have a bright future.

Shu Hang was involved in it. I'm afraid it was not so easy to come up with.

Lawyer Jiang was a little worried: "Miss Shu Ran, do you think it is a bit strange, if Shu Hang did not kill that Cai Yuanpeng, who would have killed it?"

He found this very strange.

Shu Hang's attempt to kill the doctor was barely reasonable.

"Where do I know." Mingshu held the milk and sucked in a small mouth: "Maybe it was his former enemy. This is the police's business. It has nothing to do with us. Don't worry about it and don't give you snacks. "


What a coincidence.

Lawyer Jiang did not believe it, but Mingshu didn't care much. No matter what he said, she was interested in the lack of it.

He could only shut up and decided to investigate in secret.

Lawyer Jiang sent Mingshu back to the villa.

"Miss Shu Ran, you have been careful recently, don't go out alone."

Lawyer Jiang couldn't help but tell Mingshu.

Mingshu nodded, indicating that she knew, she waved her hand and entered the villa.

"Find someone again..."

Mingshu pushed the door in, and Xuan Ge's voice stopped abruptly.

"Who are you looking for?"

Yi Qiao moved away from Xuan Ge: "Aren't you dissatisfied with the color of the room? I've found you again."

"Where did you go today?" Yi Qiao quickly changed the subject: "You didn't go to school today?"

"I sent Shu Hang in." Ming Shu's tone was casual as if the weather was good today.

Yi Qiao just wanted to nod, but then stopped suddenly.

What did Miss Shu Ran just say?

Have Shu Hang been sent in?

Where did it go?

Mingshu walked upstairs, halfway through. She paused and lay on the armrest to look down: "Mr. Tutor, don't you make up the class today?"

Xuan Ge raised his head slightly and met Mingshu's smiling eyes.

For a moment, Xuan Ge felt that the heart in his chest was beating too fast.

This should not appear to him.

Yi Qiao just recovered, and immediately said, "Miss, you..."

Mingshu was too lazy to explain, and interrupted him directly: "Uncle Yi, let me have dinner today, I won't come down to eat."

Anyway, there will be news soon, and she can know without her saying.

Mingshu disappeared on the stairs.

Yi Qiao frowned, looking at Xuan Ge: "Where did she send Shu Hang?"

Xuan Ge has resumed its usual carelessness: "I don't know."

Xuan Ge walked upstairs and Yi Qiao whispered: "Trouble you."

"Fair trade, I help you protect her, you help me say a few words, and take what you need."

Yi Qiao's eyes were dull: "Do you know who is going to kill Miss Shu Ran?"

"The rules haven't changed. You should know that we don't know who the buyer is."

Xuan Ge went upstairs, he walked quietly, like a ghost.


In the room, Ming Shu tilted his legs to play the mobile phone.

Xuan Ge went back to the room to get the tutoring things, and came in and saw her so heroic.

It really is……

Xuan Ge put down the book, dragged his chair and sat down, casually said: "Today Friday."

"I know."

"You didn't go to school."

"Well, no need to emphasize, I know I didn't go."

"You really don't remember?"

Mingshu put down his mobile phone: "Mr. Tutor, what the **** do you want to say?" Guli is weird.

Xuan Ge lowered his eyes and opened the book: "Nothing, start class."

Xuan Ge gave examples and asked Mingshu to do them.

Mingshu did it fast every time, as if he was in a hurry, but most of them were wrong.

"I told you a few days ago, how did you do it wrong?"

Mingshu got him to look at him: "I won't make a mistake next time."

Xuan Ge: "..."

You say this every time!

Xuan Ge spoke again from the beginning.

Mingshu was next to him, her breath was too close, Xuange said a few seconds to say a word.


"Huh." Mingshu nodded and chin hit his arm.

Xuan Ge yanked his hand back: "You... do it again."

He got up and walked to the window.

Seeing her now, Xuan Ge felt something was wrong.

Not to mention her inadvertent touch.

This feeling……

The cool breeze outside the window blew away the strangeness of the body.

He took a deep breath and went back to continue the make-up.

After completing the last question, Mingshu threw the pen and stretched: "I'm so hungry."

Mingshu looked at the time and found it was too early.

In the usual time just after school...

Xuan Ge packed up things in silence, ready to go out.

The dress was slightly heavy, and he looked back.

The girl dragged him by the clothes and looked up at him, his eyes light and soft, his heartbeat could not help but he lost his regularity.


"I look at your injury."


"Let's see." Mingshu was not at ease.

Xuan Ge: "..."

Xuan Ge pulled the shirt out and opened it slightly, revealing only the location of the wound.

Mingshu put one hand on his waist and one hand opened the dressing on the wound.

The wound has healed and the flesh has grown.

"No need to change medicine." Mingshu's fingertips flicked across the edge of the wound.

Her fingers were warm and touched her skin, bringing a touch of touch he had never felt before.

His eyes were always sloppy, and at this moment it was slightly dull.

The physical appearance made him have no change in expression all year round, and there was a slight difference.

"Just watched..."

The words behind Xuan Ge seemed to be blocked in his throat.

The delicate and warm touch on his waist seemed to take away his breath at that moment.

"……let me go."

He added that sentence, but his voice was barely audible.


Someone who writes love letters: woo woo woo... I waited all night, and nobody came.

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